With all this in mind I needed a map which was unique and could appeal both navy and ground forces.
Screen Shots:




Red alert 2 full map:

Mini Map:

A little background story to suit the map.
Small-tropical islands were used to hold strategic positions, only havana and hawaii held as direct access to America.
This island was stumbled across by the allies during the fall back of the empire, finding that the main island and the surounding islands rich with resources, the allies quickly occupied population to maintain a "resource fall-back plan" should the Empire spring more suprises such as the talented Yuriko Omega or the Shogun Ex, the island also contained a great array of transition metals which were suitable for japan's mass robotic production, without it japan wouldn't of been able to start such a ambitious and successfull attack on russia.
Many spring rain-falls in the local area have cause mass destruction and have left many ship wreaks along the coast, flooding was a major issue in access to on-land oil, in an attempt to balance this out many companies built oil platforms on land, however the stresses of the aftermath from the floods proved too much for any machine installed there, so attempts to gain a steady flow of oil have since been abandoned due to construction costs.