First off, there are 3 levels of difficulty for the AI. 0,1,2

Well let's begin with level 0. Level 0 AI is the easiest of the bunch, but it's not easy. This level is more of a medium/hard level. The AI keeps to itself at the beginning of the game and builds up it's base fast. As the game progresses this AI begins to build teams and attack you. The first few attacks may be a bit weak, but soon after they come with huge rushes of Cyborg Commandos, Mammoth MK. II's, Disruptors, Elbrus Scorpions, etc. This AI waits until later in the game until it crushes you.

Level 1 AI is the middle of the AI's. This AI is classified as hard/very hard. An experienced TS player should be playing this AI. This AI attacks midway through the game. While they are building up their base they will send medium amounts of teams to attack you. Near the end however expect to be totally rushed by packs of Commandos, Cyborg Commandos, Defenders, Mammoth MK. II's, etc.
Level 2 AI is the hardest of all the AI's. This AI is classified as very hard/ insane. As soon as the game begins this AI has part of it's base built and it rushes you VERY soon. Expect floods of infantry and plenty of jumpjets too. Later if you survive the rushes the AI will stay away for a little bit, but then it will rush you again but with Cyborg Commandos, Elbrus Scorpions, Mammoth MK. II's, etc. These end of the game rushes will come heavy and don't expect to survive one of them.

Also regarding the AI I think I have found a way to make jumpjet infantry flee from sam's that fire at them. (IE the jumpjets fly away from the sam's once fired upon.) This does not effect the jumpjets under your control only the jumpjets of AI players.