Hey, firstly from Land and Air battles to force shields and fake Kanes, Epic space battles to plasma explosions and fictional ships from other timelines, then to killing the real Kane and martial arts? Isn't that too far-fetched? QUICK_EDIT
[ Orca Bomber, F4T Phantom (??), Mi24H Hind, SF16 (!?!?), and a B52 ]
*heads off for the SF16*
[ inside cockpit ]
*starts engine and taxies to a runway*
[ Radio: ]'Alpha One, this is control. You were not given clearance to taxi.'
[ Kyler: ] 'Control, this is Sajuuk Nine. Consider Alpha One.. detained.'
*glances at body lying under the F4T beside him*
[ Yuri forces surrounded the SF16 ]
'This is gonna be fun..'
*switches the stick trigger to what would be the .20mm vulcan on a regular F16 and sprays at the Rhino in the middle of the runway*
[ blue beams streak towards it and it is blow out of the way ]
( Powerful soab, ain't it? )
*streaks forward and takes off, dropping a single bomb with such perfect timing it sails into the bottom of the tower*
[ the tower falls over and blocks the runway ]
'Yee haw!'
*flees for Soviet/GDI airspace*
[ five minutes later, no hostiles encountered besides a single disc ]
'This is Lt Kyler Adams of the Soviet Army, requesting interception of a heli that left on vector two-six-niner about ten minutes ago from this position.'
[Soviet Commander]Roger that, comrade Kyler.We'll send in a bomber squadron to destroy that base along with a fighter escort to take out the anti-air.Also We're sending in a Special Soldier, a certain uhh, cncfreak.
He was trained by GDI, and yours truly.He will be leading the fighter Squadron. Ohh, Just call him cnc QUICK_EDIT
[Radio:] 'Jason, there's a airstrip about a thousand meters to your north with several fighter aircraft. Head over there & you can get some surprising aircraft.'
[Radio:] 'By the way, I'm flying your first choice.'
*does a barrel roll and flies low over the Landing Zone*
[Radio] this is "GDI outpost ehco" mass nod troop charge they are within 200 yards we have no base defences where being attacked ...we lost all our defenders ...we need urgent renforcements...*static*...trasmition lost'ed
[EVA] new Primary mission objective destory all 20 full nod squads air supoort is not avaible tank support is not avaible _________________ Link to a document to see what mods i have and/or working on or working with
[Destiny]: The infantry battalion is following. But it's weird no lightning is striking! Open fire! *Destiny fires his Railgun through 5 Nod Light Infantry* _________________ Please, read the signature rules of the forum. QUICK_EDIT
[cncfreak]Nice shot but watch this!*Shoots down a harpy with the railgun and it crashes on 2 tick tanks and some rocket soldiers*"Oh, Shit!
*Debris flys at cncfreak* QUICK_EDIT
Joined: 24 May 2004 Location: Flanders (Be) Posts:300000001
Posted: Mon Jun 12, 2006 6:52 pm Post subject:
Suddenly, the two GDI soldiers hear heavy breathing coming from the remains of the Nod infantry battalion. The breathing seems to come from a hexagonal crate the soldiers were carrying.
[Destiny] What the heck is that?
[cncfreak] Who cares? It's shiney. Open it.
[Destiny] Dude no way. It's breathing.
*cncfreak kicks the crate. Suddenly, it unfolds, revealing...*
[Kyler Radio:] 'This is Alpha One, requesting clearance to land.'
[Radio:] *crackle*
[Kyler Radio:] 'This is Alpha One. Please respond.'
*does a pass low over of the base*
[ no activity ]
[Kyler Radio:] 'Control, this is Alpha One, requesting clearance to land.'
[Kyler Radio:] 'Please Respond.'
*does another pass over the base, lower this time, throttling low and banking to get a good look*
[ still no activity ]
[ suddenly, several SAMs from multiple locations launch ]
*goes vertical and throttles full, spinning*
[ all but one SAM miss. The last one explodes a meter above the fghter, sending shrapnel through the thin aluminium skin. Several key systems are damaged ]
[Kyler Radio:] 'Mayday, mayday! This is Lt Kyler Adams, going down!'
*immediatly dives, barrel rolling low over the base*
*ejects low, about fifty meters before the fighter spirals into the control tower*
*lands, a Socom Mk23 in each hand, looking around*
[ is surrounded by Yuri Initiates. ]
'Erm.. shit.'
*drops his pistols and raises his hands above his heads after a moment of thinking* _________________
*A NightClaw closely follows Kyler as he heads towards the Yuri base.*
'Cruel:Why do we have to follow this moron anyway?'
'Wingman:Because he's bait! This base is lifeless on radar, but if we send a fighter over their might be some activity.'
'Cruel:Like that?'
*A multitude of SAMs open fire on Kyler.*
'Wingman: Shrapnel inbound!*a shard flies up through the bottom of the fighter and pierces the Wingmans skull. His head hits the console and the ship turns off*'
'Cruel:You dumb ass!'
*The NightClaw spirals down towards Kyler."
'Cruel:One shot at this!*Turns the fighter at a 23 degree angle. as it hits the ground and digs a ditch around Kyler killing all of the Initiates.*'
'Kyler:*Gives a weird look at the irony of the situation*'
'Cruel:*kicks off hatch and climbs out of the wrecked Fighter*
'Kyler:*Picks up guns and aims at Cruel head* Who are you?'
'Cruel:Lt. 1st class Damion Cruel, I'm a friend.' QUICK_EDIT
Joined: 24 May 2004 Location: Flanders (Be) Posts:300000001
Posted: Tue Jun 13, 2006 5:21 am Post subject:
The mad cyborg wanders around aimlessly without legs, until everything starts turning purple around him. He seems to be in some kind of command center, and some weird pale guy without any hair comes towards him.
[Yuri clone] You obey YURI now!
[Nyerguds] SoRRy, bEeN ThErE, dOnE ThAt. CABAL AlReAdY cOntRoLs mY mInD.
[Yuri clone] No he doesn't! He obviously doesn't! I've watched you, you've been crawling aimlessly in circles for hours!
[Nyerguds] wHaTeVeR.
*Nyerguds grabs a penny from Destiny's lunch money, and with his mighty cyborg-fingers he throws it at the clone. It penetrates his head like a bullet. The clone drops dead.*
[Nyerguds] cOmE GeT SoMe BeYoTchEz.
The next moment, Kyler Adams walks in, and gets mind controlled by some Yuri clone hiding around a corner.
[Nyerguds] gRuDD tHeSe gUyS aRe aNNoYiNnG
*flicks a coin at the second Yuri clone, killing it.*
Suddenly, a brute turns up.
[Nyerguds] AiN't mInE, but sUrE.
*Nyerguds uses one of his arms to grab the the brute by the arm and lift himself up, and uses his other arm to slam a coin into the mutated monstrosity's skull.*
As the wasteland keeps growing, Yuri's 5th clone, or Yuri 06 (me) is sitting on a black red chair in Nod's underground traffic control center
[Yuri 06] *makes traffic noices, and drives with a toy Montauk* brrooom! ha ha! you shall die, GDI dogs *drives the montauk throught some GDI toy soldiers* hmm...my brain waves throb in high rate, which means I'm excited...I could get used to this! *drives the toy Montauk in to Kyler's foot* ...hello! I'm..
[Kyler] *aims pistol into Yuri 06's forehead* I know who you are! mind if
I mess that logo of yours with red *looks with devilish eyes*?
[Yuri 06] *crabs the pistol* Fool! _________________
Cruel:*Shoots Yuri 06 in the head* 'Sorry buddy, there was something on your brow. So Kyler, what are we doing here anyway?'
Kyler:'You tell me, I mean you were following me.'
Cruel: 'No one told me, it was all my wing man. Now he's got a metal fragment in his head. So either you tell me, or I'll be in the dark for quite some time.' QUICK_EDIT
[ PS: I'm immune to mind control, Nyerguds. But anyways.. ]
[ slightly reworking that part ]
*Yuri grabs the pistol in his hand*
*pulls the other one out*
[ Cadre walks in and blasts Yuri ]
Cruel: 'Sorry buddy, there was something on your brow. So Kyler, what are we doing here anyway?'
Kyler:'You tell me, I mean you were following me.'
Cruel: 'No one told me, it was all my wing man. Now he's got a metal fragment in his head. So either you tell me, or I'll be in the dark for quite some time.'
Kyler: 'I'm just looking for Yuri..'
Cruel: 'Ahh.'
*heads off through another room, killing clones as he went*
But unfortunate for them, they didn't look back, and notice that what Cruel shot was actualy a clone of Yuri 06's clone's clone...
The actual Yuri 06 was in Master Yuri's hideout, where also were Yuri 02,03,04 and 05.
Yuri 06: so, I've manage to gather you all into master's...my little underground hall. Unfortunate to you, you wont leave here alive, as I have plans to do for the Yuri organisation! I will become the Master Yuri!!11one1lol!
Yuri Master: *laughs* none of my clones has got the same powers that I do. You can't destroy me!
Yuri 06: oh, but I'm special. I'm even so special, that I was made, accidently, the most powerfull lifeform in the Earth! I have the power of Genetic Mutator! Look! *shows right hand, which has a small GM device installed*
And so, he turned the Former Yuri Master, Yuri 01, 02...05 into mindless Brutes, which he ordered to guard the entrances for now... _________________
Joined: 18 Feb 2005 Location: Star Kingdom of Manticore
Posted: Wed Jun 14, 2006 7:26 pm Post subject:
[Athena II]: This is Commander Lexie Spoor of the Heliopolis Imperial Fleet. We are pulling all of our forces out. I repeat, to all GDI commanders, we are pulling all forces out. The scrin have launched a full scale invasion on Heliopolis Homeworld. We will assist when we can. Good luck commanders. ---- *static* _________________ "Reality is a lovely place, but I wouldn't want to live there." -Adam Young QUICK_EDIT
[Terran Flagship]: This is Commander Uzumi of the Terran Space Support Fleet. We are pulling out. The base has been destroyed. The Scrin and renegade Vasudans are massing attack forces outside our homeworld. We will defend it. Have a good battle. *All the ships hyperspaces away*
[Destiny]: That was quick. *Shoots a Nod Light Infantry before he can aim his rifle* _________________ Please, read the signature rules of the forum. Last edited by Destiny on Sat Jun 17, 2006 6:59 am; edited 1 time in total QUICK_EDIT
Destiny: *Smmashes his rifle on Nod Light Infantries and shoots them as they stop* Hey...we've got trouble... *A group of Chem Spray Infantry and Elite Black Hand troops is approaching* _________________ Please, read the signature rules of the forum. QUICK_EDIT
[gdi soldier] attacking *fires m1caibine at sniper in the gas station* _________________ Link to a document to see what mods i have and/or working on or working with
*The Gas station's fuel pumps explode, killing 15 Nod Soldiers beside the pumps*
Destiny: *Shoots down 9 of the Chem Spray Infantry and runs away as the gases kill the other Nod Troops* _________________ Please, read the signature rules of the forum. QUICK_EDIT
cncfreak is a fake medic! (Your rank )
Destiny: *Shoots a Nod Black hand and kills him while Disc Throwers throw discs everywhere, bouncgin and exploding on Nod troops* _________________ Please, read the signature rules of the forum. QUICK_EDIT
[dub] new orders capture the conyard to control the yuri base .. this area is perfect for a GDI training ground im bringing in heavy infantry standby _________________ Link to a document to see what mods i have and/or working on or working with
Destiny: *Shoots a Nod Light Infantry in his head and recieves a transmission*
General Solomon: Sergeant Destiny, please stand back for Drop Pod reinforcements.
Destiny: Will do sir. *Destiny and the troops moves back* 5...4...3...2...1...0! *Many Nod Soldiers get killed as the Drop Pod's guns kill them as they land* _________________ Please, read the signature rules of the forum. QUICK_EDIT
I thought it was GDI and Nod stuff? How come there's Yuri's stuff?
Destiny: *Shoots a Nod Black Hand dead and rushes into the Warfactory and builds a Wolverine* Come on... *Wolverine is finished and Destiny gets into it and starts shredding Nod Infantries while Hundreds and Hundreds of Drop Pods flies into the base and killing Nod Infantries on the way*
--------------- _________________ Please, read the signature rules of the forum. QUICK_EDIT
Because your all in a Yuri owned Nod Base obviously...and the character Jason is sitting this mission out...temporarly. _________________ ... QUICK_EDIT
[dub] destiny abandon GDI Outpost we will use the yuri one instead ...barizl is ours now ..lets destory all forces in the area .......
[dub].............errr wait a sec....ahh shit ,more Yuri reinforements 10 tick tanks and 23 yuri clones....rats
mcneal can i send in the new rockect compoent towers for our base
[Mcneal] no destory all forces first ....general solomans orders
[dub] yes sir ...do we hold sir ?
[Mcneal] affrimative
[dub] roger that ... i'll send the orders right away _________________ Link to a document to see what mods i have and/or working on or working with
Destiny: Yuri Base secured! *Gets out of the Wolverine and into a Heli Pad and builds a Orca Fighter* _________________ Please, read the signature rules of the forum. QUICK_EDIT
[DubzacRadio:] Blair wheres the other heavy infantry i reqested more ?
---near the tick tank group----
*OC lands on a yuri clone* !!! splat !!! _________________ Link to a document to see what mods i have and/or working on or working with
Click Last edited by Dubzac on Thu Jun 22, 2006 11:22 am; edited 1 time in total QUICK_EDIT
[BlairRadio]The other heavy infintry were shot down on the way here, It is possible that they survived but it is currently impossible to get to them at the moment because of the advancing Yuri forces, got to go!*fires chaingun into enemy tank battalion and rips apart 7 tick tanks*
[BlairRadio]Umm there are giant tanks with brains in them, and I have no idea what they are NO DONT SHOOT AT ME! FRIENDLY FIRE! QUICK_EDIT
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