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Access violation at address 00405AFA
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Joined: 31 May 2010
Location: Germany

PostPosted: Sun Nov 09, 2014 5:11 am    Post subject:  Access violation at address 00405AFA
Subject description: 3.38 Beta 14 (
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The crash happens every time when closing. It aborts closing, so only Task Manager can end the tool.

Error stemming from FormMain.pas line 1574:
for count := 0 to (MaxOpenFiles - 1) do

If MaxOpenFiles is 0, which it is in my case, this is decremented to become non-zero. This will make the initial check pass because MaxOpenFiles is an unsigned word and decrementing 0 makes it the largest value. Thus, the loop will run, and there is no data. This causes 0 to be dereferenced.

The stickied topic says I shouldn't post suggestions here, but I suggest this Wink:
for count := 1 to MaxOpenFiles do
   BlockWriteString(F,OpenFilesList[count - 1]);

Similar potential issues in lines 1260, 1367, 1389, 1411, 1433, 1460, and 1487. Haven't checked other files.


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Supreme Banshee

Also Known As: banshee_revora (Steam)
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PostPosted: Sun Nov 09, 2014 9:58 am    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

if MaxOpenFiles = 0, this for does not execute at all.

It will not make the initial check pass. It would do if instead of:

for count := 0 to (MaxOpenFiles - 1) do

I had:

for count := 0 downto (MaxOpenFiles - 1) do

I do not underestimate your Access Violation here, but I'm just not sure if this is really the reason behind it.... unless Delphi processes (MaxOpenFiles - 1) as a longword and in this case -1 becomes a very high number.

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PostPosted: Sun Nov 09, 2014 3:53 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

Banshee wrote:
if MaxOpenFiles = 0, this for does not execute at all.

It only appears like that. But it does.

count is a word, MaxOpenFiles is a word. 0x0 - 0x1 = 0xffff. This is compared to the initial value (:= 0) to see whether the loop should execute. It cannot be below, because no unsigned value can be less than 0. If it's higher, the loop executes, and if it's equal to 0, it will also execute, even if only once (which is once more than there is data available). It will always execute.

Assembler ahead! This is the real compiled code:
movzx esi, word ptr [ebx+MaxOpenFiles] // copy to esi and make the word a longword
dec esi                                // subract one. esi is now (MaxOpenFiles - 1)
test si, si                            // test the *word* part of esi. this is like doing "test MaxOpenFiles-1"
                                       // if MaxOpenFiles was 0, si will be 0xffff now...
jb Done                                // jumps if si (the lower word of esi) is *below 0*, which
                                       // is impossible. so, no jump.
.... process items here or crash ....

Technical stuff time!
JB jumps if the tested or compared values are less than 0. This is checked using a flag in the processor called CF. If CF=1 then it jumps, if CF=0, then it doesn't. The TEST instruction by design always sets CF=0. Always. This conditional jump is guaranteed to *never* jump. That's how the x86 works.

Banshee wrote:
I do not underestimate your Access Violation here, but I'm just not sure if this is really the reason behind it.... unless Delphi processes (MaxOpenFiles - 1) as a longword and in this case -1 becomes a very high number.

I have limited knowledge of the language and the source code, but I think you do Wink. This error has been there since the first revision available in SVN, and a forum search shows many incarnations with different addresses for different compiled version, but I suspect it's always the same one. It always crashes for me when closing, but altering it like I described made it go away. I'm fairly certain this is the cause.

for count := 0 downto (MaxOpenFiles - 1) do

I don't know Pascal, but this should not execute for anything other than MaxOpenFiles = 1.


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Supreme Banshee

Also Known As: banshee_revora (Steam)
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Location: Brazil

PostPosted: Sun Nov 16, 2014 10:36 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

My Delphi is working again, so this bug has been fixed in the latest revision.

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PostPosted: Mon Nov 17, 2014 10:38 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

Thank you! Smile

edit: I can confirm that this is fixed.


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