Tiberian Sun Retro v1.1
It is finally here, version 1.1 of Tiberian Sun Retro and you are gunna love it!
With a MASSIVE amount of new features since v1.0 and in general, experience the over 100 new sounds (101 to be exact) from the hydraulics of the harvester unloading/loading and the burning sound of trees and other objects set alight the gibberish sounds from the CABAL core when it is built to the loads of new vehicle sounds from RA1 and Tiberian Dawn. On top of this there is many new animations like the chemical ball that the Chem spray infantry make when firing and the explosions from RA1 and RA2 this if nothing else will be the most atmospheric Tiberian Sun mod you have played. A host of other new things since v1.0 like Cyborg Flamethrower and Terror Drones and totally new features like Orca Transports parachuting infantry out and Unit specific debris so that every unit with a barrel and/or turret has it come flying off when destroyed. A brand new map made by expert Tiberian Sun map maker FinalMoon has been kindly contributed to the mod called Canopy where the high road is Tiberium Weed and the low route is full of Tiberium
So go take a look at http://tiberiumstudios.editingsource.com even if you just take a look at the screenshots oh and this is only v1.1 update I haven’t even documented the features that are in v1.0 which is the main basis of the mod and v1.2 will be started on shortly
SMIFFGIG – Making the mod
FinalMoon – Donating the really cool Canopy Map
Banshee – For being the first to pickup and support TS Retro
Detail – For hosting Tiberium Studios and Tiberian Sun Retro
So go and grab it from http://tiberiumstudios.editingsource.com the Downloads section and...... have a good game

Nice new site btw