Posted: Sun Apr 20, 2003 5:50 am Post subject:
adding sides to the game
ok. i have got the things on the converting things...thanks terror and banshee so now how do yo add sides to tiberian sun? i am trying to get up to 8 sides. QUICK_EDIT
Ok say were adding a new side Called 'Cyborgs'. 'CYB' for short.
In rules.ini look for:
; *** House (players) List ***
; Each side has some basic controls on how they behave (when
; controlled by the computer. Here is the list of available
; house types.
4=CYB (<-- ADD THIS)
; ******* Side Type List *******
; The combantants can be grouped according to side. This
; lists the sides and their respective member houses.
There's a really great tutorial written for this... it describes EVERY single step you need to complete to add a new side...
And i have one advice for you.... if your game crashes just when you start, the problem may not necessarily be your new side... because a new side CAN screw up the old GDI and NOD sides.... i had this problem a few times in my 5-sided mod.... so BE SURE to have many backups of your rules.ini!!!! QUICK_EDIT
Also Known As: banshee_revora (Steam) Joined: 15 Aug 2002 Location: Brazil
Posted: Sun Apr 20, 2003 1:20 pm Post subject:
lol, yea.. you guys wrote it in the same minute pratically (11:07 and 11:08 ) Last edited by Banshee on Sun Apr 20, 2003 4:43 pm; edited 1 time in total QUICK_EDIT
ok. thanks alot. i will probably post another question soon because i am full of them (notice the name) so thanks to all who answered and it really helped. QUICK_EDIT
Here itis for anyone else and it came straight off the sight so this is how it is.
Step 1: Begin by locating the following section in the Rules.ini file and make the entries as listed below.
; Building prerequisite categories are specified here.PrerequisitePower=GAPOWR,NAPOWR,NAAPWR,OTLPWR ; OTLPWR is the CDF's power plantPrerequisiteFactory=GAWEAP,NAWEAP,OTLWEAP ; OTLWEAP is the CDF's weapon factoryPrerequisiteBarracks=NAHAND,GAPILE,OTLBK ; OTLBK is the CDF's barraksPrerequisiteRadar=GARADR,NARADR,OTLRADR ; OTLRADR is the CDF's radar stationPrerequisiteTech=GATECH,NATECH,OTLTECH ; OTLTECH is the CDF's tech center
What the above dose is set the Prerequisite statments, Power=, Factory=, Barracks=, Radar=, and Tech= so that your knew side will be able to build and use those items comon to all sides.
Step Two
Step 2: Now locate the following section in the Rules.ini file, and add your new sides house to the list. Insure you place it before the Neutral and Special entries, (this is a must or it can crash the game on starte up). This allows the new side to be selectable on start up.
; *** House (players) List ***; Each side has some basic controls on how they behave (when; controlled by the computer. Here is the list of available; house types.[Houses]0=GDI1=Nod2=OTL3=Neutral4=Special
Step Three
Step 3: Next locate the following section in the RULES.INI file and add your new side. Again, place your new side before the Neutral and Special entries.
; ******* Side Type List *******; The combantants can be grouped according to side. This; lists the sides and their respective member houses.[Sides]GDI=GDINod=NodOTL=OTLCivilian=NeutralMutant=Special
Step Four
Step 4: Its now time to create the Statistics for your knew side so locate the following section in the RULES.INI file and make the following entries.
; ******* Country Statistics *******[OTL]Name=CDF <<=== This is the name of your new sideSuffix=GDI <<=== This is the suffix you can keep it as shown here.Prefix=G <<=== The prefix can be the same as shown here. Color=Blue <<=== Give them a unit color.Multiplay=yes <<=== Multiplay should be yes.Side=OTL <<=== Here is the Prefix that will be used as Owner
Step Five
Step 5: Create some buildings for your new side start by adding their names to the Building Types List in the RULES.INI file, (where xxx = the next avaliable number in the list).
This building is the new construction yard. You will need this in order to build any other buildings for your new side, (the normal construction yard used by the GDI and Nod will not work for your new side, you will be able to build it but nothing else).
xxx=OTLWEAP ;OTLWEAP is the CDF's weapon factoryxxx=OTLPWR ;OTLPWR is the CDF's power plantxxx=OTLTECH ;OTLTECH is the CDF's tech centerxxx=OTLRADR ;OTLRADR is the CDF's radar stationxxx=OTLBK ;OTLBK is the CDF's barraks
The above building will be needed if you wish to create a playable side with its own weapons and stuff. As I said before you may name your new buildings what ever names, suit your mod.
Step Six
Step 6: Create some Units for your new side and again start by adding their names to the Vehicle Types List in the Rules.ini file, (where xx = the next avaliable number in the list).
Here I've created 2 units One is the new sides MCV which is need in order to build the new sides construction yard, (on start up of the game your new side will be given the normal MCV that the GDI and Nod use but it will not work for your new side, it will deploy but will not allow your new sides buildings to be built, you must have the new sides mcv in order to build anything). The second unit I've created is just a tank for the new side.
You can create as many different types of Vehicles as you like however, only allow the new sides mcv and one other to starte in multiplayer.
Step Seven
Step 7: Create at least one infantry for your new side and again start by adding their names to the Infantry Types List in the Rules.ini file, (where xx = the next avaliable number in the list).
You can create as many different types of infantry as you like however, only allow one infantry type to starte in multiplayer.
Step Eight
Step 8: Here is where you need to give your new sides builings, units, and infantry their Statistics. So once again locate the following sections in the Rules.ini file and use the examples as a guide to create your new buildings, units and infantry.
; CDF Tank[CRUR]Name=CDF TankImage=2TNKPrerequisite=OTLWEAP <<=== New sides weapon factory.Category=AFVTargetLaser=yesPrimary=90mmSecondary=MammothTuskStrength=600CrateGoodie=yesArmor=heavyTurret=yesTechLevel=7Sight=10Speed=10Owner=OTLCost=500Points=60ROT=5Crusher=yesSelfHealing=yesCrewed=yesExplosion=TWLT070,S_BANG48,S_BRNL58,S_CLSN58,S_TUMU60VoiceSelect=25-I000,25-I002,25-I004,25-I006VoiceMove=25-I012,25-I014,25-I016,25-I018,25-I022VoiceAttack=25-I014,25-I022,25-I024,25-I026VoiceFeedback=MaxDebris=4Locomotor={4A582741-9839-11d1-B709-00A024DDAFD1}Weight=3.5 ;1.0MovementZone=DestroyerThreatPosed=40 ; This value MUST be 0 for all building addonsDamageParticleSystems=SparkSys,SmallGreySSysAllowedToStartInMultiplayer=yes <<=== See Note Below! ZFudgeColumn=9 ZFudgeTunnel=15
Only allow one other vehicle besides the new sides MCV to start in Multiplayer. This is to insure your new side will be givin at least one of its own MCV.
;CDF Const Yard[OTLMCV]Image=MCVName=CDF Law Const YardCategory=SupportPrerequisite=OTLWEAP,OTLTECH <= New sides weapon factory and Tech center. This ensures only your new side can build this item.Strength=800 Armor=woodTechLevel=9Sight=10Speed=15Owner=OTL <<===Only your new side can start with this unit.Cost=1000 ;was 800Points=120ROT=5DeploysInto=OTLCNSTCrusher=yesCrewed=yesExplosion=TWLT070,S_BANG48,S_BRNL58,S_CLSN58,S_TUMU60VoiceSelect=25-I000,25-I002,25-I004,25-I006VoiceMove=25-I012,25-I014,25-I016,25-I018,25-I022VoiceAttack=25-I014,25-I022,25-I024,25-I026VoiceFeedback=Turret=yesMaxDebris=6DebrisTypes=CNST,PIECE,TIREDebrisMaximums=1,1,1Locomotor={4A582741-9839-11d1-B709-00A024DDAFD1}Weight=3.5MovementZone=CrusherThreatPosed=0 DamageParticleSystems=SparkSys,SmallGreySSysZFudgeColumn=8ZFudgeTunnel=15AllowedToStartInMultiplayer=yes <<== The new sides MCV must be able to start in Multiplayer.[CDFINF2]Name=CDF Rifle Trooper1Image=SLAVCategory=SoldierPrimary=Vulcan3 Secondary=SniperC4=yesPrerequisite=OTLBK <<=== The new sides Barraks.CrushSound=SQUISH6Strength=135Armor=lightTechLevel=1Pip=greenSight=7Speed=5Owner=OTLAllowedToStartInMultiplayer=YES <<=== Only allow one infantry unit to start in Multiplayer. This is to insure that your new side will be givin at least one of its own MCV.Cost=100 Points=5 VoiceSelect=15-I000,15-I004,15-I012,15-I048 VoiceMove=15-I018,15-I024,15-I044VoiceAttack=15-I044,15-I050,15-I044,15-I046VoiceFeedback=15-I058,15-I064VoiceDie=DEDMAN1,DEDMAN2,DEDMAN2,DEDMAN4,DEDMAN5,DEDMAN6Locomotor={4A582744-9839-11d1-B709-00A024DDAFD1}PhysicalSize=1MovementZone=InfantryDestroyerThreatPosed=15 ; This value MUST be 0 for all building addonsEliteAbilities=SCATTERTiberiumProof=yesImmuneToVeins=yes;CDF Const Yard[OTLCNST]Image=GACNSTName=CDF Const YardConstructionYard=yesStrength=2000Armor=woodTechLevel=-1Adjacent=2Factory=BuildingTypeUndeploysInto=OTLMCV <<=== Because of this must have the new sides MCV.Sight=6Turret=noOwner=OTLCost=2500Points=80Power=0Capturable=trueCrewed=yesExplosion=TWLT070,S_BANG48,S_BRNL58,S_CLSN58,S_TUMU60MaxDebris=10ThreatPosed=0 ; This value MUST be 0 for all building addonsDamageParticleSystems=SparkSys,SmallGreySSys,BigGreySmokeSysDamageSmokeOffset=1470, 1060, 1078AIBuildThis=yesTogglePower=noUnsellable=false; CDF War Factory[OTLWEAP]Image=GAWEAPName=CDF War FactoryPrerequisite=OTLPWR,OTLBK <<===Ensures only the new side can build this.DamageParticleSystems=SparkSys,SmallGreySSys,BigGreySmokeSysArmor=heavyThreatPosed=0Owner=GDI,OTL <<=== Note the Owner=GDI as well as the OTL,TechLevel=2 this is done because sometimes TS did notStrength=1000 want to build the new sides building this fixes that problem.Cost=1000Points=80Explosion=TWLT070,S_BANG48,S_BRNL58,S_CLSN58,S_TUMU60DamageSmokeOffset=408, 880, 435MaxDebris=8Power=-60Adjacent=2Bib=yesCapturable=trueWeaponsFactory=yesCrewed=yesAIBuildThis=yesFactory=UnitTypeDeployTime=0.044; CDF power plant[OTLPWR]Name=CDF Power PlantImage=CA0010 Prerequisite=OTLCNST <<== Ensures only the new side can build this.Strength=750Armor=woodTechLevel=7Adjacent=2Sight=4Owner=GDI,OTL <<=== Note the Owner=GDI as well as the OTL,Cost=700 this is done because sometimes TS did notPoints=40 want to build the new sides buildingPower=800 this fixes that problem.Capturable=trueCrewed=yesExplosion=TWLT070,S_BANG48,S_BRNL58,S_CLSN58,S_TUMU60MaxDebris=8ThreatPosed=0 ; This value MUST be 0 for all building addonsDamageParticleSystems=SparkSys,SmallGreySSys,BigGreySmokeSysDamageSmokeOffset=290, 570, 320TogglePower=no; CDF Tech Center[OTLTECH]Name=CDF Tech CenterImage=CA0007 Prerequisite=OTLWEAP,OTLRADR <<== Only the new side can build this.Strength=500Armor=woodTechLevel=6Adjacent=2Sight=6Owner=GDI,OTL <<=== Note the Owner=GDI as well as the OTL,Cost=700 this is done because sometimes TS did notPoints=85 want to build the new sides buildingPower=-100 this fixes that problem.Capturable=trueCrewed=yesExplosion=TWLT070,S_BANG48,S_BRNL58,S_CLSN58,S_TUMU60MaxDebris=5ThreatPosed=0 ; This value MUST be 0 for all building addonsDamageParticleSystems=SparkSys,SmallGreySSys,BigGreySmokeSysDamageSmokeOffset=200, 325, 200AIBuildThis=yesTogglePower=no;CDF Radar Facility[OTLRADR]Name=CDF RadarImage=CAARAY Prerequisite=PROC,OTLPWR <<== OTLPWR = only new side can buildStrength=1000Radar=yesArmor=woodTechLevel=3Adjacent=2Sight=10Owner=GDI,OTL <<=== Note the Owner=GDI as well as the OTL,Cost=500 this is done because sometimes TS did not Points=60 want to build the new sides buildingPower=-40 this fixes that problem.Powered=true Capturable=trueSensors=yesCrewed=yesExplosion=TWLT070,S_BANG48,S_BRNL58,S_CLSN58,S_TUMU60MaxDebris=4ThreatPosed=0 ; This value MUST be 0 for all building addonsDamageParticleSystems=SparkSys,SmallGreySSys,BigGreySmokeSysDamageSmokeOffset=220, 390, 150AIBuildThis=yes; CDF Barracks[OTLBK]Name=CDF BarracksImage=CA0012 Prerequisite=OTLCNST,0TLPWR <<=== only the new side can build this.Strength=800Armor=woodTechLevel=1Adjacent=2Sight=5Owner=GDI,OTL <<=== Note the Owner=GDI as well as the OTL, Cost=300 this is done because sometimes TS did not Points=30 want to build the new sides building Power=-20 this fixes that problem. Factory=InfantryTypeCrewed=yesCapturable=trueExplosion=TWLT070,S_BANG48,S_BRNL58,S_CLSN58,S_TUMU60MaxDebris=4ThreatPosed=0 ; This value MUST be 0 for all building addonsExitCoord = 0,0,0;GDIBarracks=yesDamageParticleSystems=SparkSys,SmallGreySmokeSys,BigGreySmokeSysDamageSmokeOffset=480, 96, 125AIBuildThis=yes
Step Nine
Step 9: Now that we have created the new side and gave them some Units, Buildings, and Infantry we have only a few things left to do. Locate the normal MCV that is used by both the GDI and Nod, and add the following to it.
; Mobile Construction Vehicle[MCV]Name=Mobile Construction VehiclePrerequisite=FACTORY,TECHStrength=1000Category=SupportArmor=heavyDeploysInto=GACNSTTechLevel=9Sight=6Speed=3Owner=GDI,Nod,OTL <<=== Add the new side to the OwnerCrateGoodie=yesCost=2500Points=60ROT=5Crewed=yesCrusher=yesExplosion=TWLT070,S_BANG48,S_BRNL58,S_CLSN58,S_TUMU60VoiceSelect=25-I000,25-I002,25-I004,25-I006VoiceMove=25-I012,25-I014,25-I016,25-I018,25-I022VoiceAttack=25-I014,25-I022,25-I024,25-I026VoiceFeedback=MaxDebris=6Locomotor={4A582741-9839-11d1-B709-00A024DDAFD1}Weight=3.5MovementZone=NormalThreatPosed=0 ; This value MUST be 0 for all building addonsDamageParticleSystems=SparkSys,SmallGreySSysSpecialThreatValue=1ZFudgeColumn=12ZFudgeTunnel=15
Step Ten
Step 10: Locate the normal construction yard and again make the following addition.
; construction yard[GACNST]Name=Construction YardConstructionYard=yesStrength=1000Armor=heavyTechLevel=-1Adjacent=2Factory=BuildingTypeUndeploysInto=MCVSight=6Owner=GDI,Nod,OTL <<=== Add the new side to the OwnerCost=2500Points=80Power=0Capturable=trueCrewed=yesExplosion=TWLT070,S_BANG48,S_BRNL58,S_CLSN58,S_TUMU60MaxDebris=10ThreatPosed=0 ; This value MUST be 0 for all building addonsDamageParticleSystems=SparkSys,SmallGreySSys,BigGreySmokeSysDamageSmokeOffset=1470, 1060, 1078AIBuildThis=yesTogglePower=no
Step Eleven
Step 11: Locate the following and make the addition so your new side can build the Tiberian Refinery and Silo.
; Tiberium Refinery[PROC]Name=Tiberium RefineryImage=NAREFNRefinery=yesBib=yesPrerequisite=POWERStrength=900Adjacent=2Armor=heavyTechLevel=1FreeUnit=HARVDockUnload=yesSight=6Owner=GDI,Nod,OTL <<=== Add the new side to the OwnerCost=600Points=80Power=-30Storage=80Capturable=trueCrewed=yesExplosion=TWLT070,S_BANG48,S_BRNL58,S_CLSN58,S_TUMU60HalfDamageSmokeLocation1=0,0,0MaxDebris=8PipScale=TiberiumThreatPosed=0 ; This value MUST be 0 for all building addonsDamageParticleSystems=SparkSys,SmallGreySSys,BigGreySmokeSysDamageSmokeOffset=410, 100, 165AIBuildThis=yesTogglePower=no; storage silo[GASILO]Name=Tiberium SiloPrerequisite=PROCStrength=300Armor=woodTechLevel=1Adjacent=2Sight=2Owner=GDI,Nod,OTL <<=== Add the new side to the OwnerCost=50Points=25Power=-10Storage=60Explodes=yesCapturable=trueExplosion=TWLT070,S_BANG48,S_BRNL58,S_CLSN58,S_TUMU60MaxDebris=2PipScale=TiberiumThreatPosed=0 ; This value MUST be 0 for all building addonsDamageParticleSystems=SparkSys,LGSparkSys,GasCloudSys DamageSmokeOffset=700, 700, 500TogglePower=no
Step Twelve
Step 12: This step may not be needed depending on what you want for your new side.
; Pavenent[GAPAVE]Name=PavementStrength=150Prerequisite=BARRACKS <<=== Remember Step 1High=yesArmor=concreteTechLevel=6Adjacent=9Sight=0Selectable=noInsignificant=yesNominal=yesOwner=GDI,Nod,OTL <<=== Add the new side to the OwnerCost=25BaseNormal=noPoints=5Repairable=falseExplosion=TWLT070,S_BANG48,S_BRNL58,S_CLSN58,S_TUMU60ThreatPosed=0 ; This value MUST be 0 for all building addonsToTile=pvclr01; sandbag wall[GASAND]Name=SandbagsStrength=250Prerequisite=BARRACKS <<=== Remember Step 1Armor=lightCrushSound=SANDBAG1Crushable=noWall=yesTechLevel=1Adjacent=9Sight=0Nominal=noSelectable=noOwner=GDI,NOD,OTL <<=== Add the new side to the OwnerCost=5 BaseNormal=noInsignificant=yesPoints=1Repairable=falseExplosion=TWLT070,S_BANG48,S_BRNL58,S_CLSN58,S_TUMU60ThreatPosed=0 ; This value MUST be 0 for all building addonsIsBase=no; Pulse cannon[NAPULS]Name=EMP CannonStrength=500Armor=heavyPrerequisite=Radar <<=== Remember Step 1.TechLevel=6Sight=8Adjacent=2Owner=GDI,Nod,OTL <<=== Add the new side to the OwnerCost=1000Turret=yesPoints=50Power=-150Sensors=yesCrewed=yesROT=12EMPulseCannon=yesSuperWeapon=EMPulseSpecialPrimary=EMPulseWeaponExplosion=TWLT070,S_BANG48,S_BRNL58,S_CLSN58,S_TUMU60MaxDebris=5TurretAnim=PULSCANTurretAnimIsVoxel=trueTurretAnimY=7TurretAnimX=1TurretAnimZAdjust=-100ThreatPosed=30 ; This value MUST be 0 for all building addonsDamageParticleSystems=SparkSys,SmallGreySSys,BigGreySmokeSysDamageSmokeOffset=350, 125, 100HasStupidGuardMode=false
If you have followed each step and used the example as a guide for creating your new side then your new side should be up and running,(if you whish to use the CDF as your third side or as a side feel free). If all as gone ok, you can now build and add stuff to your new side. All above steps have been used to add a working third side to the game. All has been tested on at least three different systems. Following the same steps you can add more than a third side to the game. Feel free to edit this in order to make it better, (I normaly don't do tutorials). If you have any problems with this let me know at QUICK_EDIT
okey dokey, next time could you format it properly at least pz? the building code etc is all mashed together in one paragraph and isn't exactly easy to copy and paste in that state QUICK_EDIT
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