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Another poll...
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Supreme Banshee

Also Known As: banshee_revora (Steam)
Joined: 15 Aug 2002
Location: Brazil

PostPosted: Mon Apr 14, 2003 4:47 pm    Post subject:  Another poll... Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

Enough of CnC-Sector news, we are in PPM. Well, we´ve got a new poll online that asks which mod do you think that gonna be released first?

Let's get a fast briefing on how things are going:

PPM: Final Dawn: The mod started to be brainstormed in october 2000, but due to the excess of disorganization, the real works started in december. Since then, we already have some advanced ini files, lots of grahics done, but still a lot of things to be done. The progress of the mod is instable and it's currently good (one flame turret, sam site, advanced guard tower and an airfield being finalized in the lasts 5 days) after being nearly dead for few weeks due to problems with the great majority of the members.

PPM: Tibercraft: It was started few days ago (it would be something completely different that seems have been discarded), it will be brainstormed, but unlike PPM:FD, it doesnt need so many new models as the ones that will be used were already designed. It's already getting an interesting support and it's in brainstorming phasis. The work needed for this mod is much less than what is needed to PP: Final Dawn.

Red Generals: It was started in the beggining of february by Tratos. This mod already have several voxels done and a lot of thing being worked on. Likewise Tibercraft, most of things gonna be converted, not designed, yet there are rumours they will have some new things... The progress looks like currently.... a secret. No one knows... the last news a black lotus being developed by Tratos...(Note: I suggest check the comments, just in case Tratos wants to say more about it Wink)

So, sounds hard to choose or too easy?

Anyway, the old poll... I think it was affected by the Iraq war because GDI got, sadly, no votes at all. Maybe the recent progress of PPM (5 buildings for TDL being finished) also affected the poll and TDL has beaten easily the other sides. Anyway, here are the results:

TDL 50% [ 5 ]
Cyborgs 30% [ 3 ]
Nod 20% [ 2 ]
GDI 0% [ 0 ]

All heil the mutants Wink and civilians as well, since TDL has both in their army. Or... these polls were affected by X-Men... Well, I'm confused now... Anyway, keep voting Wink...

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Joined: 01 Jan 2003

PostPosted: Mon Apr 14, 2003 10:00 pm    Post subject: Re: Another poll... Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

Banshee wrote:
The progress looks like currently.... a secret.

Haha, yes a secret, well no actually not really, its just that progress is slow and we haven't got anything new to show at the moment. Plus io just got Generals so..............well you can guess...........

So, you want more about the mod, well...................

The idea is simple, for all those who cant play generals (and for those who wont, Dooffy Wink ) you can instead play Red Generals, a total conversion of CnC Generals onto/into the RA2 engine, and interface.

Sounds hard you say, well yes in some ways it is, but most of the work has already been done for us by EAP (although dont get the idea that this is an official mod, cos it isn't and is in no way supported or endorsed by EAP). We are running into trouble on some parts of the conversion, but overall its going well, we have ideas on how we are going to do all the things you see in Generals and are starting to put them into practice.

However, you unfortunatly, will not be able to use Tunnel networks if your GLA (although you will find Tech caves on some maps that work in a similar way), and some of the superweapons have not been implemented, but for those of you out there who like your superweapons there are still a lot of them,

- Paradrop
- Anthrax Bomb
- Cluster mines
- Particle Cannon

to name but a few.

Brand new art, or at least second hand with very few miles on the clock (thanks to EAP and Gmax/3DSmax), lots of new sounds, new maps, new movies, and new missions.

So what are you waiting for vote PPM: Final Dawn, cos god knows, with all this work, were not gonna be first.

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