anyways heres the good stuff

Name: Frozen Nightfall (credit for map name goes to Chielscape even if it was forever ago that he suggested it for another map)
Map Maker: Ixith
Map Size: 68X68 (this will be the last small 2 player map for awhile all other maps from now)
Players: 2
Theatre: Tundra (snow)
Info: This map is a snow map. (my 3rd snow map) It is a small map for quick battles and fast past action. (usually) The map features an evacuated city slowly being ruined by the effects of tiberium. It also has 3 small villages. 2 of these have survived however the other one was not so fortunate and was ravaged by the tiberium near the old GDI base left from the 1st tiberian war. There is plenty of tiberium for players and there should be plenty of buildspace. This is my 20th map now (I think) so enjoy it!

Story: The city of Vanictia was a thriving resort town in these snowy cliffs. The city flourished with activity. However, after many years a heat wave came into this normaly cold climated area and much of the snow started to melt and due to this unnatural heat in the area tiberium was able to survive in the area. Soon the tiberium gained a choke hold on the area and the city and its citizens were being destroyed. GDI sent in help to the city but left the people of the smaller towns outside the city to die. Luckily for 2 of the small villages, another city nearby was able to supply them with the things they needed to try to survive in their desolated towns. But there was a 3rd town which did not recieve this help due to it being in the center of the wasteland. Eventually the other towns lost all contact with this one and no one knows of what happened to the citizens inside...
sheesh long story i just kept typing man....i have a problem with that it seems when i get going on a story.
**Note im adding this in as through out my tests i have seen the AI pwn me, be a fair challenge, do ok, and hardly do anything. so its best if you want them to fight back to attack them preferably somewhat early on**
(tested with the use of my Firestorm disc. as my normal TS ones are gone)
time for the pics: (which are cropped as to reduce size ahead of time