American Stonewall Tank:
Gameplay Info
Cost: 1600
Tech Level: High
Strength: 800
Armor: Heavy
Weapon: 155mm Gun T180
Range: Medium-Long
Speed: Slow, tracked
Background Info
The M43A2 Breakthrough Tank, known by its official nickname "Stonewall", is the most powerful armored vehicle in service with American ground forces. In US doctrine, there are three tank classes: "scout"- lightly armored, highly mobile and well-gunned vehicles mainly meant to carry out recon missions and support small infantry units; "battle"- well-rounded vehicles primarily meant to combat enemy tanks with a high velocity gun; lastly, "breakthrough"- heavily armored assault tanks that serve a role similar to Mammoth tanks in the Soviet army, forcing breaches in enemy lines by using a massive caliber cannon to destroy fortifications and overwhelm enemy tank units.
Development started shortly after the Pacific War against the Japanese and applied lessons learned in the design of M4-class medium tanks (M26-class in our world) and the M29-class heavy tank. It was rushed into service when the Chinese began fielding older model Mammoths in the Sino-American conflict; plans of which they got in industrial espionage. It was very successful in this regard, capable of destroying the T-50 Mammoth at 1000 meters with its massive 155mm cannon.
The A2 upgrade of the M43 brings improved fire control systems, a more powerful diesel engine and addition of 45mm armor to the frontal glacis, improving the thickness to 175mm. These modernization programs are hoped by US military leadership to be able to keep the Stonewall relevant in a rapidly evolving battlefield, both in Asia and Europe.
Field Report
>Breakthrough Operations: The Stonewall is a breakthrough tank: designed to take hits and keep on going, the front of the tank presents a formidable challenge for even the deadliest anti-tank weapons. They are often "bullet-shields" for more lightly armored vehicles like the experimental Spectrum Tank.
>Tank Killer: The secondary focus of the M43 Stonewall is to kill tanks at long ranges. The T180 155mm cannon has impressive range and does immense damage- enough that even Mammoth Tank crews have something to fear.
>Sluggish: The M43's transmission and engine were intended for the lend-lease Medium tank the Allies fielded. Even after the A2 upgrade, the M43 is still one of the slower vehicles on the field and prone to breakdowns.