Venom MRLS
The Venom is a light missile artillery platform armed with 2 “Banshee” missiles. It can fire these missiles at long range. The standard missiles aren’t that spectacular, and are only a real threat against structures and static targets. Heavy vehicles should have no problems shrugging of the moderate damage and destroying the Venom.
This changed when the Venom receives Toxin Warheads upgrade from the Chem Lab. With this upgrade, the missiles will leave a dangerous substance, dubbed “Black Smoke”, after impacting. This substance eats trough flesh and light armor in no time, making it more effective against vehicles.
The Venom fires its missiles in a single large burst. The reload time, on the other hand, is long. It also doesn’t have much armor.

Will come later
Note: model and texture may change at any point during development.
Non-official comment: as Revenant didn't really have any kind of artillery besides the unlockable Duke, I designed a small rocket artillery, which resulted into the Venom.