Joined: 01 Mar 2007 Location: Dead and back Commander...Dead and back
Posted: Fri Mar 30, 2007 11:34 am Post subject:
Code Lyoko: Tiberian Dawn
Subject description: just read it, it will make sense once you start reading!
Code Lyoko: Tiberian Dawn
Year: 2054- six years after the end of the third tiberium war.
Location: Aboard GDI research vessel Prometheus, High Orbit, Earth
“Captain we’re clear of the scrin fleet and exiting scan radius.”
“Excellent, Commander Fli you may take out our orders.” The commander removed a key from around his neck and opened a locked cabinet, handing the Captain a set of orders from GDI special operations. He inserted the disk into the computer and the face a General Nicholas Parker appeared on the screen.
“Captain Loutz we have disturbing news for you, we have traced the source of Tiberium to the Ionian Nebula, in the opposite direction from the scrin homeworld, we believe they may not be acting in good faith, you are to visit the nebula and learn what you can.” The recording ended and the disk erased itself.
“Begin jump prep.”
“Eye sir, spinning up FTL.”
Deep within the ship two sets of huge ring magnets began rotating opposite each other, charging up a thin layer of uranium between them, as the charge grew the material changed to a liquid, a gas, and finally changed to a glowing ring of charged particles. The magnetic rings focused the plasma into a white-hot ring of energy.
“Charging complete sir.”
“Jump!” in the center of the ring of energy a micro-singularity formed pulling in all the plasma as it was accelerated towards its opposite coming from the other set of rings. As they struck one another an anti-G field was thrown up around the chamber and the black holes exploded with the power of the big bang. Enough power to tear a hole in space. The Prometheus flashed blue and red as it vanished in a flash of light and a warping of space.
The Ionian nebula filled space with a ghostly white light. Small chunks of dust and debris swirl through the gas cloud left over from a forgotten era. A land where no one had ever seen before, but not for long. After the end of the third Tiberian war the scrin had given humanity much technology for the repair of the planet. Some of it was used to build the Aurora class spacecraft, the first human vessels capable of faster then light travel, the Prometheus was the third of five. Some people thought the scrin were taking over, much the same way the british had taken over China, by creating a reliance on something then providing the only method of getting it, in this case tiberium, supposedly a gift to mankind, but if recent discoveries proved correct then they were being played for fools.
The Prometheus appeared in a burst of light and radiation coasting towards the edge of the nebula.
“jump complete, beginning—“ the bridge went dark as power failed all across the ship. Engines failed and FTL went offline, darkness engulfed the ship, lit only by the ghostly light from the nebula, They were adrift.
Two hours later a rumble coursed through the deck as power was returned to the ship. The lights flickered on and screens showing their position came to life. They were now deep inside the nebula.
“Sir scans are picking up an unidentified target off the starboard quarter.”
“Can we get a visual?”
the main screen activated and a large black object appeared on it, it was smooth, clearly unnatural and was covered by a fine web of glowing green lines.
“We’re receiving a transmisson from it sir… in English.”
“Humans, carbon based life form, planet Earth, Sol system, Orion Arm, we are the Srael. We require your help.”
“Sir! DREDIS contact! Two scrin ships just jumped in.”
“Hail them.”
“They’re charging weapons!”
“Battle stations.” He turned on the ship to ship communications and raised the strange alien rock.
“Talk fast, we don’t have much time."
i decided to use BSG's FTL system since i like the visual effect, DREDIS is there because i don't think radar would work in space and Star Trek type scanners are just corny. not that it really matters, the rest of the story takes place on Earth anyway. _________________ Join My forum (please??)
Joined: 01 Mar 2007 Location: Dead and back Commander...Dead and back
Posted: Sat Mar 31, 2007 12:02 am Post subject:
whatever, I'll just keep writing. like i said, sorry for the parallel with BSG but it was either that or create a much less mysterious mystery. keep in mind this is just the intro and from the first chapter on it will be much better. SO SHUT UP WAIT TO SAY HOW MUCH I SUCK!!!! *grabs mallet from behind back* (yes i can do that, I'm a girl) *thwacks the nonbelievers*
Location: High orbit. Earth
The ship appeared in a flash of light and radiation, it was heavily damaged, and smoke and flames poured out of holes in the hull, the ship was beginning to depressurize. It dove for the Earth’s surface in a suicide run, behind it two scrin ships flared into existence and opened fire on the first ship. Powerful energy weapons tore into the hull and the starboard hanger was ripped away, tumbling back to strike one of the tailing ships. But they continued the chase.
“Sir gun batteries are going offline! Life support is down!”
“Can we call for backup?”
“They’re Jamming communications and the Singapore is below the horizon so LOS signals don’t work. We’re on our own.”
“Well men its been an honor to serve with all of you. I couldn’t ask for a better crew.” He saluted them and they nodded knowing what the grim task at hand was, the Prometheus had to make it to the ground, one way, or the other. The fate of the planet depended on it.
“Set engines full reverse!” the ship kicked as the engines reversed thrust and slammed into the upper atmosphere. Far below the American southwest shown an unhealthy green tint from the tiberium poisoning. Hull plating tore away and windows shattered. The other hanger was ripped off and flung into the side of the ship, sending it into a flat spin.
“She’s breaking up!”
“Come on baby…just a little more!” the Prometheus broke through the clouds, the scrin ships still firing at them, the bridge exploded and the ship careened down a deep canyon, the sides sheering off as it came to rest at the bottom of the ravine. the scrin ships searched the twisting maze of canyons but couldn’t find the ship. It had vanished into the twisting maze of canyons that covered the American southwest. _________________ Join My forum (please??)
whatever, I'll just keep writing. like i said, sorry for the parallel with BSG but it was either that or create a much less mysterious mystery. keep in mind this is just the intro and from the first chapter on it will be much better. SO SHUT UP WAIT TO SAY HOW MUCH I SUCK!!!! *grabs mallet from behind back* (yes i can do that, I'm a girl) *thwacks the nonbelievers*
Why, oh why, must you act like the typical anime fangirl ? _________________ Micro TS
Portable, no campaign, movies or music, just the engine and needed resources for skirmish and lan. QUICK_EDIT
Joined: 01 Mar 2007 Location: Dead and back Commander...Dead and back
Posted: Sat Mar 31, 2007 5:59 pm Post subject:
yes fanfic.
Chapter 1
The Underground
Year: 2056 six months after the opening of the fourth tiberium war.
Location: Outside the former site of Dallas, Texas.
Naia opened her eyes and sat up in her bed as another series of soft rumbles coursed through the floor of her room. It was the unmistakable feeling of GDI Juggernauts firing off volley after volley, at targets over the horizon. They had been at it for several hours and hadn’t slowed in all that time. She quietly said a prayer both for the pilots of the Juggernauts and the men at the receiving end of those shells, then glanced around her oddly shaped bedroom, it was a box turned on a 45 degree angle with new, level floors attached. Her home was in the right railgun of an old Mammoth MK-II that had tumbled into a ravine tail-first. She climbed up the ladder that had formerly been a floor passing her parents bedroom and into the main body of the mammoth. Here was a kitchen, living room, and bathroom, along with her clan’s communications array. Positioned in the head of the former war machine. Her mother came into the kitchen as she was making breakfast and ran her hands through Naia’s dark hair. At nine Naia was far more mature then a child born in the protective havens of a blue zone, but still a kid at heart and squirmed away as her mother tried to straighten her hair. A loud ping sounded through the room.
Her mother climbed the ladder into the head of the Mammoth and turned off the alarm.
“Naia, go wake your dad. Tell him we’re getting a call from East-End” She went to his room and shook him awake.
“We’re getting a call from East-End.”
“Okay honey, I’m coming.” He grumbled as she tugged him out of bed. They climbed into the body of the mammoth and her dad grabbed a cup of coffee before continuing up into the nose. Naia waited to make sure they were busy then snuck downstairs and out into the burrows _________________ Join My forum (please??)
Joined: 18 Feb 2005 Location: Star Kingdom of Manticore
Posted: Fri Apr 06, 2007 3:37 am Post subject:
Outside dallas... if you say Northward about 30 miles... then i know EXACTLY which ravine it would have fallen into! XD There's only one thats deep enough to take on a mammoth, and well hidden too.
I like this story though. Do continue! _________________ "Reality is a lovely place, but I wouldn't want to live there." -Adam Young QUICK_EDIT
Joined: 22 Dec 2004 Location: Tiberium Research Center N27
Posted: Fri Apr 06, 2007 3:49 am Post subject:
In the year 2035... war was only begining
E.V.A.:Somebody set us up a bomb
Solomon:Main screen Turn on!
It's you!
Kane:Hello gentelmen... All you're bases belong to us!
Solomon:What did you say?
Kane:You are on you're way to destruction, make you're time!
Solomon:Release every Drop Pod
McNeal:You know what you are doing
Solomon:For great justice _________________ DUNK! QUICK_EDIT
Joined: 18 Feb 2005 Location: Star Kingdom of Manticore
Posted: Fri Apr 06, 2007 4:52 am Post subject:
You scare me sometimes. You get the award for "Most Random person EVER!" _________________ "Reality is a lovely place, but I wouldn't want to live there." -Adam Young QUICK_EDIT
Gufu i dont know how many times iv'e seen you post stupid random posts, say something meaningful for a change . Please lightstorm continue this is just getting interesting. QUICK_EDIT
Joined: 01 Mar 2007 Location: Dead and back Commander...Dead and back
Posted: Thu Apr 12, 2007 1:23 am Post subject:
sorry its been a while.
and ROFL Gufu! he's parodying this:
here's more
She opened the hatch in the back wall of the living room and exited the mammoth into a narrow tunnel, it curved down into the tiberium laced ground and opened onto the main square of her clan. A large cave with tunnels coming and shooting off in every which way, shops were placed between glowing green stalactites and people milled about in the rough warren shopping for wares from around the world.
“Hey Naia!” a boy about her age shouted, she ran over to him.
“Hey Andrew, what’s up?” Andrew was slightly taller then her with short curly black hair, like everyone his eyes were a bright neon green and his hair had bright green flecks in it where tiberium dust had started to grow.
“We found a new cave! Wanna go check it out?”
“I’m not s’posed to be out right now, I gotta get back home before my parents get off the radio. How bout after lunch?”
“Sure, one o’clock?”
“Yup, see if Danni and Seamus want to go.”
“Okay!” the two kids parted and raced off their separate ways.
Naia stayed in the tunnels for ten more minutes then raced home hoping East-End had a lot to say.
Naia never got a chance to explore that cave, because about midmorning a group of Nod stealth tanks rolled over the GDI position and shells were falling all over the place. Three tunnels had collapsed and the warrens were swarming with activity. Naia was sent back to her house and her father locked her in her bedroom before he climbed up into the nose of the Mammoth sending out SOS signals to the neighboring clans. Stealth tanks swarmed across the blasted ground and Nod troops dove into the ravines for cover. Her parents grabbed weapons and shot out of small gun slits at the Nod troops. Shells rained down and the ground shook with the force of the explosions. Naia knew they were the same shells that she had heard being fired all through the night. _________________ Join My forum (please??)
In the year 2035... war was only begining
E.V.A.:Somebody set us up a bomb
Solomon:Main screen Turn on!
It's you!
Kane:Hello gentelmen... All you're bases belong to us!
Solomon:What did you say?
Kane:You are on you're way to destruction, make you're time!
Solomon:Release every Drop Pod
McNeal:You know what you are doing
Solomon:For great justice
GO Xero Wing lol
Hurra for NOD _________________ Peace Through Power...
Power Through Unity...
Unity Through The Brotherhood...
The Technology of Peace...
Still don't understand Code Lyoko, but whatever. Story is good. _________________ "Don't beg for things; Do it yourself or you'll never get anything." QUICK_EDIT
Code Lyoko has to be one of the worst cartoons out there, it's about some virtual girl who lives in a virtual world and a bunch of kids in the real world who have to save the world by digitising themselves into said virtual world and kill this omnius badguy called Xana who likes to infect stuff in our world.
So yeah I really don't like it.
It also doesn't help when C&C is thrown in too.
And now..
Joined: 01 Mar 2007 Location: Dead and back Commander...Dead and back
Posted: Fri May 18, 2007 10:09 pm Post subject:
I don't think I'm going to continue. i started before i really knew what the C&C3 storyline was and based the story of what i thought. i was wrong though and it doesn't really make sense now. AND CODE LYOKO FTW!!!!!! _________________ Join My forum (please??)
code lyoko cnc3...version of friday 13th
the evil gufo randomness bot of ppm has strook the online world of the cnc fans sites and he commands a numerious boots and 1337 H4X bots and takes over the internet in one sweep....
but meanwhile,the battle is not over,for the forces of ppm,the battle has only just begun to end....
yes,as all the ppm members(well the one that post often anways)get geared up with 1337 hax and atni trojan software,the head out to save(and maybe liberate)thw online community of WIKIPEDIA....
but tis not as easy...yes the spammers of ppm have joined his cause...(seylveys,obeliskoflight and tyler adms)together they will spam....
Except me and Judeau actually split apart from PPM and begin our own conquest of domination on the forums using Judeau's skill on modding and my own diabolical ramblings we take about 75% of PPM. You try to fight against us but I decide to drop a planetoid in your ocean of spam and scream BIG WAVES HAR HAR HAR as the resulting internets dies out from the sheer flooding that ensues. _________________
but then right after the out break...
the band users of ppm ressurect example:painkiller,x tw rfart and such,start the world internet outbreak of NOD fanatics....
while denmon and demonic hunter start another treaty and preach to the ppm admins about the pancake topics
as all that happens,ppm members D carnivean start up a new internet blog to fight against the gufu bots called the"EMO ROCKERS" and begin their rampage... _________________
i wanta hear the end of the story what happed ?. _________________ Link to a document to see what mods i have and/or working on or working with
Joined: 01 Mar 2007 Location: Dead and back Commander...Dead and back
Posted: Mon May 21, 2007 2:21 am Post subject:
Dubzac wrote:
oh dear so wheres the ending ?.
i wanta hear the end of the story what happed ?.
I'm not finishing it the way i planned, Code Lyoko crossover was a dumb idea. however i might make a story based off what i have so far, still thinking. regardless I'll have to start over with the now that i know what happens in TWs. _________________ Join My forum (please??)
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