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Tiberian Sun Client 6.00 has been released!
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Bittah Commander
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Joined: 21 May 2003
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PostPosted: Sun Dec 05, 2021 12:35 am    Post subject:  Tiberian Sun Client 6.00 has been released!
Subject description: New vision, same purpose!
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Version 6.00 of the Tiberian Sun Client is out, which updates the GUI and adds many new patches (view the change log here).

- Download (without videos)
- Download (with videos)

If you're migrating a mod from an older TS Client version you can keep your old files from the "INI" and "MIX" folders, but make sure to add these keys to their respective sections in Rules.ini:


Name=Mobile Construction Vehicle



Also mind that most of the game options were moved from GameOptions.ini to SkirmishLobby.ini.

Those that want to add new factions to their mod can now easily do so without following a tutorial (just make sure that Sidec##.mix, SideCD##.mix and Speech##.mix exist for the new faction, you added the new faction's Harvesters and MCVs to HarvesterUnit= according to the comments in Rules.ini and you added all of the new faction's respective structures to the [AI] section; including BuildConst=, which accepts multiple entries now).

Useful to know: you can now also create a "Base" sub-folder in the "INI" folder and place your mod's ini files in there. Any ini file in the "Base" folder will be able to use the "BaseSection=" key for any section and this will make that section use all the key of the section you're referring to.
This would for example allow you to shorten the entire [CIV2] section to just this:

Any .ini file in the Base folder will be processed and overwrite the .ini file that's already in the "INI" folder whenever map is loaded and the client intentionally doesn't have .ini files in there out of the box so that modders can store their .ini files in there without worrying about having them removed or replaced whenever they update the client.

You can also still store .mix and .ini files in the main directory and these will take priority over the files in the "MIX" and "INI" folders. So if you want to mod while also being able to update the client when new versions come out, without having it overwrite any of your modded files, place your .mix and .ini files in the main directory (the folder that also contains the Game.exe and TiberianSun.exe files), as well as the "Base" folder (\INI\Base\).
Changes to files in the "Resources" folder (such as changed game options or playable factions) can't be read from elsewhere and will always be overwritten when you update, so it's best to back these files up somewhere so that you can just copy them back to the Resources folder after any update.

If you want to entirely disable updates, you can do this by changing "ModMode=false" to "true" in ClientDefinitions.ini.

More features such as Vinifera and possibly Quick Match will be added in the future and I'll try to fix any bugs that might be reported.

Key Words: #News #Release #TiberianSun #Firestorm #TiberianSunClient 


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Supreme Banshee

Also Known As: banshee_revora (Steam)
Joined: 15 Aug 2002
Location: Brazil

PostPosted: Sun Dec 05, 2021 8:36 am    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

Note: This announcement is a slightly modified clone of this post at the Tiberian Sun Client topic on Tiberian Sun Editing Forums.

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