Glad to annouce my next map, "The Rocktagon" takes its shape from the C&C 3 verison and follows this storyline:
Located in africa, a small zone threatens the efforts of the TCN - GDI issued construction of TCN nodes in the area but did not complete the construction efforts; it appers the current occupation are less than friendly.
Its now believed that GDI has place a reward from reclaiming these nodes, reguardless of wether this is Nod or a civilian group.
Many people have said to have tried to capture these nodes; none of which have returned, some say that these bounty hunters simple were to mutated after the travel; forced to live with the forgotten who live there; others say that the chasms torn them apart and what left now wanders the barren landscape.
Rumours now surround the mutant population and question their motives, others fear that they wish to spread tiberium as like kane tried to do during the 2nd tiberium war, others claim that the forgotten hold powers over the tiberium and are teraforming the landscape to their will, all we can truely say is that without the TCN; this red zone could see changes that could over-throw the TCN.
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