Posted: Mon Jun 08, 2009 12:47 pm Post subject:
Subject description: An uprising in the making...
Yo! I've started a mod called,well,YR: Uprising. It will feature new units and tactics, balance and I might make a new subfaction for Yuri (I'm not using Rp or Npatch) so one (or some) of the existing subfaction has to go and there would be a story behind why this/these subfaction(s) had fallen.Anyways,I'm starting of with Yuri first;I've made two new units for his army - the sentry disk and the crusher tractor May improve them (damn! I forgot to change the sentry's voxel to the improved one) and also some public assets, especially shps.Well,wish me luck! Oh and help would be appreciated (if you wanna help)
New units - sentry disk and crusher tractor.
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_________________ The future belongs to The Forgotten!
The voxels are alright, and I do hope you make better use of subfactions than the original YR. For example, a lot more diversity then just one unit I hope? QUICK_EDIT
I don't mean to disappoint.I'll try to make each subfaction unique in their own way (they'll need more than one country specifics). _________________ The future belongs to The Forgotten!
Posted: Wed Jun 10, 2009 1:34 pm Post subject:
New units for YR: Uprising! Here's the info for the new units (including the sentry disk)
This weird flying disk is Yuri's mobile radar jammer.It can sabotage enemy radar installations from very far away, not needing to get close enough to utilize it's onboard radar jammer device. Be careful though, as the disk is unarmed and vulnerable to aa fire.Also the radar jammer device seems to not function properly should it be too close to the target.
(Voxel by: MadHQ, cameo by me)
*Hound Dog*
This small scout car may not be much, but it can be handy especially for scouting.It is fast and agile so to allow it to speed about very quickly to reveal most of the terrain. It is armed with two 50 caliber HMGs to easily mow down incoming infantries.It's obvious weakness is poor armor. One or two shots from an anti-armor weapon can blow it up.
(Voxel and cameo by me)
*Devourer Cannon*
What was abandoned was taken in and modified by Yuri's NBC warfare expert.The Devourer Cannon may look like an old howitzer with a Yuri-ish feel to it but it DOES have all the Yuri-ish style in all of it's aspects. Being built from scrap metal is one aspect it has,making it a cheap mobile artillery.Another one of it's aspect is utilizing biologically-hazardous weapons.Its armed with Anthrax-tipped artillery shells that causes toxic contamination upon explosion, making it a threat to most infantries who are not equipped with proper NBC protection kits.The chemical is also corrosive, allowing it to also damage non-organic materials such as metal.
(Original voxel by: Westwood, modified by: ArgCmdr, cameo by me)
*Sentry Disk*
This small, UFO-like drone is another one of Yuri's scout units.It is equipped with sensors that can see past disguises and also cloaked,submerged and subterranean units.It is mainly built to guard bases due to it's slow cruising speed so having these drones patroling your base is recommended.The Sentry Disk is unarmed and poorly armored so do be careful.
(Voxel and cameo by me)
There are more units to be added in so wait for more updates
Also I might dump the Crusher Tractor and improve the Hound Dog
New units: Assimilator, Hound Dog and Devourer Cannon ingame!
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_________________ The future belongs to The Forgotten!
you might want to fix the shadows for the assimilator. Also idk if its just my computer but the howitzer looks like its got all these dots around the front and barrel of the vehicle. _________________
Retired YR Player
Steam Account : MAS93
Xfire: msbiohazard QUICK_EDIT
For the assimilator - see the four parts where the remap is and the circle in the middle? Thats the voxel's turret. The rest of the voxel is the body which explains why the shadow looks like that.Go ask MadHQ (who is the one who made it) for more info about it.
As for the howitzer - I'll look into it. _________________ The future belongs to The Forgotten! Last edited by freedom fighter on Thu Jun 11, 2009 9:09 am; edited 1 time in total QUICK_EDIT
Posted: Thu Jun 11, 2009 8:37 am Post subject:
Update #2!
Commanders, it seems that Yuri is getting serious. He has expanded his armor division with three new vehicles - the Viper Rocket Buggy, Uragan Anti-Air Missile Truck and Gattling Boat.It seems he is improving his artillery divisions and anti-air defenses (not to mention expanding his navy) with these new toys.The following are detailed information on these new weapons:
*Viper Rocket Buggy*
While the Devourer Cannon may be a powerful artillery by itself, it is slow and inaccurate.The Viper Rocket Buggy seems to solve this problem by being fast, agile and armed with a pack of super-accurate homing missiles which are armed with an unknown kind of warhead but similar to the Floating Disk's.The missiles are launched in a barrage of six missiles that all home into one target, hence the weapon's nickname, Viper Swarmers.The Viper's weaknesses are the slow firing rate between missile launches and light armor.
(Voxel by: TheGuardian, cameo by me)
*Uragan Anti-Air Missile Truck*
This old missile-based artillery once used by the Soviets have been taken in by Yuri and somehow converted into an anti-air missile platform. Although it may be a frightening sight to any pilot due to the fact it utilizes super-accurate homing missiles to take down aircrafts, launching a barrage of eight missiles that chase down any unlucky aircraft to destruction, it is a rather cheap means Yuri has taken up. The reason? He STOLE the Medusa missile technology and threw his own style in, much to what he claims to be "very resourceful." Still, be careful with your airforce as you know how devastating those Medusa missiles are.
(Voxel and cameo by: WeeRaby2K)
*Gattling Boat*
Yuri have begun to expand his navy with his new Gattling Boat. There's not much that is different from it's land-borne counterparts except for obviously possessing heavier armor and packing more fire power.Just like all of his gattling weapons, the longer the guns are allowed to spin and fire, the stronger it becomes.We doubt Yuri is not going to expand his navy any bigger, but for now you'll have to deal with this boat first...
(Voxel and cameo by: MadHQ)
More units to come in da next update. I may need help with the AI so just PM me if you wanna help out with the AI.
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_________________ The future belongs to The Forgotten!
Some of them are gonna be side specifics. I think I'm gonna concentrate on the navy now (and also airport bond aircrafts). _________________ The future belongs to The Forgotten!
Posted: Thu Jun 11, 2009 5:28 pm Post subject:
Update #4!
These are the countries/subfactions that are gonna be in the mod. Some info of them as well. Here they are:
America (them yankees just won't die )
Specialties: Airforce, Chrono technology
Being a strong nation, America will do whatever they can to stop Yuri at all cost and also the Soviet's plan at another shot at global domination but with the help of Germany and their new allies.
Specialties:Armor divisions, Artillery
Having seen it's close allies France and the UK defeated by the Soviets, it is now seen that they are now the last free people in Europe, being able to fight off the incoming communist with all the military manpower that they have and those supplied by it's allies. It is now up to Germany to take back Europe from the Soviets.
Singapore(oh come on. Why not we give S'pore a chance in a mod.)
Specialties:Navy, Spec Ops
Singapore may be tiny but brave enough to go up against Yuri. Being the last free country in South-East Asia, Singapore is the only country that can free the region from Yuri's control.
Specialties:Robotics, Defense
Being the closest ally to the Americans, they have been funded with enough resources to built a strong enough army to takedown Yuri and the Soviets. Canada is willing to fight for eternal peace.
Specialties:Tesla technology, Offense
Having recovered, Russia is out to expand it's empire, taking advantage of the world situation now. No one will stand in their way, including Yuri.
Specialties:Incendiary technology, Hacking
China have been given the task to spread communism throughout Asia to ensure that global communist state is met. With this in mind, they will not tolerate any resistant they meet.
Iraq(sorry, just not fun without them)
Specialties:Nuclear technology, Fanaticism
It is unclear what they're planning to do but there seems to be some 'unrest' in the country. But seeing Iraq producing new nuclear-based weapons proves that they're a threat that must not be ignored.
Specialties:Psychics, Stealth tactics
A legion lead by Yuri himself, they serve only one purpose to the Master - to ensure the complete control of the world.
Specialties:Chemical warfare, Genetic manipulation
Lead by an unknown professor, this legion of mutants and so-called 'terrorists' only serve the purpose of fighting the enemy. They are blacklisted as 'scums of Mother Nature' as their toxic weapons and genetic manipulation is against nature.
Phantom League
Specialties:Hallucination technology, Disruptive warfare
This legion, lead by an unknown man, serves the purpose of shadowing people in fear and corruption. The Phantom League is responsible for many deaths caused by political unrest and excessive use of hallucinating gas to bring fear into people. They have been known as 'cowardly devils' due to the fact they are the ones that caused people to lose trust in friends and family members and watch the innocent kill themselves in fear.
Hope you like the subfactions _________________ The future belongs to The Forgotten!
Never! If anything the rest of europe would fall leaving only the UK a la WWII. _________________ Yes, work on MV continues. It is not forgotten. QUICK_EDIT
How does a tiny city state like Singapore withstand against the Soviets yet the entire European (minus Germany…which managed to somehow withstand Russia despite being closer to it) and Asian continent falls? Nationality serves best when it stays out of one’s mod…Singapore is just downright esoteric.
And do the Allies really need four countries while the rest get three? At least give the Soviet’s four and Yuri can be left with two. Technically, “Hallucination technology” is no more than a form of chemical weaponry.
Why does Yuri need “Uragan Anti-Air Missile Truck?” It is redundant and Yuri has always relied on gatling guns for AA as opposed to anything else. Even the other two artillery systems are redundant and basically devalue Yuri’s uniqueness. Yuri already has an effective and unique form of artillery; the magnetron. Instead of giving Yuri more units you should try to give him a few more units that are fitting and can serve multiple roles. A combination of a few of the units made into one could work...but most of them are redundant. QUICK_EDIT
I guess your from Singapore or something? The only thing of note in rl is a LMG model.
I don't know how Germany is still around if its got the soviets streaming out from the soviet union and soviet occupied France and UK on its other side.
Damn, no one likes each other...And some people don't like my mod already...
That's just their way of being friendly. They like to see brilliant mods, and tend to be fervent supports of such a goal. in short, them being nasty is just their way of trying to make your mod as good as possible. QUICK_EDIT
And another thing: ThirdSide's still got those usual stuff we see in other mods like mind-control, rat poison and stealth tech.
A good idea would be a side with mixed in Soviet and Allied forces. No Yuri-forces. And their ConYard is a Psychic Beacon. It's like a perma-mind-controlled army serving the Master. But don't add in Apocs or Prisms else they'd be pretty OP. They must rely on mixing in techs like in the last Soviet mission. And when their buildings explode, chaos gas spawns out!!1!1 But still on the ThirdSide.
Posted: Fri Jun 12, 2009 1:22 pm Post subject:
Update #5!
I'm now concentrating on Yuri's navy. I've added a new ship in his navy. Anyways, here's it info:
*Cerberus Cruiser*
This unique twin-hulled warship is Yuri's new main naval unit. Armed with both anti-ship/anti-sub torpedos and four small missile silos that launches long-ranged homing missiles at air and ground targets, it is somewhat close to the Allied Destroyer in terms of firepower and reliability. Its not very tough though, as it is built from scrap metal that is fragile, though the ship itself is light, allowing it to archive high speeds. Only the Gattling Boat is the fastest in Yuri's navy currently.
(Voxel and cameo by me)
Hope y'all like it Does anyone know where I can get more yuri-schemed naval units?
The new warships were seen in one of Yuri's naval bases.
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11239 Time(s)
_________________ The future belongs to The Forgotten!
Joined: 08 May 2009 Location: Humour House and Red Alert 2 Editing. Occupation: Female Modder, YR: Uprising coder
Posted: Sat Jun 13, 2009 4:54 am Post subject:
Re: Update #5!
freedom fighter wrote:
Does anyone know where I can get more yuri-schemed naval units?
PPM Voxel Section (It's in the bottom, just try to dig it up.)
YR Argentina
Revora Vxl Section
Sleipnir's Stuff
Ra2 Savage War (It's been a long time since I have visited there.)
Argentina is the best Ra2/YR resource I've been yet and the Yr Timeline downloads which is full of ripped voxels.
... and lastly Google. _________________
The fallen hero will be remembered. She will rise again. QUICK_EDIT
Posted: Sat Jun 13, 2009 8:58 am Post subject:
Update #6!
I've confirmed that I'll be sticking with two subfactions for Yuri's side. They are: Psi-Corps and Bio Force. Still thinking for the countries for the Allied and Soviet. Right now I'm moving on to the Soviets and Iraq. Oh and I really need someone to work out the AI. PM me if you're interested in helping with the AI. _________________ The future belongs to The Forgotten!
Why not the Black Guards for the Soviets? Ever seen Operation: Chrono Storm. Those were the guys guarding Kremlin. Subfactions doesn't necessarily mean countries you know. QUICK_EDIT
Most of it is constructive criticism or just using references.
If it was flaming, I would just say your mod is crap.
Instead I look on internet sources such as wikia and general historian sites/other games to point out flaws in the storyline or units/countries you have chosen.
The main issue from a gameplay point of view is - whats gonna stop me from techning up building your new unit which is seems to be like 100% more effective then stock units?
The main issue with adding too many units, is that you just get build clutter on your build tabs i.e. why build basic tank, when you can build super x tank, etc ...
Yuri himself has questionable balance issues as well but at the moment, is just generic Yuri gets x units. Like the Cerberus Cruiser seems to make the addition of a gattling boat useless and also makes the aegis less unique in its role.
Personally each side should have distinct strengths and weaknesses instead of just Yuri got a uber navy now. _________________ QUICK_EDIT
Posted: Sat Jun 13, 2009 11:53 am Post subject:
Update #7!
Updates for Iraq. They master in nuclear weapons and fanatism (OH NO!!! TERRORIST!!!!!!!!!!! RUN!!!!!!) Anyways here are the info for two new units of Iraq:
*Uranium Tank*
The Rhinos are very dependable MBTs but the Iraqis wanted more firepower in their tanks, by producing a new tank based off the Rhino's specs that fired depleted uranium shells.The Uranium Tank is a much more powerful Rhino which is armed with depleted uranium shells, making it a threat to anything that are not protect by NBC protection kits. It is slower however and vulnerable to aa fire. Be careful, if the tank is destroyed, so does the uranium shells in a small but devastating nuclear explosion.
(Voxel and cameo by: MadHQ)
*Quad Cannon*
Seeing that the Flak Track was not powerful enough for them, the Iraqis decided to build a more powerful SPAAG. The Quad Cannon may not be new technology, but it is powerful enough to shred both infantry and aircraft easily. Due to the bulky shape though, the Quad Cannon is slow.
Allied spies had detected many Iraqi bases being guarded by these aa guns, making it hard for Allied spy planes to spy the bases and airstrikes to be initiated on them.
(Voxel and cameo by: TX1138)
Also new to the Iraqis: the demolition truck (Cuz the Libyans are no more...)
More units to come.
@AltomareXD: Hmmm...I'll think about it (I wanted China to replace Libya) I might even add FutureTech to the Allies as well (no comments or I will snipe you ).
@Allied General: You've just beat me to a post before I could even post update #7. But I'll read what you just posted.
Iraq's new toys - Uranium Tank, Quad Cannon and Demolition Truck.
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11124 Time(s)
_________________ The future belongs to The Forgotten!
Yep. Don't just chuck in lots of units. Think about how each one will balance the other. Many great mods out there doesn't have that many tanks ripping it out in the open. QUICK_EDIT
No, not necassarily, replacing units is ok, just as long as they're not OP/stupid replacements or they compromise another unit's role. _________________ Yes, work on MV continues. It is not forgotten. QUICK_EDIT
Posted: Sun Jun 14, 2009 10:58 am Post subject:
Update #8!
Russia has some new toys. "Oh man. MORE units?" Theres some changes with Russia (see below):
Russia now has a new Tesla Tank that replaces the old one, Siege Chopper and Kirov Airship are unavailable for Russia.
Unit infos:
*Tesla Tank (MKII)*
The old Tesla Tank was powerful but weak and short ranged. This new version is the direct opposite - it is stronger and has a longer range. It is also able to fire two bolts of electricity simultaneously and is faster as well, thanks to it's unique tesla reactor it is equipped with. The only flaw of this new Tesla Tank is that it does not have a turret.
(Voxel by: Lefthand)
*Tesla Kirov*
With the new Tesla Reactor technology in their hands, Russia decided to build a new Kirov Airship that utilizes tesla power. The Tesla Kirov is the outcome of many months of construction on a new Kirov. It is powered by four turbine engines that can propel the airship at higher speeds. It is also armed with deadly bombs that are armed with a special tesla warheads. Be careful though, if shot down it will cause a deadly explosion that can electrocute anything below it.
(Voxel and cameo by: Arikado)
*Giraffe Artillery*
Seeing that the Siege Chopper was too fragile and was easily shot down by aa fire, the Russians decided to mount the same 160mm cannon the Siege Chopper uses on a proper artillery unit. The Giraffe chassis was their answer. This big gun carrier was heavily armored and big enough to crush anything that is smaller than itself. It was soon put into action and it performed better than the Siege Choppers. The Giraffe Artillery then became the Russians secondary artillery unit, with other Soviet countries still utilizing the Siege Chopper. It is slow and vulnerable to aircraft, so make sure to guard it well.
(Voxel by: Lefthand, cameo by me)
Updates to come. And thanks Lt Albrecht for da advice
The Russians are getting serious...
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_________________ The future belongs to The Forgotten!
Posted: Sat Jun 20, 2009 2:35 pm Post subject:
Update #9!
Been a while since my last update, so looky here: Ok, so I've decided to make a new faction called the "Illuminati of Peace", a civilian army that wants to stop the war between the Allies, Soviets and Yuri. They use mainly anything they can get their hands on. The one thing though is that I'm NOT using Npatch or Rockpatch. Apparently, this new faction will replace Cuba (I know its possible to make a new faction out of a subfaction; I once played a mod that featured it ). I've just started on making the new faction so theres not much, though any help would be appreciated Anyways, some unit infos (and pic )
Nothing more than a ute with a 50 caliber HMG mounted on the truck bed, this vehicle is fast and agile but has weak armor. Best used against infantries and base petrol.
(Voxel and cameo by me)
*Combat ATV*
An ATV (all-terrain vehicle) armed with two Stinger Missile launches, this is just like the Technical, except that it extremely fragile and strong versus armored divisions. Best used with hit-n-run tactics.
(Voxel and cameo by me)
Similar to the Iraqi Demolition Truck, but armed with high-explosive charges, it can easily demolish buildings and set infantries on fire but be careful for heavily armored vehicles. It is also equipped with the same disguise system used by the Allied Mirage Tank, making it a deadly ambusher as well.
(Voxel and cameo by me)
*Catapult Truck*
The Illuminati's primary artillery unit. It throws home-made HE bombs at great distances, making it no different to any other artillery unit. It is slow, inaccurate and lightly armed so be sure to get used to it.
(Voxel and cameo by me)
More updates coming up
The Illuminati of Peace's vehicles. All Mad Max-like :3 (Yeah, still using the big-assed ATV (SCREW THOSE INFANTRIES!!! :x)
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