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About the Allied Hind
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What do you think?
fighter aircraft & dive bomber
 50%  [ 6 ]
I prefer muh helicopters
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Total Votes : 12

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Joined: 13 Apr 2019
Location: southern Germany (Austria)

PostPosted: Mon Apr 29, 2019 2:42 pm    Post subject:  About the Allied Hind
Subject description: I have a dream ... about fixing the Allied airforce
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Alright, I've been thinking alot about the problems with the Allied airforce. I came up with a solution for the Soviet Hind and the American Apache Longbow being in the Allied arsenal: the Allies won't get ANY helicopters  Laughing

You must be crazy, Daniel

Not really. Here is why: Helicopters just don't fit to the European powers. Instead they will get unique planes: a fighter plane, more agile Yak, with anti-air capabilities (maybe a Spitfire) and a dive bomer (maybe a Stuka). The reason the Europeans won't get jet planes is because I want the Soviets to have the technological edge here. Nevertheless both allied aircraft are going to be useful. The Allied fighter is going to behave similar to the Yak in RA1 (I'm talking about strafe runs), while the dive bomber is going to be deal lots of damage against a single target. If possible the dive bomber will be a bit harder to shoot down while attacking.

Edit: I'm still unsure about the Chinook. Maybe we could "Europeanise" the Chinook a bit? Two other options would be a transport blimb (which would be really out of place) or a light or medium bomber that can parachute infantry (possibly too overpowered)

I use Arch btw Cool

Last edited by Grantelbart on Mon Apr 29, 2019 3:50 pm; edited 2 times in total

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Lin Kuei Ominae

Joined: 16 Aug 2006
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PostPosted: Mon Apr 29, 2019 3:21 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

If you're talking about your OpenRA RA1 mod, where you also de-americanize stuff,
i would say something less advanced like a Black Hawk would be nice.
Hind and Apache are too advanced/high-tech for the RA1 era.

However an early Black Hawk or a similar heli could fit into the 50s/60s.
Maybe to make it fit better have it only
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Joined: 13 Apr 2019
Location: southern Germany (Austria)

PostPosted: Mon Apr 29, 2019 3:42 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

Yes, it's for going to be in my mod #Tongue
You are talking about using the Black Hawk as a replacement for the Chinook, correct? That could work (not for my mod, but for Red Alert). Earlier today I read about the history of helicopters and funnily enough it was Germany that produced the first helicopters for military use, but those were mainly gyrocopters.
I really like your idea of having an attack helicopter that can also transport some units though.

Edit: I might actually give the Allies and attack helicopter with the ability to transport a few units, but unfortunatelly they will have to build an airfield AND a helipad, which is something I wanted to avoid.

I use Arch btw Cool

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Rocket Cyborg

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PostPosted: Tue Apr 30, 2019 10:56 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

About Chinook. In real 50's soviets does have similiar Chopper. Yak-24. For europeans it can be Fa-223 Drache, it is German WW2 transport chopper.

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Joined: 13 Apr 2019
Location: southern Germany (Austria)

PostPosted: Fri May 03, 2019 10:58 am    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

Thanks, I knew both of those helicopters though. There is a big issue though. Technology would be completelly different in the RA timeline. This is why I won't give the Germans an icon with an Stg44, even though they had it historically. I imagine the allies using semi-automatic rifles like the G43 or the M1 Garand, while the Soviets will get an Ak47 (probably with a different name), since I imagine them having experienced war in Asia. I think that in this timeline they supported the Chinese (yeah, the Kuomintang, not the Communists) against the Japanese in addition to their experiences in Spain and possibly Finland.
Because the Soviets collected experience from intervening in multiple wars while the allies were busy ztyping over Germany with sanctions (keeping the German army weak) I'm not against the idea of letting the soviets have technology from the 50s or 60ties (like the Hind), but the Allies can't have that. At least not in the beginning. They will have to rely on Interwar and ww2 equipment in the early game, while fielding some 50ties technology in the late game.

I use Arch btw Cool

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Joined: 22 Mar 2015

PostPosted: Sun Oct 31, 2021 10:20 am    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

I think RA happens in the early 50's at the latest (Stalin died in 1953 and there's no reason to think he'd outlive himself in the RA timeline).

In my headcanon, though it doesn't really correlate well with trying to de-americanize the Allies, instead of the anachronistic CH-47 Chinook (introduced irl in 1961), the transport helicopters seen in RA are actually the only plausible tandem-rotor designs for the time period - the H-25 Mule (introduced in '49) or H-21 Workhorse (introduced in '52) for the Allies, and for the Soviets the Yak-24 "Horse" (introduced in '55, but developed in '52 and thus can be "pressed" into the early 50s without being too anachronistic). Notice how all of these have equine reporting names, too, which makes for a nice symmetry between the factions with little change.

This way, I'm also able to explain to myself why the "Chinook" of RA is so much weaker than the Chinook of Gen/ZH (though that leaves open why the Chinook of TD is exactly as weak).

These are the closest plausible analogs to the design seen in RA (i.e. tandem rotor), but if you are revamping the factions completely, of course you are not bound by that, and many other options become possible.

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