Also Known As: banshee_revora (Steam) Joined: 15 Aug 2002 Location: Brazil
Posted: Sat Feb 09, 2008 7:09 pm Post subject:
Yuri's Revenge 1.002 Official Patch? Maybe, if fans do it.
Subject description: There is a possibility of EA endorsing a new patch for Yuri's Revenge as official.
I am replying to this thread because I have not replied to one of these in a long time that has called me out, hehe...
With all due respect our resources are focused on C&C 3 support, upcoming Kane's Wrath, and even at some point...patches hopefully for the BFME franchise before anything else.
While I would love to patch RA2 and Yuri's, unfortunately, I would not count on it right now, and not sure when. I'll happily throw official support behind anyone who wants to make a community patch and if its good, I could get our dev team to look at it, and give it a stamp of approval essentially.
That'd be the best I can envision right now.
So, while for some of you this may look like 'do the dirty job and, if lucky, we'll take your credits', this is still a possibility of seeing a patch for YR like Zero Hour had one made from the Aceton mod (1.03).
Of course, it is not a simple job. There are many mods that already uses modified 1.001 executable files and making a new patch would ruin all of them, specially Mental Omega and some other very popular mods.
The interesting thing on having an official patch is that some bugs would be fixed and the patch would be what almost everyone, from newbies to veterans would play online (on XWIS). Things like President IFV and other well known problems would be no longer an annoyance.
Some of the existing community projects would be interesting addons to this patch, as long as the authors agree with it, of course.
-> Terrain Expansion by Blade, DJBREIT and Mooman65: The TX brings many additional terrain options for mappers, as well as new features such as tunnels, making maps to look a lot cooler, etc. TX was accepted in the RA2: Open Map Competition 3.
Some other addons might not be interesting at all, for this project, since they modify the executable files, which would led the developpers to loose control of their source files, like Rock Patch 2 by PaD and NPatch by VK.
What do you think of it? Is it possible to have a new official patch for Yuri's Revenge? Last edited by Banshee on Sat Feb 09, 2008 7:42 pm; edited 2 times in total QUICK_EDIT
I didn't realise my bad phrasing, anyway, I've edited it now. I've also added both links to your and Carno's discussion (which was what called my attention to this topic). QUICK_EDIT
Joined: 22 Aug 2006 Location: somewhere south of the north pole
Posted: Sat Feb 09, 2008 9:51 pm Post subject:
Patch pd's dll based rockpatch (rp2) would be great! EA could make a dll if they found a bug when running on a (future) x128 bit system, boom, new "dll-patch".
However, In codeing outside ini's, I have no idea _________________ This is a signature QUICK_EDIT
Also Known As: banshee_revora (Steam) Joined: 15 Aug 2002 Location: Brazil
Posted: Sat Feb 09, 2008 9:52 pm Post subject:
As I said above, if the executable is modified, the EA developpers will no longer have control over the source code, which would be beyond their best interests. In short, Rock Patch and NPatch are not viable. QUICK_EDIT
Not really, for the DLL to hook, it dont need to edit the main code, just add some null code at the end of the EXE that is only used by the debugger, not the EXE. QUICK_EDIT
Also Known As: banshee_revora (Steam) Joined: 15 Aug 2002 Location: Brazil
Posted: Sun Feb 10, 2008 12:05 am Post subject:
EA devs won't modify the executable at all. If they do, they screw up any rock patch or NPatch, so think twice before suggesting any executable change. The best they can change is the version number. QUICK_EDIT
Joined: 28 Jan 2006 Location: Melbourne, Australia
Posted: Sun Feb 10, 2008 8:15 am Post subject:
I don't see why EA doesn't make these games open source it would save them from ever having to make or endorse a patch. Also it would save them hundreds, if not thousands, of dollars for they would never have to release them ever again nor would they have to provide tech support for them. In truth it would be a win win situation, the members of the CNC community would get what they want, and EA would be able to wash there hands of the olds CNC games, excluding Generals and Zero hour, saving them money. _________________
Joined: 22 Aug 2006 Location: somewhere south of the north pole
Posted: Sun Feb 10, 2008 4:06 pm Post subject:
nah, they might actually get 100-150$ a year by keep selling the game. I think they sould give a free download to everyone that has YR, by making a file that needs a YR serial, so they could still sell the game, and give the buyers the source, even better _________________ This is a signature QUICK_EDIT
Joined: 25 Aug 2004 Location: DAS BOOT IM DER OSTSEE
Posted: Sun Feb 10, 2008 4:52 pm Post subject:
EA's not going to make C&C open source. What is with these ztyping stupid suggestions? Thats like Konami making Guns Of The Patriots OS and giving free copies to everybody, or Mario or something. Lay off the drugs. C&C won't go OS, no matter how many other moneymakers EA holds. _________________ PPM's Reichstrollfuherer, 236th Trollenparties brigade. QUICK_EDIT
i wonder if someone could enable 8 players online at once, or even where that control is located (.exe or .ini?). _________________ Please, read the signature rules of the forum. QUICK_EDIT
I don't see why EA doesn't make these games open source it would save them from ever having to make or endorse a patch. Also it would save them hundreds, if not thousands, of dollars for they would never have to release them ever again nor would they have to provide tech support for them. In truth it would be a win win situation, the members of the CNC community would get what they want, and EA would be able to wash there hands of the olds CNC games, excluding Generals and Zero hour, saving them money.
Because its not about saving money, its about making as much money as possible with as little effort and time invested as possible. QUICK_EDIT
well, I tried to make a little something with a few changes here and there. I tried some balancing, using experience of what was spammed and what no one uses. For example, I "nerfed" the grand cannon against bases by decreasing it's effectiveness against buildings. I also made units not really used more effective, such as decreasing cost of tesla tank. I gave all the unused voxels an artmd.ini entry so it will be easier in adding them to a map, and I also renamed (or rather reinserted) the light tank as litnk. Finally, just for kicks and giggles, I added a game mode where each country go the unique abilities thatwas canceled out such as veteran units and cost multipliers. I switched some veteran units around just to try to make all the countries desirerable, and not just a few "uber countries". (like iraq has desos, and giving them veteran rhinos would make them too unbalanced, so I gave them veteran tesla troopers and libya (a country no one seems to use) veteran rhinos to make them more desirerable). Wll of text out.
;rules begin
opentoprange bonus decrease to 1.5 from 2
boomer torpedo decreased from 60 to 45
boomer missile reload time increased from 50 to 75
mastermind range decreased from 6 to 5
mastermind meltdown increased from 0,50,100,500 to 0,75,150,750
tank destroy halth increased from 400 to 450
tank destoyer rate of turn increased from 5 to 7
kirov speed increased from 5 to 6
v3 missile health increased from 50 to 75
all walls health increased from 300 to 500
tesla tank cost reduced from 1200 to 1000
samwh cellspread increased from .3 to .5
president size increased from 1 to 2
grandcannonwh decreased effectivness against wood, steel and concrete from 50%,100%,50% to 25%,25%,25% respectivley.
;rules end
;art begin (just one example)
;art end
;gamemodes begin
new game mode: Red Generals
Enabled veteran starting unit and country specific qualities
If it did happen i would probably suggest something midway between Cannisrules without the funky super country units gamemode, and marshal's unofficial patch, that should cover all the bases from general unit stat balance to actual game balance. QUICK_EDIT
Joined: 28 Jan 2006 Location: Melbourne, Australia
Posted: Mon Feb 11, 2008 3:23 am Post subject:
EA's not going to make C&C open source. What is with these ztyping stupid suggestions? Thats like Konami making Guns Of The Patriots OS and giving free copies to everybody, or Mario or something. Lay off the drugs. C&C won't go OS, no matter how many other moneymakers EA holds.
Then what’s the point of re-releasing an old game when they don't make enough of an effort to get it to work properly on the latest operating systems? Just think about how many people would have returned TFD and asked for there money back. If they tried to release it again there would be quiet a few people who wouldn't buy it after what happened the last time. Also expanding on what Dupl3xxx said there is no reason why they can't sell licenses to the general public that allows them to edit the source code of the game but prevents a user from reselling, or selling a game created from that code, without paying for the full rights. _________________ Last edited by Gun Ship on Mon Feb 11, 2008 4:02 am; edited 1 time in total QUICK_EDIT
Joined: 25 Aug 2004 Location: DAS BOOT IM DER OSTSEE
Posted: Mon Feb 11, 2008 3:46 am Post subject:
...For the love of god. Learn basic capitalism and come back to me.
Better yet, don't bother. Just never become a CEO of a corporation. _________________ PPM's Reichstrollfuherer, 236th Trollenparties brigade. QUICK_EDIT
Joined: 28 Jan 2006 Location: Melbourne, Australia
Posted: Mon Feb 11, 2008 3:57 am Post subject:
Mei Ling wrote:
...For the love of god. Learn basic capitalism and come back to me.
Better yet, don't bother. Just never become a CEO of a corporation.
You know what, its comments like this that really show how immature a person is. If you can’t come up with a better counter argument then that then don't bother replying. _________________ Last edited by Gun Ship on Tue Feb 12, 2008 3:15 am; edited 1 time in total QUICK_EDIT
Gun Ship, they release patches over something called the "internets",so people don't actually have to buy the game again. And just because a game is open source doensn't mean they'd can just abandon it, seeing as how most of the people who play games don't mod it and just play it. IF you want to make the games which are like ten years old OS now, well they don't even want to deal with them at all right now, this is brought up by some kid who made a topic in some forum. The goal of a game company is to make new games which people will buy, if they dwell on old ones they won't make anymore money.
Back to the patch, anyone else doing anything? I'll combine these two patches if the authors are cool with it. Nothing like a c&p job. _________________ Please, read the signature rules of the forum. QUICK_EDIT
Joined: 25 Aug 2004 Location: DAS BOOT IM DER OSTSEE
Posted: Mon Feb 11, 2008 12:55 pm Post subject:
All of you, simple.
ztyping flood the EA boards with 1.002 UMP. That is as good, if not better, than an official YR patch. 1.002 is the best patch we have out there, there is no contest. Something like Mental Omega won't fly. No new units. YR needs 1.002!!! _________________ PPM's Reichstrollfuherer, 236th Trollenparties brigade. QUICK_EDIT
Then what’s the point of re-releasing an old game when they don't make enough of an effort to get it to work properly on the latest operating systems?
BECAUSE IT MAKES THEM A FORTUNE IN SALES WITH WHICH THEY CAN DEVELOP FURTHER GAMES, AND STIMULATE INTEREST IN OLDER GAME SERIES THAT PERHAPS NEW GAMERS ARE NOT AWARE OF. EA is a company, not a modding community, making money is priority number 1, satisfying 100% of their customers is way way down on the priorities list. Modders make up probably less than 1% of the total people who play the game, why would they risk their intellectual property, and their potential future earnings so that 0.1% of that 1% of their fan-base who would actually be able to edit the source code can? QUICK_EDIT
I actually have to agree with Dcocer here. We need to know what they want, they need to know what we want. this community's desires are of course to make modding better and the toe people want the game to be more balanced (or they probably don't care about one at all). With a decent balance patch, you won't get rules like "no france no yuri" _________________ Please, read the signature rules of the forum. QUICK_EDIT
Also Known As: banshee_revora (Steam) Joined: 15 Aug 2002 Location: Brazil
Posted: Mon Feb 11, 2008 7:58 pm Post subject:
I think we should try to put at least UMP and Terrain Expansion in this patch. Do the ballance changes later. Ballance is something that will be discussed a lot and not our strong point here.
It's good to see that Marshall would like to see UMP in this patch. Now we need the same kind of word from Blade.
And again, any executable change will ruin NPatch, old Rock Patches and, consequently, ruin many existing mods, which is why I am against exe changes. QUICK_EDIT
That is true, but of course exe changes are the only fix for certain things. Also, don't you think having TX in there will increase the patch size too much? Especially since no official maps need it. I assume this official patch will be autodownloaded from XWIS when a user logs on, so it would take forever with the TX. Unless official maps will be updated to include TX features (This would pwn), there is no point. QUICK_EDIT
it may be trikcy, but perhaps if they make an independant game.exe, but I doubt the planets will align.
Map making can greatly benefit from this patch, with the terrain expansion, and if they add an art.ini entry for all the unused voxels (this will not really affect anything, just make map modding alot easier). In fact, I got converted cameos for like 90% of those units. From my point of view I want to optimize map making for online play.
What other goals does the community have? _________________ Please, read the signature rules of the forum. QUICK_EDIT
Joined: 25 Aug 2004 Location: DAS BOOT IM DER OSTSEE
Posted: Mon Feb 11, 2008 8:41 pm Post subject:
Um, better idea then re-adding some unused crap TS assets, how about, improve the voxels for all the units? Kirov to Civvi Camper, bloody hell. _________________ PPM's Reichstrollfuherer, 236th Trollenparties brigade. QUICK_EDIT
- A new unit to all sides.
- Of course it's need EXE hack for fix the lag and so on.
(Even add more things).
- Some new maps? (This can have the TX thing on it).
\- fixed some map bugs and so on?.
- Fixed some inis codes, voxel bugs and like that.?
- Fix shps bugs.
- Add more civilians cars, buildings and so on. More civilians stuff.
Why I made a long list or a small list with much to do, is because the game need nery 100% changes.
Many are tired of the same YR, improve it a lot and we maybe get a lot more modders =). _________________ Can you hide from me ? QUICK_EDIT
No new units. Then it wouldn't be YR. Unless, of course, you mean new unit images, in which I fully support that. (that ugly Apocalypse voxel, it makes me cringe every time I look at it) _________________
beside balance issues, most of what I think should be added should be "techLevel=-1". We put stuff there, we make it easy to access, but we don't actually force it upon people. Like giving the unused voxels an art.ini. It will take 3 seconds, I've already put them in, and it won't actually affect gameplay but give map makers an easier access to them.
Batter yet, but far more unlikely, we could get some of the most popular mods out there, and convert them to game modes rather than the full game. This would be great for online play where players have a wide selection of stuff to choice from, and leaving normal play untouched.
Anyone know anything about getting 8 players online? _________________ Please, read the signature rules of the forum. QUICK_EDIT
Hardcoded to 6 humans... not sure if it's because of an IPX limit? Though if there was a limit it wouldnt make sense as surely the AIs still need to "connect" to the other players as well...
Eitherway, 8 players would pwn. *Images an RS game*
This patch shouldnt have new units imo... just improved graphics, balance, map improvements etc. I think improving maps should be quite high on the list, especially if TX is included. And if new civilian things are added (Though I shouldn't think tech buildings.) then it would make games feel a whole lot nicer to play through as at the moment the maps are rather dull. QUICK_EDIT
Joined: 25 Aug 2004 Location: DAS BOOT IM DER OSTSEE
Posted: Tue Feb 12, 2008 12:30 am Post subject:
Voxel debris as well I may suggest. Watching a tank rush get blown to high hell is much more satisfying when you can see the turrets and barrels fly away. _________________ PPM's Reichstrollfuherer, 236th Trollenparties brigade. QUICK_EDIT
Joined: 28 Jan 2006 Location: Melbourne, Australia
Posted: Tue Feb 12, 2008 3:24 am Post subject:
DaFool wrote:
it may be trikcy, but perhaps if they make an independant game.exe, but I doubt the planets will align.
Map making can greatly benefit from this patch, with the terrain expansion, and if they add an art.ini entry for all the unused voxels (this will not really affect anything, just make map modding alot easier). In fact, I got converted cameos for like 90% of those units. From my point of view I want to optimize map making for online play.
What other goals does the community have?
Well it could be done. An independent game.exe with a new engine could be made and it has been done for other games like DOOM.
Joined: 25 Aug 2004 Location: DAS BOOT IM DER OSTSEE
Posted: Tue Feb 12, 2008 4:13 am Post subject:
Doom is older then the Jurassic age. C&C 2 and Red Alert 2 aren't. :p _________________ PPM's Reichstrollfuherer, 236th Trollenparties brigade. QUICK_EDIT
...that making a new game.exe for YR would be harder? Apparently pd started one, but gave up on it. It's too much effort for any sane person to attempt. _________________
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