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C&C3 Mod SDK and WB FAQ
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Light Infantry

Joined: 21 May 2008

PostPosted: Thu Sep 23, 2010 4:02 pm    Post subject:  C&C3 Mod SDK and WB FAQ
Subject description: Updated 4/3/2014
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This is the C&C3 Mod SDK Q&A thread that will answer most of the Mod SDK and WB questions regarding to C&C3 and KW (some Q&A are from JonWil). Just remember that some links that lead to “” are in German language. Please do not post anything else in this thread other than questions and their matching answers unless some topics are not covered in the FAQ. I want to make this FAQ as clear and comprehensive as possible.

C&C3/KW Modding Q&A
Note: The first seven questions are based from a modder (credits to Celestial for the info) from another gaming forum because the very first seven questions are informative and important. Some answers have been modified specifically for C&C3/KW.
Note 2: Some GameFront links need to be updated since they have a file download restriction. Any download links inactive for 60 days with no one downloading will be automatically deleted. They need to be uploaded somewhere else such as Moddb or Strategy Informer so they can’t be deleted even though no one is downloading it for a long period of time.

1. What is a mod?
The word “mod” stands for modification. It’s a shorthand term which refers to people who change the basic game mechanics into something of their own creation (Although this only really applies to custom skins or other art). Mods are usually a combination of user created art (Skins, icons, and menu items) and modifications of the game statistics, and of course making total new units, with their own specifications.

2. Why do people make mods?
There are different reasons why people can make a mod, sometimes it’s because the creator wants to add realism or just change statistics that he/she thinks should be changed to balance the game. Often the goal is to make it more historical, but even this is a personal taste.

3. What can be changed in a mod and what can’t?
C&C3 Tiberium Wars and/or Kane’s Wrath can be edited practically almost everything, except for some hardcoded key parts of the game.

4. How can I see whether a mod is loaded when I start the game?
In some mods the main menu Graphical User Interface (or GUI) is changed or with custom art, or sounds. You can also check in the multiplayer list if you can join all games. Of course when you launch a skirmish game or single-player campaign you can see the actual gameplay changes. If nothing is changed in-game you have to go back to your mod folder and see what you did wrong or did not include.

5. Can I play online ranked multiplayer games when a mod is loaded?
When you load a mod, it will prevent the user from playing in ranked online multiplayer games unless another user has the exact same version of the mod loaded.

6. When I install a mod, can I still play C&C3/KW?
Yes, most mods will not affect your main C&C3/KW files, so it will not prevent you from playing normal C&C3/KW games. In C&C Generals and older C&C games, it is possible that mods can affect the original files and affect the entire game(s). Some total conversion and/or balance mods for C&C3/KW may affect the original files as well.

7. Can I install and/or load multiple mods at the same time?
Yes, mods will usually not be in conflict with each other, unless the mod folder has the same name, or when SKUDEF and BIG files are in conflict with each other. Two or more mods cannot be loaded simultaneously due to the different variables of the mods being changed in most cases.

8. What do I need to run a C&C3 Mod SDK and how to use it?
C&C3 Mod SDK v5 works only under C&C3 patch 1.09. All you need are:
C&C3 Mod SDK v5:
Bibber's extra CNC3 files:
MS DotNet Framework 2.0:
Visual C++ 2005 SP1:

1) When extracting Bibber's extra CNC3 files, put them into the MOD SDK folder where it is installed in your C&C3 game directory. Files required for C&C3 Mod SDK are mostly inside Bibber's extra CNC3 files. Overwrite the files when necessary. When using Bibber's buildmod executable (notably the modified RA3 Mod Build Studio):
--Make sure your mod.str is in the "mods\your mod name\misc\data" directory.
--For sound files, path directory is "mods\your mod name\audio\sounds"
--For music files, path directory is "mods\your mod name\audio\music"
--For AptUI files, path directory is "mods\your mod name\data\AptUI"
--For art/texture asset files, path directory is "your mod name\assets".
--For art/texture files with W3X, DDS and/or TGA files, path directory is "your mod name\art\your custom unit or structure" For portrait images and other textures, path is "your mod name\art\images".
--For custom videos, path is "mods\your mod name\Misc\Data\Videos" (applies to all recent C&C games)
--For map files, path directory is "mods\your mod name\Misc\Data\maps" (applies to all recent C&C games)
--For INI files, path directory is "mods\your mod name\Misc\Data\INI" (does not apply to RA3)
2) If you are using Bibber's C&C Asset Extractor, files will be extracted as ASSET format unless when specified to extract as source files such as W3dMesh, W3dCollisionBox, W3dContainer, W3dHierarchy, W3dAnimation, TGA/DDS textures and WAV sounds.
3) If you prefer to use the original buildmod.bat by EA or an edited version of the buildmod.bat to compile your mod, do not use the DOS Command Prompt and type in the entire path to build and compile your mod. The shortcut to this is by making a shortcut for the batch file which simplies the process. After you create a shortcut, edit the shortcut and add in your mod name after the directory path of the batch executable. It will correspond to the mod name folder you create in the C&C3 Mod SDK "Mods" directory. When you are ready to compile your mod, run the edited shortcut.

9. Where can I get a better buildmod executable other than EALA's own buildmod.bat?
Bibber's modified RA3 Mod BuildStudio is the best buildmod program so far, but if you're not satisfied with that, you can try those other compilation buildmod executables:
a) Codecat's version of the buildmod.bat:
B) Thundermods version of the buildmod.bat:
c) There is also a manifest and crash fix for the buildmod.bat:
Crash fix:
Manifest fix:

10. What are the system requirements for C&C3/KW WorldBuilder and C&C3 Mod SDK?
They are the same as C&C3 (Pentium 4 2.0 GHz, 512 MB RAM, 64 MB 3D video card). However for KW WorldBuilder, it requires Pentium 4 2.2 GHz, 1.5 GB RAM and 64+ MB 3D video card. The KW game itself uses more RAM than C&C3 by the way.

11. Is there a C&C3 Mod SDK and/or C&C3/KW WorldBuilder for MAC or Linux for download?
No. Most game mods are not MAC or Linux compatible so EA does not support these very much. As for the WorldBuilder, its pretty much the same thing too.

12. How can I get started on C&C3 modding? Where can I get some C&C3 modding tutorials?
Most C&C websites are down for some of the good tutorials unless if there are some modders know of existing sites that involve with C&C3 modding. Here are some of the ones available:

For UV mapping:
For animations (yes it done from generals but its done in the same kind of way):
For creating and animating a new vehicle and integrate into C&C3 Mod SDK:
Other FAQs to get started on C&C3 modding: Link1 Link2 Link3

13. Why cant I find certain buildings and/or units?
Certain units and structures were renamed at some point in the development cycle and the XML files have different names, as follows:
GDIArmory - GDI tech center
GDIMedicalBay - GDI armory
GDITerraformingStation - GDI sonic emitter
GDIAirTower - GDI airfield
GDIGolumCannon - GDI Guardian Cannon
NODDropZone - Nod War Factory
NODHangar - Nod Air Tower
NODRocketBunker - Nod Sam Turret
NODTechAssemblyPlant - Nod Tech Lab
NODTiberiumLiquidationFacility - Nod Tiberium Chemical Plant
NODRaiderTank - Nod Scorpion Tank
NODScorpionBuggy - Nod Raider Buggy
AlienControlCenter - Alien Nerve Center
AlienGateway - Alien Warp Sphere
AlienPowerProjector - Alien Reactor
AlienReactor - Alien Tech Assembler
AlienSporePod - Alien Growth Accelerator
AlienTiberiumTower - Alien Extractor
AlienWarpBeacon - Alien Gravity Stabilizer
AlienRazorDrones - Alien Disintegrator

The KW Units and Structures:
AlienBlinkMastermind - Alien Prodigy
AlienHive - Alien Warp Chasm
AlienCustomizableVehicle/AlienMillipedeBody/AlienMillipedeHead - Alien Mechapede
AlienStalker - Ravager
GDIAAScout - Slingshot
GDISonicTank - Shatterer
ImprovedSonicTank - Zone Shatterer
NodConfessorSquad - Confessor Cabal
NodBunkerTruck - Nod Reckoner
CyborgInfantry - Awakened
ImprovedCyborgInfantry - Enlightened
CustomWarmech - Purifier
WarmechFacility - Redeemer Engineering Facility
NodMetaUnit - Nod Redeemer
NodMobileArtillery - Nod Specter
NodPropagandaTower - Voice of Kane

14. Such errors like:
--I get the windows error reporting dialog when I run buildmod.bat.
--I get an error "Error: Could not load XIncludingReader from Mvp.Xml. Dll".
--I get an error "Critical: System.IO. FileNotFoundException: Could not load file or assembly 'antlr.runtime'.
--I get an error "The application has failed to start because its side-by-side configuration is incorrect.".
You need to install the prerequisites for the SDK. The easiest way to do that is you read Question 8, download what's required and install them.

15. I get an error "Error: GameObject has an unnamed module "", how do I fix it?
This error is harmless and can be ignored as long as it only appears once for a given GameObject. If you name the module id, this error wont show up.

16. I get an error "Error: Input file "" not found, how do I fix it?
If you have Bibbers extra C&C3 files, it contains the dummy art files. Jonwil also has a dummy art pack as well ( This will make the errors related to art included in the game files but missing from the SDK go away. If you still get the same "file not found" error, check your mod for spelling mistakes and files in the wrong place. If you are getting errors from a standard EA item regarding art (civilian building, prop, road, civilian unit, single player only faction building/unit, etc.) there is nothing you can do as that art does not exist outside of EA.

17. I get an error "Warning: Unknown asset "" referenced from "", what do I do?
The first possibility is that you made a typo somewhere in your XML, go back and check it. Also it can indicate that your SDK is corrupt, check the builtmods\cnc3xml folder. It should contain a file global.manifest that is 1,031,457 bytes in size (approx) and a file static.manifest that is 1,466,100 bytes in size (approx). If it does not contain those files, contains the files but they are the wrong size or contains any other files, you may need to run the SDK installer and select "repair" to correct the problem.

18. The SDK does not work and produces no .big file (or a .big file that is really small and contains just shaderwritingexample.fx), how do I fix it?
The main cause of this problem is errors output by BinaryAssetBuilder.exe when you run EAs Buildmod.bat itself. Go back and check the output from Buildmod.bat for errors. For Bibber's modified RA3 buildmod executable with his extra C&C3 files, the compiler automatically saves a backup for the mod (including a BIG file) even though the mod compiles correctly or not.

19. I get an error "Critical: System. FormatException:", how do I fix it?
You need to go into control panel then regional and language options then press "customize". Make sure that your decimal separator is set to a full stop and not a comma or anything else. This will make the errors go away.

20. How can I create separate low-detail models for my mod?
You create art that is the same as the normal art but low-detail. The objects (meshes, skeletons, bones, animations etc) have the same name as the normal art. The only difference is that you append _l to the end of the filename. So if the normal art is test.W3X, the low-detail art is test_l.W3X. The SDK will then take care of the rest and compile your low-detail art correctly. Bibbers RA3 Mod BuildStudio defaults to high-detail models.

21. How can I load my mod into WorldBuilder?
Edit the file CNC3_wb_1.0.cfg (or the latest version) and add the line "try-add-config" where is the full path to the .skudef file of your mod. Its highly recommended if you place your mod BIG file in the main C&C3 game directory where the full path of the .skudef file of your mod will be just that file name. C&C3 WorldBuilder will read your mod and allow you to place new material on maps. There is no C&C3 Worldbuilder Mod SDK available even though WBData.big was installed into C&C3, but the RA3 WB mod SDK did have one and the RA3 WBData.big was separated from the game installation. This method might also work with KW WorldBuilder via WrathEd.

22. How can I edit LUA scripts?
Open scripts.lua from the SDK and edit it. Make sure that it ends up as data\scripts.lua in your .big file. You may also wish to edit data\scriptevents.xml (extract that from the core\1.9\patch9.big file). Together both files give some potentially nice options for modders. For example you can trigger an event based on a given model condition or set of conditions (via the ModelConditionEvent tag) and based on a given object status (via the ObjectStatusEvent tag). It is not known what functions can be used inside these LUA scripts.

23. How can I edit STR and CSF files? (including Unicode and/or ANSI characters)
You need Bibber's String Editor:
You could translate some languages from English but you cannot save .str files in unicode (UTF-8) format since they can't be used ingame. All of these string and csf files are in English language.

24. Can I edit the XBOX 360 version of the game?
You cannot edit the XBOX 360 version of C&C3 and KW as all of the game data files are digitally signed using a key only Microsoft and EA have.

25. How can I extract BIG files from C&C3 and KW?
JonWil once has a CNC tool to extract BIG files for C&C3, KW, RA3 and C&C4 but now his CNCMods website with his links is somewhat dissipating. Do NOT use FinalBig with C&C3 and all recent C&C games because it WON'T work. I recommend you use Bibber's extra C&C3 tools that come with the BIG extractor which can extract anything from C&C Generals to C&C4.

26. How can I extract sounds and music from the game?
You can use Bibber's C&C Asset Extractor which can extract any sounds and music from C&C3 to C&C4 (highly recommended). See question 33. All sound effects, voice taunts and music audio are all extracted and saved in uncompressed wav format. You can also extract sound effects from the game using the binview.exe tool (see for the download and info on how to use it). You can also extract music from the game at this time thanks to JonWil's music decoder with the binview.exe tool as well.

27. How can I create a new (or modified) object that uses art from a prop, tree, rock, civilian building, civilian unit, bridge or single player-only faction building?
You need to use the buildmodcivasset.bat file when building your mod. Other than that, it should be the same as building any other mod.

28. How can I extract 3D models from the game and load them into 3D Studio Max?
You cannot extract complete 3D models from the game in a format that 3D Studio Max can use. Remember that 3D Studio Max can open MAX files and can import 3DR, 3DS, OBJ, SHP, DWG, and XML (VIZ material only) files. Bibber's C&C Asset Extractor can extract all art assets in W3X format but art files are split into animation, container, collision box, hierarchy and mesh types and they can be edited using any notepad editor. If you wish to see examples of game art, download the sample art packages from the EA mod web site. Some tools do exist (w3dm2ase and Laurens 3DSMax import tool) that can copy parts of a compiled W3X file into something 3D Studio Max and other 3D programs can use however they are unable to recover all the information (especially animation). I highly do not recommend using the BinOpener tool since any W3X model is to be split into w3dm, w3da, w3db, w3dc and w3dh files.

29. Is it possible to edit or create anything from Kane's Wrath into C&C3?
Yes, there are some possibilities but it's very much limited. Some possible changes from KW you could add/edit is
1) Nod Confessor and turned it into a Nod Confessor Squad or Confessor Cabal.
2) Engineer capture delay of three seconds to enemy structures (not neutral ones). This is done by Golan and CrazyGDIFan123.
3) Units such as MCVs, Engineers and Harvesters cannot be selected when pressing the "Q" key. (select all units on map)
4) Annihilator Tripod charges up on Tiberium and armed with a green laser just like the Reaper Tripod.
5) Shielded Harvester, Gun Walker and Seeker Tank shield upgrades (edited shield model has been done thanks to Madin)
6) Guardian Cannon and Rig get railguns when upgraded as part of the Railgun Upgrade.
7) Power Signature Scan support power can be used similar to the Tiberium Vibration Scan but scans only enemy power plants.
8) Most upgrades and unit abilities can work from KW into C&C3.

30. Can I edit Kane's Wrath?
Yes, you can now use the WrathEd tool to modify KW since WrathEd is now part of the KW Mod SDK. You need MS Dotnet Framework 4.0 in order to use this program tool. Due to the EA's licensing and terms of the KW content files, the original KW xml files (whom used by the KW Mod SDK team) cannot be released to the public and probably never will unless if someone gets most of the exact KW art assets and source coding working under the C&C3 Mod SDK. As for KW art models, Stygs did release some art models (through Apoc) in the Thundermods website involving Slingshot, Confessor Cabal, Nod Commando and the Tiberium Field Suit upgrade for Riflemen Squad and Missile Squad. No actual source code xmls are available for those. For the art and sound pack for KW, get it here:

31. How can I use WrathEd?
The first versions of WrathEd were difficult and complex to use and later versions supported modded maps. As of version 1.07, it treats like as a KW Mod SDK that can now open BIG and Skudef files as well as compiling a mod. A tutorial is available for the latest version. The WrathEd program tool contains all xml codings for KW via KW manifest files (rather than released as independent files), meaning you have to copy and paste the codings into those new xml files for your mod(s). You need to open static or global BIG files in order to open those manifest files and then view the xml codings for those objects. Currently most of the materials from the CNC3/RA3 Mod SDKs have been implemented into WrathEd and there are some parts (ie. AptUI, sounds, music) have yet to be implemented. A WrathEd Mod Launcher is also released in order to load KW mods correctly.

32. Were there really some Kane's Wrath XMLs being released to the public already? Can I have them for editing?
Yes, but I will guarantee most will not work for the C&C3 Mod SDK. If you want to help Lauren and his team with the KW Mod SDK, he'll give you the partial set of the KW Mod SDK source codes. The thread that has a few KW files for download is there (but you have to search for them):
Please refrain from asking publicly in a new thread if there's any KW xml files pack to be given away because the answer is a straight no. Due to EA's licensing restrictions to the modders who hold the KW xml files, no KW xmls are to be released until EA gives the green light. The current KW coding can only be found in the WrathEd program tool.

33. Is it now possible to extract all art, textures, sounds and music for C&C3 and KW?
Yes, all by using Bibber's C&C Asset Extractor. You can get it at:
This is probably the best tool you'll ever have in CNC modding. Thanks to Bibber who created this, you can extract all source files of art assets in W3X format (animation, collisionbox, container, hierarchy, mesh), textures in DDS format (also comes with xmls), sounds and music (including PathMusic) from C&C3/KW, RA3/Uprising and C&C4 Tiberian Twilight. Just remember that container and hierarchy art files share the same name and hierarchy files are larger than container files. All sounds and music are extracted in uncompressed wav format. You can also extract other asset materials as well but the tool has yet to implement extracting such xml content.

34. Where are the INI files that I want to edit for C&C3 and KW?
There are INI files that can be found in Misc.big in both C&C3 and KW in the Core folder. Not all INI files can be modified and be working in-game. The modified INIs that I do know that worked are GameData, PlayerTemplate, Video and EVA. You cannot put the INI files in a mod folder for the BuildMod compilation because the BuildMod does not add in modified INI files into the BIG file. You have to manually extract the mod files from the finished compiled mod, put the INI files in the Data folder and re-make the BIG file.

35. Can I integrate some C&C Generals/Zero Hour and/or BFME 1/2 content into C&C3/KW?
It is unlikely for both C&C3 and KW unless if you want to get sky textures and other textures into the game. You may attempt to integrate INI files from either C&C Generals/Zero Hour or BFME 1/2 into C&C3/KW but since the game engine is different, it may or may not work in-game. There have been works on converting some W3D files into W3X format but then you have to edit the models via 3DSMax and other programs in order to work into C&C3. As for INIs from other CNC games, most will not work and you cannot integrate a game object INI into C&C3/KW. Just do know that EA is most often using XML formats than INI formats on recent C&C games.

36. Can I integrate some C&C3 materials into RA3? Can I integrate some RA3 materials into C&C3?
Since the coding of the game engine between C&C3 and RA3 are different, art assets won't be much of an issue. If you are an advanced modder and you do know where to code the parameters and edit the unit assets between C&C3 and RA3, you could do it.

37. What are the latest versions of OS Big Editor and FinalBIG?
The latest version of OS Big Editor is version 0.63 as a beta. It's still buggy. You can get it here:
FinalBIG's last version was 1.01. I recommend using JonWil's BigExtractor (which can be found as a CNC3Tools pack download in "CNCmods" website) to extract files from BIG files for all recent C&C games. Both FinalBIG and OS Big Editor are essentially working well in making BIG files.

38. How can I open 'bin', 'imp', 'manifest', 'relo' and 'cdata' files after extracted from the OS BIG Editor or FinalBIG?
BinOpener, JonWil's BinView and Bibber's C&C Asset Extractor can open any manifest file as long as there is a bin file supporting it. You can ignore the 'imp' and 'relo' files and as for Cdata, the file format may be either encrypted music or sound file. You can extract almost anything from the BinOpener and C&C Asset Extractor. JonWil's BinView can only extract textures, sounds and music. There is no program that can convert from .cdata into .wav or .mp3 file. JonWil had done a decoding tool that can extract the music from all recent C&C games and it can be only extracted in uncompressed wav format.

39. Can I convert GOB/Asset files to XML after they are extracted from the BinOpener or C&C Asset Extractor?
No. Converting from XML coding to a mod winds up encrypted as GOB. Opening game object files (GOB) as streams results in full of NULL coding whether you open it with a Hex Editor, XML Editor or a special Notepad program. This also applies to game object asset files extracted from C&C Asset Extractor. Doing the reverse will not work, as no one has any decoding tools to do this. All recent C&C games have these.

40. Is there any other way to edit models, for example in Blender, or convert 3DS models to file type supported by any freeware or easier-accessible program? Will they support animation or are there any known problems with such actions? Will they work with Mod SDK?
Gmax, Blender or any other type of model editing programs are not supported with the C&C3 Mod SDK as well as the RA3 Mod SDK. Only 3DSMax 7 and 9 are compatible with the C&C3 Mod SDK due to the plugins EALA used to develop C&C3/KW as well as RA3. You can edit them for animations, rigging and other stuff only for those programs.

41. How can I get rid of EA's Logo clip when I load C&C3 or KW?
You need to download a "no logo" mod for both C&C3 and KW in order to take this effect. However, if you want to mod it yourself, try this:
1. Use a BIG editor to open Misc.big from the "Core\1.0" folder from either C&C3 or KW directory.
2. Extract and open video.ini from the "data\ini" directory of the file.
3. Either delete the EA Logo and ESRB lines based from those lines:
[code=auto:0] Video EALogoMovie  
    Filename = EALogo    
    Comment = "This is the EA logo movie"  
    Volume = 35  
Video ESRBMovie  
    Filename = ESRB // ESRB Rating movie.  
    Comment = "This is the ESRB Rating movie"  
    Volume = VIDEO_VOLUME  
or put the // in each of those lines to disable the command. Once done, save the file.
4. You can either do two things:
a) Make a BIG file using a BIG editor and import the video.ini in the directory "Data\INI" and save as any name you want as a BIG file. Then put it into the Core\1.0 directory. But then you have to edit the Config.txt file and add this line as "add-big yourmodname.big".
B) You can import it back into the Misc.big and overwrite it. But BIG editor programs don't do that. So you have to extract all files from the Misc.big to the hard drive and overwrite the video.ini with the edited one. Then make a BIG file using a BIG editor and save as Misc.big. In case of problems, make sure you backup the old misc.big before placing the modified one in the same folder.
5. Run either C&C3 or KW. You will see that the EA Logo clip will not show up and the game goes straight to the main menu.

42. Where can I get a wall mod for C&C3/KW?
There used to be Deezire's Wall Mod for C&C3 but previously it was for the C&C3 demo and older versions of C&C3. Because of the C&C3 Mod SDK, anyone can make a wall mod of their own. There is a wall mod for KW that contains all the walls buildable for all factions (mainly created by myself).

43. How can I enable subtitles in movies for C&C3/KW?
They are not available in English versions except for foreign versions only. Kodaemon had released subtitles for both C&C3 and KW and they work for the English versions for C&C3/KW. You can get them in the Mod SDK Tools page. However the subtitles are messed up and some parts of the text(s) cannot be shown in all types of screen monitors. Once you put the subtitles in C&C3/KW, you cannot disable them in the options menu (because it's not available) unless you remove the files.

44. How can I increase the bloom shaders effect in-game?
Lauren (aka Megumi and Ju-Jin) made a "FX mod" for C&C3/KW that will increase the bloom shaders effect ingame. Get it here:

45. How can I add in Engineer Capture Delay feature in C&C3?
Golan and CrazyGDIFan123 made a mod to support this gameplay feature, but there was an issue in which this affects the skirmish AI to build multiple engineers and do nothing. In KW, only the WrathEd can modify the Engineer Capture Delay via Engineer game object XMLs. In RA3, that Engineer Capture Delay cannot be removed and/or modified because it's hardcoded. Thanks to CGF123 lately, he finally fixed the issue and you can get it here:

46. How can I disable a structure or unit in a mod?
By editing LogicCommand.xml and LogicCommandSet.xml from the GlobalData folder of the Mod SDK, it has all the factional structures and units in the game. Select the line for the unit specified in a structure you wish to delete and that will disable the structure or unit in-game once you compiled your mod.

47. Is it possible to add sky textures into C&C3?
EALA did not put any sky textures in C&C3/KW as well as RA3/Uprising. It was seen in Generals/Zero Hour when players have viewed SP campaign maps in cinematic videos. It is recently seen in the C&C3 mods The Forgotten and C&C3 A New Experience. For the info on how to get sky textures on maps in C&C3, look for the tutorial in the C&C3 A New Experience mod page in ModDB. You may need to download the source code for that mod (and even the original compiled mod) as well in order to do this. Because then otherwise without sky textures, players will be seeing black sky textures during a cinematic in some of the custom mission maps.

48. How can I make a model in 3DMax and export it to W3X?
A basic tutorial (such as this C&C tank) should get you started:

49. Can I put custom maps into my mod?
Yes, but you have to extract all the files from your mod first using JonWil's BigExtract or OS Big Editor. Then put the custom maps under the "data\maps" directory. Then you have to use either FinalBIG or OS Big Editor to remake the BIG file by dragging all the extracted files and the custom maps into the program. Save the BIG file (name of your mod choice) as uncompressed. It works for C&C3 and KW. For custom maps involving custom music, you need to use BuildMap.bat to get the custom music files in your custom maps first before doing this.

50. Which versions of 3D Studio Max work under the C&C3 Mod SDK?
Only 3D Studio Max versions 7 and 9 are compatible to work under the C&C3 Mod SDK. 3D Studio Max versions 8, 10 and above versions are incompatible and unsupported to the C&C3/RA3 Mod SDK since EALA does not upgrade their 3DSMax software due to reasons we cannot explain. The same goes to animated MAX files, models, textures and shaders.

51. How can I edit UI in C&C3/RA3 using apt2xml and xml2apt?
This is what JonWil said to this (from the forums) in steps:
1. Download the relevant UI pack for the game you are editing (links are on the downloads page of the cncmods site)
2. Find the UI file you want to edit and extract its folder into your mod (the sample mods of both SDKs have examples of how to do this)
3. Edit the texture files where desired.
4. Download the "SDK extras" pack from this site
5. Copy the apt2xml.exe, xml2apt.exe and cc3tools.dll files into a folder.
6. Copy the APT, DAT and CONST files from the UI folder you are editing into the folder with the exe files in it.
7. Open a command prompt and navigate to the folder containing the files.
8. Type apt2xml "name" where "name" is the name of the UI folder (e.g. "TacticalHUDCommandListBox"). Do not include any extension.
9. An XML file should appear. Edit this XML (details of specific changes you can make will appear in future tutorials)
10. Delete the .apt file
11. Type xml2apt "name" where "name" is the name of the UI folder (e.g. "TacticalHUDCommandListBox"). Do not include any extension.
12. Copy the new apt file that is created back to the UI folder in your mod.
13. Build the mod. Your new APT file should get picked up and used.
This compilation of modified UI is highly recommended to be used under EAs or modified BuildMod.bat, not Bibbers RA3 Mod Buildstudio since it cant be compiled correctly.

52. How can I replace and/or edit Earth texture/model for the C&C3 main menu?
See this thread for details:
As what Mighty Bob said, the important files responsible for this are EarthC.tga, ShellEarth.W3X and ShellEarth2.W3X. To change the entire color of the Earth, you have to edit both the W3X model and the texture.

53. How can I replace the color for other UI screens?
You can edit the textures using Adobe Photoshop, GIMP or equivalent. Make sure you save them with alpha channel layers.

54. How can I add a new or edited unit or structure?
In the C&C3 Mod SDK, you are given unit and structure templates to get started. Try looking at other game object xmls referring to units as examples. Some selected C&C3 mods have xml source codes available with custom units and structures. I cannot give away something big as an example since this part requires large detailed information.

55. I created a new PlayerPowerButtonTemplate or UnitAbilityButtonTemplate but it did not work in-game. How do I make it work?
Copy either PlayerPowerButtonTemplates.xml or UnitAbilityButtonTemplates.xml to your mod (and add the relevant tag in the relevant place). Then open the file and change where it says id="PlayerPowerButtonTemplateStore" or id="UnitAbilityButtonTemplateStore" to some other name. What you call it does not matter. Then you add your new buttons to these files and everything should work.

56. How can I add/edit an upgrade, support power or unit ability?
There is a tutorial referring to this. As for all support powers and upgrades, they need some mentioning of the coding in a structure xml in order to connect to the other xml files to work correctly.
-- For support powers, every one of them needs:
***SpecialPowerTemplate in SpecialPowerTemplates.xml
***PlayerPowerManager in PlayerSpellBook.xml
***PlayerPowerButtonTemplateStore in PlayerPowerButtonTemplates.xml (which contains TargetedPowerButton, MultipleTargetsTargetedPowerButton or PowerButton)
***UnitAbilityButtonTemplateStore in UnitAbilityButtonTemplates.xml (which contains TargetedSpecialPowerButton, PlayerUpgradeButton, SpecialPowerButton, ObjectUpgradeButton, EvacuateButton, BuildWallButton, SingleStateUnitAbility and StanceButton)
-- For upgrades, every one of them needs a UpgradeTemplate and AttributeModifier (only used for the increase/decrease of the unit's abilities). For attribute modifiers, see question 57.
-- For unit abilities, every one of them needs a SpecialPowerTemplate (if applicable), UpgradeTemplate (if applicable) and UnitAbilityButtonTemplateStore.

57. What are the Attribute Modifier defines used in C&C3/KW?
These define-contains increase or decrease of the following define names to given unit(s) and structure(s):
Other attribute modifiers from RA3 that may or may not work in C&C3 include:

58. How do you change the Scrin victory music since it sounds the same as Nod victory music?
Scrin victory music should be "victory_evil_v1", not "victory_evil" for the Nod victory music. "Victory_evil_v1" was never used ingame. This change works in both C&C3/KW Worldbuilder and in the PlayerTemplate.INI file (can be found in Misc.big for both C&C3 and KW). If you want, you could add a script to mention of a music change (named victory_evil_v1) whenever the Scrin wins a SP mission, skirmish or MP in the C&C3 or KW WorldBuilder.

59. Is it possible to run two C&C plugins (from C&C3 and RA3 Mod SDKs) together when running 3DSMax? Is it possible to export W3X models for C&C3 in this way since I want to use both C&C3 and RA3 plugins?
If placing the C&C3 plugin files in 3DSMax and then placing RA3 plugin files as well in the same directory will prompt for some files to be overwritten. The part that both C&C3 and RA3 are different is the game engine, so the way you export a model in this way (with C&C3 plugin first and then RA3) will be exported as a W3X for RA3 instead. Therefore, you cannot combine plugins together. Since the RA3 plugin is more updated than C&C3, use that instead. I believe the artist modders who successfully got the created units working in RA3 may also work into C&C3.

60. I want to create a patch for my mod instead of redoing and compiling the whole mod. How can I do it?
Thanks to Bibber who posted this in a thread to a modder:

Well, it is difficult to explain. You need to use a different way to compile a patch. Create a new mod folder for the patch v1.01 with a new mod.xml containing only your changes and the default references to static, global and audio. Also include the mod.xml (type="all") of v1.0. Now copy the mod.manifest of v1.0 to Mod SDK\BuiltMods folder. Then you have to run the binary asset builder additionally with the parameter /bps:"BuiltMods\mod.manifest". Then create the low and medium LOD files and append _1.01 to all the new compiled files of v1.01 (e.g. mod_1.01.manifest, mod_1.01.bin, mod_m_1.01.manifest etc.). Create a file mod.version with the following content: _1.01
Put that v1.01 file(s) into your big file and you are done. Your skudef files were already correct. Note that you also can patch a patch with the same technique. As I said it is hard to explain.

For example,
This is the main SkuDef:
mod-game 1.09
add-big Reloaded_1.0.big

This is the patch Skudef:
mod-game 1.09
add-big Reloaded_1.01.big
add-config Reloaded_1.0.SkuDef

61. How can I scale objects (ie. units, structures)?
First of all, you cannot scale objects using xml coding. You can scale W3X models using Bibber's C&C W3X Scale program (highly recommended). W3X files will be automatically saved once you modified the scaling. Do not attempt to scale W3X files unless you merge an all-in-one W3X file with animation, collision box, container, hierarchy and meshes coding in it. See question 62 on merging W3X files. You can also scale objects in 3D Studio Max and then re-export them in W3X. Fortunately C&C Asset Extractor can let you extract all W3X art assets for that particular object(s) and then convert them into a file format for each that can be imported or opened in 3D Studio Max.

62. Is it possible to open a W3X file with a notepad other than a W3X viewer? Is it possible to merge W3X animation, collision box, container, hierarchy and mesh files together?
It's a yes to both questions since W3X can be treated as XML. If you extract W3X files from the C&C Asset Extractor you will need to edit most W3X files through a notepad editor (not xml editor) in order for those to be compiled correctly in the C&C3 Mod SDK. Some coding defines in those W3X files may not work properly in C&C3 if you are editing a W3X file coming from KW, RA3 or C&C4.

63. Which sample unit, structure or other object source codes are available to download?
Here's a list of some:
Titan (recreated by Golan and others):
Shatterer (recreated by Helge129 - re-released on his behalf):
Blood model from Isotx:
Tiberium models by Helge129:
Tiberium models by Carnius:
Kodiak (by Stygs):
Salamander (by Stygs):
Engineer Capture Delay (by CGF123):
Single CY Queue:

From Zocom7 (that's me):
C&C4 Art & Sound Pack:
KW Art & Sound Pack:
RA3 Uprising Art & Sound Pack:
C&C Ultimate Texture Pack:

From Madin:
Scrin Custom Shields:
Nod Turret:
Allied Pillbox:
Soviet YR Bunker:
Soviet Bunker:
Nod Harvester:
GDI Tiberium Silo:
Light Tank:
Classic Mammoth Tanks:
Custom Infantry:
Rhino Tank MKII:
GDI/Nod C&C Tiberium Silo:
Allied Turret:
GDI Sam Site:
Patriot Turret:
Khan Flame Tower:
Ore Purifier:

From Challenger13 (aka gdi_commando):
Mastodon KW:
Mastodon art:
Kane art:
KW Walls:
TD Harvesters KW:
Four KW Models:

64. Which C&C3 add-on mods have source codes to download?
Here's a short list of available C&C3 mods that have source codes to download:
A New Experience (by OmegaGroup):
Tiberium Birth (by CoreAngel):
Kane's Revenge (by CoreAngel):
Termination (by Overmind):
Tower Defense (by Lauren and/or Bibber):
KW Reloaded (by Zocom7):
C&C3 Reloaded (by Zocom7):

65. Can I change the frames per second limit from 30 to 60 (or greater) for C&C3 and KW?
Yes, if only the SAGE can take it and your video card is a very fast card. All W3X files can be edited for the changing of the FPS limit, but it's going to take lots of time to do this since there are thousands of W3X files (if you really want the entire C&C3 game to go on 60 FPS). All map files opened in WorldBuilder can also input a script to force using FPS limit to 60 or beyond. You can also edit gamedata.ini to change the FPS limit as well. This may or may not be guaranteed to work depending on the results of your editing.

66. How can I make the skirmish money settings to work ingame?
For this to work, you must compile this under Global Data, not Static Data. According to WrathEd and the latest Bibbers RA3 Mod BuildStudio tool, you need to create a folder called AdditionalMaps (without the quotes) in your mod directory and create a file called MapMetaData_Global.xml. That file treats like a mod.xml file. Do not reference MapMetaData_Global.xml in your mod.xml file; the mod compiler will automatically recognize the Global Data and compile anything that is modified there. Now add the modified MPGameRules.xml in the AdditionalMaps folder, mention the path line in MapMetaData_Global.xml and thats it.

67. When I compile a mod using Bibber's modified RA3 Mod BuildStudio, it's compiling too slow. Why?
From what I found out regarding this compilation tool, it only uses up half the CPU power and never uses up the whole thing. For large C&C3 mods, that's the way it goes no matter what PC or operating system you use with or without background applications. In the RA3 Mod SDK, that RA3 BuildMod Studio compiles way faster than this modified one. If there's a chance that tool can be tweaked just like EA's Buildmod.bat, the time it takes to compile into a mod would have been a lot shorter than expected.

68. Which texture is better to use, DDS or TGA?
When compiling art files with TGA textures, the log will tell you the DXT1 alpha channel will have to be converted to DXT5 since it has one alpha channel layer. When art objects are shown in-game with the TGA textures, you will notice the lesser quality looks. TGA files are typically larger than DDS files but DDS files have much sharper and clearer looks and they have DXT5 alpha channel layers (which they don't need conversion while compiling).

69. Which are the best program(s) to edit xml and W3X files?
There are some xml notepad programs but we recommend the SciTE editor, since it shows color on a specific text section. You can get it through JonWil's CNC tools. For the W3X files, I use the Notepad++ program since it can open multiple W3X files on the same window. It comes opened with tabs, enough to copy, paste and merge W3X files into one and save as one merged W3X file. Notepad++ is free to download.

70. Is it possible to build multiple queue structures just like units?
Yes, go to any Construction Yard XML file (based on the faction of your choice) and look for the ProductionUpdate in the Behaviors section where it contains a line to the MaxQueueEntries. The default is set to 1 but it can be changed to any other number.

71. Is it possible for vehicles to require power just like structures?
Yes, all you have to do is to add the EnergyProduction coding line to the Game Object of any vehicle unit to any number you wish.

72. How can I enable shroud in-game?
In the GlobalData folder, open MultiplayerSettings.xml and there is a section saying UseShroud is defaulted to false. Setting it to true will enable shroud in-game for skirmish and multiplayer modes. For SP missions, the shroud can be enabled only if you create a script for each mission map.

73. How can I make the Mothership buildable but not from a support power?
Well its that simple. In order to do that, you have to disable the Summon Mothership support power and have the Mothership buildable (i.e. from the Gravity Stabilizer). There is an example of this from a released source code: link will be provided until I find it.

74. How can I make the EMP support power to work for the GDI and/or other faction?
Its like copying the support power source code from the EMP neutral structure to any other faction structure in the Behaviors section.
            TriggerFX="FX_EMP_ControlCenter_WeaponStart" />
            WhichSpecialWeapon="1" />
                       SpecialPowerAIType="SPECIAL_POWER_ENEMY_TYPE_KILLER_STRUCTURES" />

You also have to set a parameter line to be mentioned in the LogicCommandSet to a structure given. For example:

Thus in this way this will enable the EMP support power in-game for that structure built.

75. How can I make a new Engineer unit capture a structure?
According to this coding from the Behaviors section of a neutral structure:

This happens to be put in every enemy and neutral structure (and bridges too) for the new Engineer to capture and/or repair it if you include a new Engineer in the IncludeThing list. Also in GenericEngineerContain.xml in the Includes folder will also have to mention a new Engineer in the IncludeThing list. There is no shortcut to this.

76. I have tried a new support power of my own (or modifying a new support power derived from an original support power), but how come that new support power doesnt show up in-game?

Although complex and tricky, only an advanced modder can have the proper knowledge to do this since there are a lot of additions on the coding for a support power. The thing is creating new support powers may or may not have their LogicCommand and LogicCommandSet codings mentioned in the data. Only one time I did this correctly to three new support powers and they did work in-game without mentioning their LogicCommand data. Remember that any GameObject xml file, SpecialPowerTemplates.xml, PlayerSpellBook.xml, PlayerPowerButtonTemplates.xml, UnitAbilityButtonTemplates.xml and even either GDIPowerStore.xml or NodPowerStore.xml or AlienPowerStore.xml must mention a new parameter coding for every new support power created in order to make that support power show up in-game. Although the KW xml files have the most and best coding examples for support powers than either C&C3 or RA3, I am not allowed to give that away.

77. How can I set glowing FX and flashing lights to a created and/or customized object?
Check this thread for details:

78. Is it possible to have an infiltrator or spy unit to work on an enemy building?
Yes, but to make it work in-game requires advanced coding and theres little guarantee it will work.
Source Code by Lauren:

79. How can I change the overall font for the game?
Since the default ingame font is Russell Square, all you have to do is open Misc.big file from the Core\1.0 directory of C&C3 and extract the files. You can replace the font whether if its a truetype of opentype font of your choice. The files of HeaderTemplate.ini, Language.ini, FontSettings.ini and FontSubstitution.ini are the only files to be edited for changing the overall font of the game. For subtitle files, you can do the same if you have them. For the game itself without mods, remake Misc.big with the edited files using the OS Big Editor and replace the old Misc.big with the modified one. For the mod itself, you put the replaced font and the INI files in the Misc folder of your mod directory.

80. How can I add maps to the mod and run from it?
Like all official C&C3 maps, modded or not, they are put into Misc\Data\Maps\Official of your mod directory. To mention them, make a file called KWMapMetaData.xml or something else like that in your mod directory. Map description and name must also be mentioned in the mod.str file.

For the rest of the questions (including the coding for question 80), look here:

Last edited by purplescrin on Fri Apr 04, 2014 4:08 pm; edited 10 times in total

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PostPosted: Thu Sep 23, 2010 7:51 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

Great post! I'll sticky it. Smile

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Cyborg Cannon

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PostPosted: Thu Sep 23, 2010 9:27 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

I dunno - not only that this wall of text is quite hard to read, but there are also a couple of mistakes in it.
Looks more like it would confuse people than helping Sad

There is also NO POINT in having a incomplete list of KindOfs / Atribbutmodifier because all valid options are allready included in the SDK.


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Cyborg Firebomber

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PostPosted: Thu Sep 23, 2010 10:03 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

40 is also false... etc etc


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Light Infantry

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PostPosted: Thu Sep 23, 2010 11:16 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

Stygs wrote:
I dunno - not only that this wall of text is quite hard to read, but there are also a couple of mistakes in it.
Looks more like it would confuse people than helping Sad

There is also NO POINT in having a incomplete list of KindOfs / Atribbutmodifier because all valid options are allready included in the SDK.

It was quite easier to read in the CNCNZ forums since it uses the Invision Power Board software format. Wink

Also I like to point out that there is no one else to create and edit the FAQs for the C&C3 Mod SDK as well as the RA3 Mod SDK. JonWil was the first person to do that but didn't finish all of the questions and he doesn't come here or any other forums much. For some of the Q&As that have new information and updates, those will have to be modified. There are still far more questions left to answer.

As for KindOfs, I have to go through all the unit and structure xmls to get a complete list of it, it takes hours to get through all of them and I need to make some time out of that. The same goes to RA3/Uprising. This is useful for modders who wanted to create new units and structures by using these KindOf defines that are valid under the C&C3 Mod SDK.

As for Attribute Modifiers, those name defines are already finished. What else to include?

Edit: Changed question 40 regarding sky textures. I may need to enhance questions 50 and 51 soon but maybe be created through another topic thread since those may become tutorials.

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Cyborg Firebomber

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PostPosted: Fri Sep 24, 2010 1:03 am    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

purplescrin wrote:

As for KindOfs, I have to go through all the unit and structure xmls to get a complete list of it, it takes hours to get through all of them and I need to make some time out of that. The same goes to RA3/Uprising.

As Stygs said you don't have to, such a list already exists in the SDK.


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Cyborg Cannon

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PostPosted: Fri Sep 24, 2010 7:04 am    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

All options for KindOfs, Buttons and nearly everything else are allready included in the SDK.

Thats why the compiler can tell if a setting is valid or not - all you need to look at them is a simple text editor (and maybe a tool that can search through xsd files).

So there is really no point in including them here Wink


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PostPosted: Wed Jun 27, 2012 11:54 am    Post subject: what ?!?! Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

can someone please tell me in simple terms on how to use these MOD's? i got KW v1.02, (just the normal game), I would greatly like to know on how to install these MOD's with SIMPLE instructions as its confusing the heck outta me...

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PostPosted: Wed Apr 01, 2015 11:26 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

I am having the Unknown asset error, no fix yet found. I reinstalled MOD SDK and I have checked my Code over and over.

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Supreme Banshee

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PostPosted: Tue Dec 15, 2015 7:32 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

Due to requests from the author, it has been unstickied.

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