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Tips for Warcraft 3 Multiplay Maps
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Supreme Banshee

Also Known As: banshee_revora (Steam)
Joined: 15 Aug 2002
Location: Brazil

PostPosted: Tue Apr 22, 2003 12:01 am    Post subject:  Tips for Warcraft 3 Multiplay Maps Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

If you are a fan of and loves playing team defense maps, here are some strategy tips for them:

OceanMaul 1.x or 2.x:

- Try to hurry to make a super soaker which is one of the best units there. But dont stop building, since the kills might speed up the game. Buy a super soaker when your cash + 75% of the cash spent with your towers become 370 gold or more. Then, you sell everyhing needed and build. You gonna loose one round with it. If you do it before level 10, then, you have a high chance to kill a boss. Try to build one before level 15, so you won't leak too much matured dragons.

Maul maps (except OceanMaul Twist):

Note: These strategies might work with: WinterMaul, Firemaul, Dungeonmaul, Forestmaul, Citymaul, Spacemaul, Desertmaul, Summermaul, Oceanmaul etc...

1) If you wanna win easily, make your whole team use their starting lumber in a more usefull way. Use them to make an invulnerable wall to prevent land units from reaching the ship. Then, all you need is to deal with air.. but it gets much easier...

PS: Make sure you place some towers near the wall to get some kills Wink

2) If you are grey, make sure you block the weakest side as soon as possible.

OceanMaul Twist:

- Grey should use wind, because wind is much stronger than it uses to be in other oceanmaul maps.

Orc Burrow Defense 3.x:

Note: It's almost a cheat and if you do it, make it somewhere all players can get kills

- Whenever possible, build a witch doctor and make sure that someone (or you) has a wendy. With your witch doctor near the wendy, build a wall with the wards. Avoid any holes, so it will hold every enemies and the towers near it will get a lot of kills. Air units ignore the wall, but web is quite efficient even if you have a flag pole.

Castle Defense 7.x or better:

- If the map gives you a tower, make sure you update it as fast as possible. Also, the good heroes are Zarda and Paladin. Their damage can easily become above 1000 if you develop Critical Strike and buy the book constantly. After having a zarda or a paladin, you mainly dont need units.

- If one of the sides leak a lot and the situation starts being bad, bring all players to the king. It's easier to deal with one front, instead of 2 or 4. Then, when your heroes get stronger, you can take the sides again.

More tips will be posted another time... and feel free to share your tips and strategies in the comments.

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PostPosted: Tue Apr 22, 2003 1:10 am    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

Advanced Castle Defense/Castle Defense without Zarda

The Zarda ruined all strategy in this game, as it was too strong. Anyway, in castle defense maps with no Zarda, a good thing to do is get the hero with Holy Light (Usually the Captain or Holy Priest) and then keep getting Knights/Cavalry and making them all a team where you can continually heal them. Take your hero to the shop and get lots of Mana Potions so you can cast unlimited Holy Light. Later in game, get a second holy light hero so they can heal each other, and also heal more cavalry, saving them from death. Before you know it you will have the most kills and the most units while everyone sits there powering up their heroes. The only problem with this strategy is Air units, where you will need to rely on others to kill them. Remember, Use holy Light on the King to heal him when hes under attack!

Vampire Hunters (Classic)

As Hunters: Proceed in groups of 3 and patrol the villages. Make sure you learn the Stake skill so you can stun them. If you see a Vampire, attack it, and stun it with stake. If the Vampire puts you or your companions to Sleep, attack them once to nullify the sleep spell. Focus on one vampire and ignore his companions. Prevent them from reaching the Portal to Hell. Another good thing to do is to buy Anti Magic potions (To prevent against Sleep) and Sentry Wards (Place wards in all the villages to see when a Vampire attacks) At night time, delegate a small group of people to defend, and the rest of you keep hunting. (Unless its a late night where they are getting banshees and abominations - then everyone stay)

As Vampires: Going in a group provides you with better protection, but you will also recieve less souls from the villagers as your companions will be feeding from the same town. Make sure you and everybody else learn the Sleep and/or Windwalk spells, as they are great for defense. If you see a lone hunter, cast sleep on him, and surround him so he cant escape. Then attack him and kill him.
DO NOT ATTACK THE FIRST NIGHT! Even though you lose your souls, it just provides the enemy with free experience and gold. Only attack the second night, preferably with lots of banshees as they have a high attack damage.

Darwin's Island

Use the "Attack Move" function to take you to the other side of the map. This will make your creature automatically eat all the things it finds on the way. If you run into another player at an early stage run the hell away. Remember, your objective is to evolve so keep eating more critters and you will grow more powerful than the others and crush them all.

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