- Full interaction with the forums. You can check new posts from the site.
- Commented news requested by Maxim (all you need is to reply this message)
- It will soon have sections exclusive to certain group of users (customizable site, what about a chain story section? Crazy, isn't it?)
- Links promosing new sections

- Completely PHPed site
- Much better design
- Polls

- Top Posters.
- Top Lists pictures are gone.
- By submitting your tutorials in the tutorial forums, the site auto updates the TS, RA2 and Warcraft 3 tutorials list. The most commented tutorials will be in the top.
- Emoticons and BBCodes in news.
- More sections like BattleField News and much more (I'm still planing to have all sections being able to be commented, but I'm still working on it).
- Headlines
So, what is needed to release the layout?
- Code to make the generation of sections more "automatic".
- Ajusting colours (still too much subsilver :S)
How long will it take to be released?
- One or few days
The bugs:
Just one bug, if you vote in a poll, it aint show the result. It will show the options for you to vote and if you vote, it will say that you voted but won't target you to the results. I will amenize the problem by linking the Survey Command Center forum where the polls are located. The name of that forum might be changed (it's just temporarily, unless ppl like).
And a final info here:
- The newspro news will be found in the archived news while the old news will link to this forum.
So, that's it, as soon as it's online, enjoy it.