Posted: Sun Jun 28, 2015 3:46 pm Post subject:
OS HVA Builder 2.2 WIP 1
Attached is a Work In Progress of 2.2 . It should be stable.
Fixed: "View Transform"
Added: Grid
Added: Section Center
Added: Screenshot all voxels (Every voxel in or under the apps directory)
Changed: VSync is now on (Limits the FPS, good for laptops)
Changed: Remap Colour is defaultly white
Changed: Highlight now Flashes
Changed: Will no longer use Voxels Matrix when no HVA exists
Improved: Ignores voxels which won't be rendered
Improved: Ignores hidden voxel faces when HVA exists
It also uses the updated VH Engine found in OSVV (with some modifications).
As its a WIP you need to overwrite 2.1 with it. It won't run by its self (Since its missing the palettes).
Note: Section Center should draw the 3 lines in the Center of the actual section, not the center of the voxels that are visible (The center of the voxel's bounds basically).
Any chance you could make the highlighted section intensity less? Often with complex units the coloured blob hides some of the features we're trying to focus on.
Another nice addition would be to allow a user to make one or more sections translucent or nearly invisible.
Perhaps add an input box to mimic TurretOffset that someone can enter. I wouldn't worry about saving it in any way, just enter it when you're working on the model and let it get discarded when a new one loads. This would allow more accurate display before we start moving things. _________________ QUICK_EDIT
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Posted: Sun Jun 28, 2015 8:07 pm Post subject:
Please add custom palette support. OpenRA now has it, replacing them in the folder for each custompal'd voxel is tedious. _________________ "If you didn't get angry and mad and frustrated, that means you don't care about the end result, and are doing something wrong." - Greg Kroah-Hartman
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Any chance you could make the highlighted section intensity less? Often with complex units the coloured blob hides some of the features we're trying to focus on.
Did you try the WIP build before you wrote that?
Graion Dilach wrote:
Please add custom palette support. OpenRA now has it, replacing them in the folder for each custompal'd voxel is tedious.
Without elaboration no. I am not going to download OpenRA or look at tutorials for it on how its systems work (I don't even have TA or RA2 installed on any of the computers i have here). _________________ Free Map Editor - Game Requirements - Stucuk.Net QUICK_EDIT
He means a way to choose another palette than unittem.pal.
He never said that.
His post would suggest that OpenRA loads a custom palette for a voxel (Per voxel if the voxel uses one), but how it works out what palette to load is what the question is (I.E Does it use VOXELNAME.pal).
So like i said. Without elaboration on exactly whats required it won't be implemented.
Orac wrote:
So it's hardcoded to use the default original TS unittem.pal then?
TS and RA2 palettes for voxels are practically identical (Except RA2 has pink where the remappables are iirc.. which are ignored anyway). _________________ Free Map Editor - Game Requirements - Stucuk.Net QUICK_EDIT
Joined: 22 Nov 2010 Location: Iszkaszentgyorgy, Hungary
Posted: Sun Jun 28, 2015 11:12 pm Post subject:
What I'd ask for is a similar system to SHP Builder/VXLSE use: instead of having it all fixed to unittem, there should be an option on the menu where the user can select a palette read from HVA Builder/Palettes folder. _________________ "If you didn't get angry and mad and frustrated, that means you don't care about the end result, and are doing something wrong." - Greg Kroah-Hartman
Past C&C projects: Attacque Supérior (2010-2019); Valiant Shades (2019-2021)
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Fixes setting the HVA Position via the menu option (Where you manually enter the coords).
Grid now uses MipMaps
HVA Positioning is no longer scaled by the Voxel Section's Scale
It should now render G-E's halo correctly (Though if it will then screw up other VXL's i don't know).
Graion Dilach wrote:
What I'd ask for is a similar system to SHP Builder/VXLSE use: instead of having it all fixed to unittem, there should be an option on the menu where the user can select a palette read from HVA Builder/Palettes folder.
So OpenRA allocates palettes using the INI files (Or its equivlent) for custom palettes?
Big improvement I love the grid, one of the things from DMZ's editor that I missed.
The section center option seams to be misaligned on vxls that have been scaled down tho. Which I presume is related to the problem I pointed out here. _________________
Joined: 22 Nov 2010 Location: Iszkaszentgyorgy, Hungary
Posted: Mon Jun 29, 2015 8:25 am Post subject:
stucuk wrote:
So OpenRA allocates palettes using the INI files (Or its equivlent) for custom palettes?
Yes. _________________ "If you didn't get angry and mad and frustrated, that means you don't care about the end result, and are doing something wrong." - Greg Kroah-Hartman
Past C&C projects: Attacque Supérior (2010-2019); Valiant Shades (2019-2021)
WeiDU mods: Random Graion Tweaks | Graion's Soundsets
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The section center option seams to be misaligned on vxls that have been scaled down tho. Which I presume is related to the problem I pointed out here.
Screenshots are nice at showing a problem but can't be used by me to test if changes i make work. Kinda need vxl's sent to me which don't work for me to attempt to fix rendering code.
WIP 3 should do the Center Section's better, though i will need to implement a way of rendering the bounds of the sections to properly work out if its actually using the right coordinates (Since the voxels you see may not take up the whole bounds). At the very least it should serve as a reference point when moving sections.
P.S If you want to change the Grid you just need to modify the grid.png file (You can change the colours, distance between lines and make it semi transparent). Technically you can have it at any size but it should be a power of two number to be safe (Older cards don't like sizes that are not power of two). The Red.png is for the highlight. You can change it to any colour.
Joined: 22 Nov 2010 Location: Iszkaszentgyorgy, Hungary
Posted: Mon Jun 29, 2015 12:24 pm Post subject:
Cannot spot any issues with voxels in this, btw. I don't remember I have a voxel which has bugged animation in TS tho, but this renders both my working-in-YR-messed-up-in-OpenRA and remade-hva-for-OpenRA voxels correct. _________________ "If you didn't get angry and mad and frustrated, that means you don't care about the end result, and are doing something wrong." - Greg Kroah-Hartman
Past C&C projects: Attacque Supérior (2010-2019); Valiant Shades (2019-2021)
WeiDU mods: Random Graion Tweaks | Graion's Soundsets
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Been playing with the Interface. Still got stuff to do but it is cleaner (Making room for the Section List rather than a horrible drop down box).
Note that i know that the new icons on the new buttons look crap. But i am a programmer not an artist and its not important to me. If you want them to look nice you would need to send me nicer images (Ones you made yourself and didn't rip from other sources). In order they are Show Highlight, Draw Center, Draw Grid and Draw Section Center (The other settings were moved to the settings menu).
Custom palette system is technically implemented but you can't actually set the palette in the HVA Builder yet. What i have currently implemented is a system which will remember which palette you last used for a voxel (It uses the entire path to the file not just the filename so two files with the same name but different path are treated as seperate voxels). So once you have set the palette for a voxel you should never have to do so again (Unless you move it to a different folder or rename it ). Note that it will only support 1 palette per unit (As in the barrel and turret will use the same palette as the base).
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Posted: Mon Jun 29, 2015 7:25 pm Post subject:
stucuk wrote:
P.S If you want to change the Grid you just need to modify the grid.png file (You can change the colours, distance between lines and make it semi transparent). Technically you can have it at any size but it should be a power of two number to be safe (Older cards don't like sizes that are not power of two).
Why don't you use a shader for the Grid? I think that the result would be more reliable than using a texture. QUICK_EDIT
Why don't you use a shader for the Grid? I think that the result would be more reliable than using a texture.
1. Minimum OpenGL 2.0 requirement (OS HVA is made using OpenGL 1.5 headers)
2. Texture with mipmapping looks perfectly acceptable
3. Waste of time coding for something which won't have any real noticeable difference.
4. People can modify a simple PNG (Which was simple to implement since it just uses the Ground system that OS VV uses and which is built into the VH Engine) in a paint application to change how their grid looks. They are less likely to be able to modify a shader (Well understand how to program it).
5. I am not actually sure if it would be better. Mipmaps smooth it out at further distances, but i would imagine a shader would suffer from the same problem as not using mipmaps where it would struggle to pick the right colour at distance.
EDIT: Looks overly complicated to even try and get past the problems and it doesn't look like you can't get a method thats cheap and which looks noticeably better.
Interface is now cleaner and should be easier to use (No more drop downs!.. well technically they are still there but hidden...). You can now hide sections by clicking on their icons in the section list (It will always display the currently selected section irrespective of if you have set it to be hidden). This build also has the ability to set palettes for voxels (Only when loaded in HVA Builder).
Found a bug with WIP 4. The hiding sections are toggled every time you click on a section (It just doesn't update the icon). Will be fixed in WIP 5 when its released.
G-E wrote:
Leave space for a TurretOffset input box
Speaking of the turret offset, is it effected by hva/voxel scaling or is it just a value thats added on top. _________________ Free Map Editor - Game Requirements - Stucuk.Net QUICK_EDIT
Joined: 22 Nov 2010 Location: Iszkaszentgyorgy, Hungary
Posted: Tue Jun 30, 2015 3:11 pm Post subject:
It works totally not like anything else. I think TurretOffset uses TS/RA2 leptons. _________________ "If you didn't get angry and mad and frustrated, that means you don't care about the end result, and are doing something wrong." - Greg Kroah-Hartman
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It works totally not like anything else. I think TurretOffset uses TS/RA2 leptons.
I know about the dividing by 256, just don't know if there is anything else that needs to be applied to it.
and this problem? ._.'
Its the Grid. What Graphics Card do you have? Did you extract the Grid.png to the same directory as the EXE? Does it always happen or only with certain voxels/etc. _________________ Free Map Editor - Game Requirements - Stucuk.Net QUICK_EDIT
I have implemented TurretOffset but it is unlikely to match the games (Since i have no clue how many voxel's there are per map cell, i only know that there are 256 leptons per map cell).
I also made it so the buttons for View/Voxel Offset/HVA Position and HVA Rotation are down when that mode is the current one.
Attached is WIP 5.
the grapics card is from the windows installer :/ (windows 7) and yes... the file are in the folder...
Graphics card is a part of your Computers hardware not software.
I have implemented TurretOffset but it is unlikely to match the games (Since i have no clue how many voxel's there are per map cell, i only know that there are 256 leptons per map cell).
I think you render voxels 1:1 without any scaling. Ingame however the voxel Bounds from the voxel header are used to raise/lower the distance of the voxel to each other, thus making them overlap or place further apart (often causing holes, e.g. the famous black hole syndrome)
So for a correct working TurretOffset you would have to find a way to render the voxel in the exact same size as the game.
Only then the specified TurretOffset in Leptons would visually match.
Btw, welcome back and really nice to see progress on this tool again.
oh wait, I think I've misunderstood you.
The problem is not the scaling and leptons, but the actual size of a single rendered voxel compared to a cell (or leptons which are 256 per cell)
I guess the best way would be to create a line of voxel with 1:1 bounds and then count ingame, how many voxel fit in a cell.
Since cells are 60x30 pixel, i would guess 45 voxel in 1:1 size (no Bounds rescaling) would fit diagonally inside one cell (the unit standing diagonal, thus straight according to the diagonal cell grid).
In other words, a 45x45 voxel flat plane would cover exactly one cell.
The voxel scale of 1/12th corresponds to leptons, leptons appear to be half the distance of the RA2 offset distances, and being as the isometric tiles are 60x30, therefore the intermediate X,Y should be 45...
So 45 tile distance, doubled to account for leptons is 90.
If FA2 is reasonably accurate for unscaled voxels... 47x47 squares to show that 45 is indeed the correct amount of pixel per tile N-S and E-W.
The grid would be handy if you used tile edge boundaries for it instead of some arbitrary 2 dot distance. You would have a better idea of how the unit overlaps it's tile then.
Joined: 22 Nov 2010 Location: Iszkaszentgyorgy, Hungary
Posted: Wed Jul 01, 2015 9:17 am Post subject:
FA2 isn't accurate. _________________ "If you didn't get angry and mad and frustrated, that means you don't care about the end result, and are doing something wrong." - Greg Kroah-Hartman
Past C&C projects: Attacque Supérior (2010-2019); Valiant Shades (2019-2021)
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Attached is WIP6. TurretOffset is now multiplied by 43/256 .
Banshee wrote:
Ok, I guess it is better to use textures in this case.
Forgot to reply to your comment.
Shaders should never be used instead of a single texture. They should only be used for either dynamic stuff (As in where either you have something thats animated in real time or where you have something like Bumpmapping where its calculated based on the current light directions/etc) or where you have multiple textures where you need to add them in a way you can't do by default.
They are just for giving more control, not for replacing a single static texture.
FA2 doesn't scale voxels with their bounds, just a literal dot representation... there's no reason to think WW didn't tell Matze the correct formula?
Although if like I said 45 dots is the edge to edge distance, if voxel dots are handled 1:1 with tile pixels, and FA2 merely applied isometry to the voxel, you should in theory get the same result.
Mig Eater wrote:
LKO & I discussing the size of a cell sized vxl, which is 43x43x18.
All I see there is some assertion that it's 43...
Also a height level is 15 pixels when working on TMPs; so I even if the cell size was 43 voxels per 45 pixels, then how do you get 18 voxels per 15(+1 ground) pixels? There's something wrong in the assertion...
Here's a 45x45x16 voxel unscaled... place two vehicles on a map diagonally adjacent, see if the edge lines merge or pass each other
Joined: 22 Nov 2010 Location: Iszkaszentgyorgy, Hungary
Posted: Thu Jul 16, 2015 9:46 pm Post subject:
I'm having a bug with WIP6 - associating it to voxels cause an error on startup. Clicking OK loads the program without any voxels opened. Actual voxels look fine when opened manually though.
Could be Wine being an issue - running a Linux here - but both SHPBuilder both VXLSE works fine.
8.46 KB
31085 Time(s)
_________________ "If you didn't get angry and mad and frustrated, that means you don't care about the end result, and are doing something wrong." - Greg Kroah-Hartman
Past C&C projects: Attacque Supérior (2010-2019); Valiant Shades (2019-2021)
WeiDU mods: Random Graion Tweaks | Graion's Soundsets
Maintainance: Extra Expanded Enhanced Encounters! | BGEESpawn
Contributions: EE Fixpack | Enhanced Edition Trilogy | DSotSC (Trilogy) | UB_IWD | SotSC & a lot more... QUICK_EDIT
I'm having a bug with WIP6 - associating it to voxels cause an error on startup. Clicking OK loads the program without any voxels opened. Actual voxels look fine when opened manually though.
Could be Wine being an issue - running a Linux here - but both SHPBuilder both VXLSE works fine.
It traces to the bit that inserts a HVA frame, which is never called when you open a HVA. Its only called when you manually add a frame or copy one.
Either its a Wine issue or Wine doesn't use the same memory mapping as windows (Thus the location wouldn't match).
I tried opening a hva by supplying the app the full path to it and it loaded it without issue. _________________ Free Map Editor - Game Requirements - Stucuk.Net QUICK_EDIT
I'm having a bug with WIP6 - associating it to voxels cause an error on startup. Clicking OK loads the program without any voxels opened. Actual voxels look fine when opened manually though.
I have no experience with Wine, but maybe it's just a simple mistake like forgotten quotation marks around the parameter file. And when you try to load the voxel from a path with space characters, the program thinks it gets 2 parameters.
In windows you also have to write in the registry
\PathToProgram\HVABuilder.exe "%1"
note the "%1"
Otherwise a file from D:\My Voxel\test.vxl would be seen as 2 parameter from the program
D:\My being the first
Voxel\test.vxl the second parameter _________________ SHP Artist of Twisted Insurrection: Nod buildings
Having a really annoying issue with HVA frames. the application won't let me change anything on frames 2 and up on any voxel, new or not.
The only way I can make frame 2+ different from frame 1 is by editting frame 1, copying it, then edditing frame 1 back to normal. If I do it this way the normals of the animation in game come out weird and doens't match the actual voxel. _________________
ayylmao on Discord QUICK_EDIT
If you are running the tool in default windowed mode of 800x600 size or less, you may not see the animation
slider fully. Keep the slider on frame 2 or whatever you want and then make changes. It works and saves with
WIP6 properly.
Tips: If you make the grid.png of 2000x2000 pixel size, you can draw radial lines for say 30/45/60 degrees. It
can help in finding angles for rotation. QUICK_EDIT
Thanks for the useful response as usual. I've tried different resolutions, as soon as I put the slider into frame 2 or beyond I am no longer able to use HVA position/rotation. The part won't go at all.
Could it be the voxel itself? It was fine at first, now it won't let me do it to any voxel's turrets, I can do it to "body" type voxels but not turrets. _________________
ayylmao on Discord QUICK_EDIT
BTW Guys, I had stucuk fix the turret offset to match the game, I don't know if the bug you're describing exists peddy, but figure someone here will find it handy...
If the turret has its own HVA file, you open the turret's voxel (not the main unit's voxel) and then change it.
For animation, you make main unit with sections.
@G-E: Not authorized to download from your link, is it private? QUICK_EDIT
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