anyways. I was wondering how is the underwater going to look like..
I imagined it to be very colorful coral reef.
.Schools of fish floating,sharks, sea monsters, whales floating around and other animals, etc....something really beautiful and visually stunning.that its a shame that it has to be destroyed.
Ever played Ecco the Dolphin...something like that.
here some virtual aquairiums. maybe who ever is making the tiles can get ideas. I think coral reefs would make perfect cliff faces, and terrian objects.
other things might be like ship wreckage. and of course polluted wartorn areas..
and the Aliens. how are they going look like? I suggest something organic. freakish. they are "Terrors from the Deep". _________________ Delirium.. QUICK_EDIT
Yes there will be a Cthulu lookalike probably as a main person for the backstory off screen as TFTD was based mostly on Cthulu fiction anyway (T'leth is Ry'leth) and the main controlling entity in the game at the end has a Cthulu face on a coffin powered by 6? generators in which you have to destroy in a suicide mission with your best soldiers. Unfortunately killing the controlling entity would mean no wars
Also I'd like to add that this mod like X-Com will not have any cartoony aspects such as Sea Serpents/Mermen/Mermaids and definately not Atlantis because X-Com had a strict dark, gritty wartime, really scary realism which we are trying to re-create. So don't ask for them
In X-Com you would be a lone base against the world first off, trying to desperately fund yourself to get to other places while the aliens terrorise cities and you desperately trying to establish a foothold. When you wait for months without a USO detection you know the alien bastards are up to something somewhere, and you look on the graphs and realise they've set up a base in Australia .
And now to go over ideas to see if they fit in X-Com fiction
Sunk Oil Rig(Extra Money)
Hmmm, there was Oil Rigs in X-Com that were really explosive, if you shot one the whole place would simutaneously explode. Probably there will be some Oil Rigs no doubt to spice up the undersea battles.
What good would that serve to be a hospital or any use to outpost it when you can just fly in a Triton MCV? Ruins should just be garrisonned buildings only, because people go in there and set up Jet Cannons, Gauss Cannons, Sonic Cannons or whatever, just like in X-Com.
Crumbled Dam(Civilian Power Plant)
Probably not.. if it's crumbled then it can't work then can it?
Atlantis Laboratory (Secret Lab)
Such are the boundaries between X-Com technology and Alien technology is that the creatures cannot be trained or so forth therefore Secret Labs to train secret units will be redundant, although you might get some worth out of capturing a said hidden research facility underwater..
-the Bermuda Triangle
-the Dragons Triangle
Possible map names.
-Loch Ness
-Loch Ness Monster
Proven not to exist and doesn't fit in with X-Com fiction.
-Lake Champlain
-Lake Champlain Monster/"Champ"
-Sea Serpants
-Atlantis/Underwater Citys/Ruins
You will get to find underwater cities and ruins dating from long ago in where you can battle in them. You'll also fight on a volcanic landscape, and battle deep underwater, and shallow underwater.
-Pirate Ships
You will find some wrecked pirate/normal ships which can be garrisonned.
Sorry, nice try.
-WW2 Sunken Ships/WW2 Aircraft
You will find sunken Boeing 747's as well as numbrous other passenger aircraft worth garrisonning. WW2 Sunken ships are a possibility.
-Coral Reef
-UFO's/USO's (Unidentified Submerged Objects)
You will find old UFO's dating from the First Alien War which were downed over the ocean (a la X-Com Enemy Unknown the first game). You'll also possibly find a few USO's lying around too, but USO's will all be built by the Alien side ranging from Battleships to Dreadnoughts.
-Oil Spills
Possibility around oil rigs.
-Sea Animals
-Ring of Fire
That just is a geographical thing for all the volcanoes in the world.. anyway you'll be fighting on volcanic landscapes underwater.
-Underwater Trenches
-Underwater Caves
Both are possible.
and the Aliens. how are they going look like? I suggest something organic. freakish. they are "Terrors from the Deep".
Oh trust me, they are freakish. The Hallucinoid even freaks me out from the original game, and he's in it with the squishy sounds o_O. I'll post what they look like from the original game. The USOPeadia has a lot of lovely drawings of them with a detailed background if any, coupled with their favourite battle function, and groupie (if they are a terrorism alien).
(All of Disruptors animals except for Mermaids)
Probably will be included _________________ QUICK_EDIT
That's a very awesome idea, but I'll make pirateship and not rename it Flying Dutchman, but I might make Kraken or something like that. I watched the third part of that movie last weekend and it gave me lots of inspirations. If anyone is wondering what I'm making right now for this mod; I'm modelling Coelacanth Tank... QUICK_EDIT
Since its going to be 100% underwater, our 'airplanes' and 'blimps' would be submarines and unmanned units.
For superweapons you can have an extremely powerful torpedo launched by jet or a ship on/above the sea, so we won't see what launched the torpedo, just a descending projectile.
Water mines, self-explanatory.
Giant squids pestering your units like the tiberium stuff in Tiberian Sun. _________________ If the world didn't suck, we'd all fall into space... QUICK_EDIT
Since its going to be 100% underwater, our 'airplanes' and 'blimps' would be submarines and unmanned units.
As you told me on MSN, I'll use their codings...
For superweapons you can have an extremely powerful torpedo launched by jet or a ship on/above the sea, so we won't see what launched the torpedo, just a descending projectile.
Well, I was thinking about earthquake SW, but I'll investigate how SW torpedo would work...
Water mines, self-explanatory.
Already done and will be SHP'd soon...
Giant squids pestering your units like the tiberium stuff in Tiberian Sun.
Do you mean Veins? Well, I might make a "building" that attacks units who are too close for it... QUICK_EDIT
Hmm you still doing that PWT Uber Bomb for the X-Com superweapon right? Aliens have the same technology too, but probably not on a horrifyingly destructive scale X-Com clicked it up to.. they also have access to some sort of mind control *In TFTD it's called "Molecular" but whatever* called a "Synomium Device" afaik, so you could do a Psychic Dominator type thing. Basically from what I've gathered aliens want to set them up to wake up the "great sleeper" *lets just call him Cthulhu for now*, maybe to capture a load of civvies above water and then use them to feed Cthulhu to wake him up more quicker. It wasn't *exactly* explained in great detail other than this, and that the Aliens have to activate 12 artifact sites to wake him up. _________________ QUICK_EDIT
Actually I don't have idea for SWs, but I think I'll make somesort of mindcontrol SW for Aliens (which of course, doesn't make YR stylish explosion at all). And some suggestions for X-Com SW: Satellite that creates a heat beam, Nuke, Torpeedo, Earthquake...
Cthulhu is excellent! And it's 0:15AM here and I can't think a single thing clearly...
@Gufu: There'll be underwater civilian bases with huge turbines, so don't worry... QUICK_EDIT
X-Com TFTD= gritty bitter war between a humankind destitute and in a ecological nightmare and technologically superior aliens underwater heavily influenced by Cthulhu mythos. If anything I'd assume Donut would reference some Cthulhu easter eggs.
It's like say TAKT, I really don't think we want other games (especially happy Ecco) in our game based off a gritty realism war strategy game. _________________ QUICK_EDIT
ECCO is a sad tale. His family and other underwater allies got eaten by the vortex "aliens" who destroyed Atlantis. His kind was chosen to fight them off, going back through time as they invaded the oceans of Earth. These Aliens polluted the waters with toxins, created mechanical constructs to harvest marine life to feed their Queen..
The doesn't seem to be a pretty happy story to me. . aye well tis only a suggestion.... _________________ Delirium.. Last edited by Ickus on Mon Apr 28, 2008 5:33 pm; edited 1 time in total QUICK_EDIT
Joined: 29 Aug 2007 Location: Village of Creston, British Columbia.
Posted: Mon Apr 28, 2008 8:03 pm Post subject:
I'm not entirely familiar with specifically TftD of the series, however maybe some way to implement pressure? Like maybe some particularily deep areas that slowly ebb away at units' integrity? Or anyone seen that movie 'the Abyss' where there's that experimental liquid oxygen you could use to breathe and go to much more extreme depths with? _________________
Oh, fuggerbuggerrit! QUICK_EDIT
I've seen "the Abyss" -movie and it was quite interesting. If it's possible with map triggers we'll make the weakest X-Com soldiers (the ones with weak diving suit/armor) to lose their health and maybe even make them to die in very deep places where pressure is extremely dangerous. However, the Alien units and X-Com soldiers with high-tech diving suits/armors won't suffer from hard pressure at all (this means that X-Com won't train any soldiers with weak diving suit/armor in the missions like these). This might be a minor feature, but it's rather interesting... QUICK_EDIT
Joined: 29 Aug 2007 Location: Village of Creston, British Columbia.
Posted: Mon Apr 28, 2008 10:56 pm Post subject:
When I wrote that I was also thinking about that scene in U-571 when one of the guys is talking about a sub that went to deep and burst under pressure x.x
That'll definitely add some realism for the more under-equipped guys as far as pressure goes.
gufu wrote:
If only we had an ability to recreate the Tiberium Veins with a few changes.
What for? A vein monster would be interesting underwater, but it doesn't make sense. Or do you just wish something similar in ra2 could exist? _________________
Oh, fuggerbuggerrit! QUICK_EDIT
Joined: 22 Dec 2004 Location: Tiberium Research Center N27
Posted: Mon Apr 28, 2008 11:42 pm Post subject:
I mean, so instead of puting lots of triggers, we could just make an invisible creature what would kill anything getting up to it. Therfore = pressure. Of course, he must be modified not to die/grow. _________________ DUNK! QUICK_EDIT
Gufu, I'm impressed! It can be used randomly and as invisble it won't cause any lag, but the logic might not be working on YR anymore (with RP2 we could make it work). Now I need to wait for pro opinions about the logic and the triggers (causes pressure damage in maps)... and other suggestions how we can create pressure... QUICK_EDIT
yea, thats cool. I was gonna suggest some silly things like soviet sub wreckage,naga creatures and Rapture like settlements, etc.
but it just turns to be dumping crap from other existing stories. While I <3 cthulhu, I value a mod's purity.
I am not too familiar with X-COM universe so besides that not sure what can be suggested, beyond input of created assets, but with said its nice to see the mod still going. _________________ Delirium.. QUICK_EDIT
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