Enter the DragonSteinCole... says:
Banshee says:
Banshee says:
what's up?
Enter the DragonSteinCole... says:
i ve been thinking long and hard about this...
Enter the DragonSteinCole... says:
im giving up C&C modding... P:NTA, voxels, inis, the whole f*cking lot...
Banshee says:
Enter the DragonSteinCole... says:
two things: first of all, ive become more active in different things, like my art, which i get more enjoyment out of,
Enter the DragonSteinCole... says:
and secondly, it just really fustrated me that when i asked for some people to join the P:NTA team, nobody even relpied in the thread in my forums. i know guys like you, SMIFFGIG and others were supportive of the mod, and of me...
Enter the DragonSteinCole... says:
...but it just ground me down to the point of not being able to do anything with the mod.
Banshee says:
you could have posted a news post in the site asking for staff
Banshee says:
and also asked in other places too...
Enter the DragonSteinCole... says:
point, but i cant even check my forums at Arm-ent to see if anybody replied there, cos apparantly its shut down/closed...
Banshee says:
nobody replied there
Banshee says:
arm-ent is gone
Enter the DragonSteinCole... says:
... i dont know... take my forums away or do what you want with them, and remove me from the ppm mod team...
Enter the DragonSteinCole... says:
BTW, what happened with arm-ent?
Banshee says:
Vlad decided to close it
Enter the DragonSteinCole... says:
whoa, wonder where the mods will go...
Banshee says:
Here's a part of his last discuss about it:
Banshee says:
"But please, do not mourn me, or my network, for we stand tall in the hall of legends, and I can assure you, the network’s spirit shall not die. To my hosted sites, and my dear beloved unborn mods, whom which I will never get to provide hosting for, I am sorry. I, Vlad06, Chief Executive of the great Arm-Ent, advise my sites, to find a new home. You’re allowed to eat off us, and as a gift from me, can keep all the layouts and sites we have made for you. Just remember though, the community won’t last long, and as far as I am concerned, is already dead."
Banshee says:
note the word "allowed"
Enter the DragonSteinCole... says:
ya, but its kinda true about the community though...
Banshee says:
no, it's not dead..
Banshee says:
it's evoluting...
Banshee says:
some sites opens, other closes...
Banshee says:
you never know what is about to come next
Enter the DragonSteinCole... says:
get this then, ive got one thing i would like to do with the Project: New Tiberia Age... and thats offer it as an "open source" mod. like so people can download it, and use it to build their mods on...
Enter the DragonSteinCole... says:
... sounds wierd i know, but even i can admit there was something in that mod that other people could use...
Enter the DragonSteinCole... says:
... ill try and stay on the ppm forums, just as one of the crowd from now on...
Banshee says:
I'll keep the P:NTA forums for those who played the 1.3
Enter the DragonSteinCole... says:
im gonna keep my site on too, but gonna cram it down to one page...
Banshee says:
Enter the DragonSteinCole... says:
thanks, and sorry at the same time buddy...
Banshee says:

Enter the DragonSteinCole... says:
tell the others that the dragon has left the building...
Enter the DragonSteinCole... says:
...but still is in the street.

Banshee says: