Before the Great impact happened the world was at war as the rise of Chosen (Was Nod) made a lot of problems for the UN , As they are a terrorist group who is hiding under the mask of this known Religion Mythology of human Revolution , due to this Religious scam many countries have joined Chosen terrorist group because of its high influence of it Religious tactic this made Chosen a dominating Untied countries and after the first Terbium Meteor hit earth the discovery of Terbium and it side effects this Proved that this Religion is right by unknown coincidence as a new leader rose to take chosen to their ultimate goal, With this Escalating threat GDI was born as the most high tend tech hard war brute force in the world , As War raged Between Chosen and GDI throw out the 2 Terbium wars and finally GDI achieved Victory and Chosen was Weakened , After the end of the Second war GDI Space command HQ spotted a multiple meteors heading to earth they established a huge bunker fortress underground of the US soil , They also took a dairy move they hand-picked the most healthiest males and females for a trip to establish colonies in mars as it was the Backup Plan , due to these huge Planes for survival it attracted Chosen's Attention ,As they became More and more inquisitive they learned the truth and made a huge temple bunker underground in the Russian Soil , as the largest meteor approaches earth smaller meteors collided with GDI space station destroying it utterly , due to this devastating blow GDI had no time to postpone the Trip to mars as the Ark (the ship that is carrying the hand picks males , females , animal and plant genetic DATA), the trip was Successful but without the space command there is not communication between the colonists and GDI Underground central command , As the colonists arrived on planet mars they saw a huge Explosion from their planet and they considered all personal one are KIA, but Personal acutely survived, After 200 years of the great impact Both GDI and Chosen had Constructed large cities underground and they immerged from the ground seeing that the plant that they used to live in the is transformed into something else , As both GDI and Chosen clashed agine a new enemy energies from deep space call the Locust these Biomechanical Large Looking insects , the locust took both factions by surprise and each one of them clashed with GDI being overrun by the large quantities of these insects, On mars after 200 years of the trip the colonists established a Utopian society called the Consortium , the supreme command of this society detected large signals on and they believed that there are survivors on planet earth they sent out a task team there , as task team Reestablished contact with GDI and after saw a night mare on planet earth the Consortium sent aid to fight with GDI against the locust and Chosen.......
Symbol: Hawk
HQ Location: Underground Fortress in USA
Goal: To destroy Tiberium and bring back civilization and to drive back the alien invasion
Tactics : GDI units are well trained, have good equipment and dominate the battlefield with more powerful war machines than the other factions.
Strengths: Heavy armor, fire power and a powerful airforce
Weaknesses: Slow and inflexible units
- Chosen
Symbol: (kane's Wrath Marked of kane Symbol)
HQ Location: The Great Underground Pyramid
Goal: Revolution for humanity.
Tactics : “The weapons in their hands are nothing if they cannot see us" - Nod uses hit and run tactics including stealth technology.
Strengths: Speed, stealth, best defense structures
Weaknesses: Poor armor, firepower and less efficient powerplants
- Consortium
Symbol: Shark
Goal: Help GDI To destroy Tiberium , bring back civilization and to drive back the alien invasion
HQ Location: Mars , Large cities
Tactics: "Keep them away so they can't hit us", the Consortium can weaken or block the enemy and hit them with the best long range weapons.
Strengths: Hover units and the best long range weaponry
Weaknesses: Expensive units, slow rate of fire, and weak harvesters
- locust
Symbol: (kane's wrath Reaper 17 Symbol)
Goal: The Harvisting of tiberuim and the Destruction of Earth inhabitions
HQ Location:Outer Space Mother Ship.
Tactics: Spaming and Corrupstion
Strengths: Cheap units , good armor and speed , Large combat vessels.
Weaknesses: Short Range and low Fire Power with a lot of units.
Hope you like it Holy master