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Researchs in PPM...
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Supreme Banshee

Also Known As: banshee_revora (Steam)
Joined: 15 Aug 2002
Location: Brazil

PostPosted: Tue Apr 22, 2003 9:54 pm    Post subject:  Researchs in PPM... Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

Anyone who wants to improve their knowledge over certain areas of into TS modding, research. So, since november from the last year, PPM has been promoting public researchs, so we can share our knowledge over new things. Our TS: Advanced Tech Center and RA2:Battle Lab are forums that allow you to support a previous research or start your own. Here are the current active researchs at TS: Advanced Tech Center:

- Superweapon Emulation Researchs: A research started by myself to find an a way to make weapons emulate superweapons, so we could have unlimited superweapons that are much more customizable. The initial theory has failed, but Finalmoon has a new theory that might make it work.
- Perfect Jumpjet Clone: Started by myself to know why clones of jumpjet infantry gets invencible in the air has been extended to vehicles with jumpjet locomotor too. For the infantries, it has been found that JumpJet=yes makes them receive damage when they are flying, however, this line only works for infantry. For vehicles, it happens a phenomenon where your it is not recognized as threat until it lands and when people shoot it, it takes off again and takes no damage when flying. This bug pratically makes our air transport theory useless, so we are really desesperate top fix this one.

Other researchs:

- Animated Cameos: This research was started by Maxim initially with the purpouse of making the sidebar goes to the botton and make animated cameos. Since there is no way to make the sidebar goes to the botton of the screen like Generals, we've been researching how to make animated cameos. The first tests didnt worked, but we already have a new theory to be tested.
- Subterranean Emulation: Recently started by Finalmoon, this research has as objective to emulate subterranean units, but allowing them to be attacked and only returns to surface when you ask them too. Quite ambitious and still in the beggining... if that becomes a reality, then it would really be a nice feature in future mods...

Researchs are exclusive to registered members. So, if you wanna help them, start your own or observe, you need to register in the forums. Make sure that you will learn much more by helping the researchs or starting your own instead of just observing Wink.

Note: The other researchs doesnt look to be active in the moment, but they can be active whenever you want Wink.

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