Posted: Mon Feb 25, 2008 1:21 am Post subject:
Adding a new Playable Faction [ZH] (1/3)
Subject description: PlayerTemplate.ini and ControlBarScheme.ini
Adding a Playabe Faction
I have recently begun my crusade into modding generals after all these years that it's been out. Noticing that there aren't too many tutorials at this site, I've decided to write some basic ones up about stuff I have just learned how to do. This is based in part upon other peoples' tutorials, but I have rewritten it myself, and I use XCC not FinalBig
Tools Required: XCC Utilities, Notepad.
Step 1, Setting up Your ZH Directory:
The first step in modding Zero Hour is setting up your directory so you can place your new files in it. You must locate your ZH directory, and it's location shall differ if you installed it through The First Decade or Zero Hour by itself. Most likely you cn find it through my computer -> program files -> EA Games -> (The first decade) -> Command and Conquer Zero Hour. Once you have found and entered the directory, I recomend you hit the "sort by file type" button. On the top of the lists should be folders. You should see a folder named "Data". If not, create it. Inside of this folder you should see a folder named "INI" (and if not, create it) and a folder named "English" (if not create it). *I highly recomend you make a shortcut to this folder on your desktop.* Once you enter the INI folder, you have completed the first step. However, you can go further and help out future use; if inside the INI folder you do not see the folder named "objects", then create it now. You can now minimize the folder and move on to step 2.
Step 2, getting the right files:
Open up XCC mixer and navigate to your Zero Hour directory. Look through the list of files and you should see ENGLISHZH.big. Double click on it. Within this directory, locate the file named "generals.csf". Right click on it and extract it to your desktop. Now go to your desktop and move this file to the zero hour directory in the folders data -> english. Go back to XCC Mixer and hit backspace. You should be in the zer hour directory, if not go to it. Locate the file INIZH.big and double click on it. There are two files you need to extract now. "PlayerTemplate.ini" and "ControlBarScheme.ini". Once you have extracted these to your desktop, you can move them to your zerho hour directory data/ini. Now the planets are aligned for your success .
Step 3, making the additions:
You can close XCC mixer, you won't need it for now. Go into the ini folder in the ZH directory and click on the PlayerTemplate.ini file. (if it asks what program to open it with, choose notepad). This file has the entries for all the playable factions in ZH. If you want to add a new one, simply copy any of the entires and paste it at the bottom. For this tutorial, we'll do the third one; America. Copy the entire entry and paste it at the bottom. We will now examine some of the choices you have to edit.
The first thing you should do is change the name FactionAmerica to another name (make sure you keep the Faction part). I called mine FactionAllies (and you can call yours what ever you want). The second line said "side = USA", change it to whatever you want I did "side = Allies". If you scroll down you will see the folowing tags;
DisplayName = ;Change this to INI:Faction(your sides name)
StartingBuilding = ;this decides what building to use at the start, change it to whatever you want (copy paste from another side if you wish to do this)
StartingUnit0 = ;this decides what construction unit you start out with. (if you change it, copy paste from another faction).
Once you have made the changes you desire, save it and close it. Now go to the INI folder and open up "ControlBarScheme". copy the entry for "America8x6" and paste it at the bottom. Rename it from America8x6 to your factions name (I did Allies8x6). Save and close.
Step 4, naming it:
What we do now is add the names that show up ingame. Open XCC Mixer and click Launch/string table editor/open... Navigate to the ZH directory, go data/english/ and open generals.csf. You will need to add a couple entries. In the INI setion, ad INI:Faction(your faction). Set the value to your factions name. In the side section, add Side:(whatever you put for side = ) and set the value for whatever you want it to be. Once you have done that click ok.
Step 5, testing it
Everything should go well for you, and your faction should be choosable in skirmish. If not, double check what you did with the tutorial or leave a comment here.
Joined: 18 Jun 2005 Location: Dordrecht, the Netherlands
Posted: Mon Feb 25, 2008 8:10 am Post subject:
Too bad it's quite hard (if not impossible) to add AI to this side, so the CPU can play with it
Anyways, good tutorial (and I really should make my base-building tutorial I promised ) QUICK_EDIT
Too bad it's quite hard (if not impossible) to add AI to this side, so the CPU can play with it
Anyways, good tutorial (and I really should make my base-building tutorial I promised )
IIRC Creator has made AI for his new sides (Robots, Flame, and that GLA one... can't remember the name...) in Contra. _________________ Please, read the signature rules of the forum. QUICK_EDIT
Also Known As: banshee_revora (Steam) Joined: 15 Aug 2002 Location: Brazil
Posted: Mon Feb 25, 2008 6:44 pm Post subject:
I think you can have up to 15 functional AIs in each map. No more. Considering that the game (ZH) already comes with 12 factions, there are not much room for more. QUICK_EDIT
thanks for the compliments.
I'll try to get a new tutorial up everyday. One of my proffessors says "the best way to learn something is to teach it", so I'll try this out for modding. _________________ Please, read the signature rules of the forum. QUICK_EDIT
Try just copy and pasting and seeing if it shows up ingame. Then play around with the stuff.
So from what I understand, you have the interface look and sound like USA, and then I don't understand what you are saying here: "why? and i check the file, i see it's write china". Perhaps you did not save it?
lin of power bug? I don't know anything about this. Can you describe it? _________________ Please, read the signature rules of the forum. QUICK_EDIT
the problem is the ControlBarScheme.INI
go into it and copy the code for china (in this case)
and paste it at the bottum of the file and rename the title
to your Side
to change the style copy and paste the faction style you want and place your name after the basic faction aka(GLA,China,USA)
ControlBarScheme China(Name of your faction)8x6
ScreenCreationRes X:800 Y:600
Side (the side of your faction(no need for china,USA or gla in front))
QueueButtonImage SCBigButton
RightHUDImage SNLogo
CommandBarBorderColor R:90 G:125 B:2 A:255 ;blue
BuildUpClockColor R:0 G:0 B:0 A:160
ButtonBorderBuildColor R:67 G:108 B:190 A:255 ;blue
ButtonBorderActionColor R:1 G:175 B:2 A:255 ;Green
ButtonBorderUpgradeColor R:208 G:108 B:0 A:255 ;Orange
ButtonBorderSystemColor R:207 G:195 B:2 A:255 ;yellow
ExpBarForegroundImage SNExpBar
Position X:0 Y:414
Size X:800 Y:184
ImageName InGameUIChinaBase
Layer 4 ;; layer means how deep the image will be drawn, it's a number between 0-5 with 0 being on top
PowerPurchaseImage GeneralsPowerMenu_China
i have the same problem as the person with the Background for purchasing General powers.. but.. .. getting ahead of myself..
so i make the playertemplate *copy and paste, edit the Strings etc. then.. i make the Controlbar scheme.. or w.e
ill go in game to see if it works..
-two things.
One.. it still says missing string
- i use a 1200x w.e -its like the max size.. not 800x600
first.. off.. in that image the guy showed of the missing background..
i have that..
half the bar is gone.
-the lower bar where u purchase units and such..
its like its smaller and only fit 800 x 600
because. ill switch to 800x600 resolution and itll look fine.. but its not really fine x.x
so the image is hellah off.. QUICK_EDIT
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