Also Known As: banshee_revora (Steam) Joined: 15 Aug 2002 Location: Brazil
Posted: Mon Mar 21, 2011 2:47 am Post subject:
Interesting, although AI can be beaten by a single Nod Artillery as long as it becomes veteran to deal with MLRSs and the Mammoth Tank without being attacked.
The overall experience is good, although path finding demands some serious improvement, AI units need to move their asses more often when attacked and, in few cases, vehicles managed to 'climb' mountains, mainly ignoring the elevation and any natural barrier. QUICK_EDIT
Interesting, although AI can be beaten by a single Nod Artillery as long as it becomes veteran to deal with MLRSs and the Mammoth Tank without being attacked.
The overall experience is good, although path finding demands some serious improvement, AI units need to move their asses more often when attacked and, in few cases, vehicles managed to 'climb' mountains, mainly ignoring the elevation and any natural barrier.
He did say pre-alpha for a reason. :p
Though, I have to agree since I noticed the same thing... _________________ Discord: princess_marisa
Interesting, although AI can be beaten by a single Nod Artillery as long as it becomes veteran to deal with MLRSs and the Mammoth Tank without being attacked.
Banshee wrote:
AI units need to move their asses more often when attacked
yes thets because there is no AI ATM .. there is just a autofire function .. the same as the player controlled units have.
Banshee wrote:
The overall experience is good, although path finding demands some serious improvement, vehicles managed to 'climb' mountains, mainly ignoring the elevation and any natural barrier.
thats true .. the path finding is one of the hardest things for me .. i work on it acually.
but javaScript isnt that fast so the task is to keep it simple and good. _________________ QUICK_EDIT
here can you see how the path finding works ATM. everytime i make it look more forword or let it check the complete gemometry of the impassable areas, javascript gives up
did someone know how westwood manage this?
i think i stay with this .. and try to meke it work less bad _________________ QUICK_EDIT
Also Known As: banshee_revora (Steam) Joined: 15 Aug 2002 Location: Brazil
Posted: Tue Mar 22, 2011 6:22 pm Post subject:
Hmm... in your pathfinding.php, I've found inumerous paths that could not be completed by the unit. Are you using A*? If you aren't, take a look at this wikipedia article:
Also Known As: banshee_revora (Steam) Joined: 15 Aug 2002 Location: Brazil
Posted: Tue Mar 22, 2011 9:12 pm Post subject:
If you need help with algorithms to solve other problems, just post here. I had a bunch of classes of game programming and I might be able to support you with other well known algorithms for it . QUICK_EDIT
If you need help with algorithms to solve other problems, just post here. I had a bunch of classes of game programming and I might be able to support you with other well known algorithms for it .
i found a OS javascript implementation of A* that works in my scripts.
so do you know a algorithm to extrapolate the edges of a A* WP array?
because this script returnes each single point of the path...
edit: i made a filter
function WPEpolish(WPArr){
var filteredWPs = new Array();
var OlWPlength = WPArr.length;
filteredWPs[0] = WPArr[0];
for(var OlWP = 1;OlWP<OlWPlength;OlWP++){
if(WPArr[OlWP-1] && WPArr[OlWP+1] && (WPArr[OlWP-1]['x'] == WPArr[OlWP+1]['x'] || WPArr[OlWP-1]['y'] == WPArr[OlWP+1]['y'])){
Also Known As: banshee_revora (Steam) Joined: 15 Aug 2002 Location: Brazil
Posted: Sat Mar 26, 2011 12:16 am Post subject:
First of all, sorry for the lack of help. I'm usually very busy on wednesdays to fridays. Anyway, good job with the pathfinding. As far as I could test it, it's perfect.
And don't listen to Gangster . AI is really necessary, but pvp is a good bonus. QUICK_EDIT
Since this is a browser game I can't image many people spending hours in singleplayer, so multiplayer or PvP would be awesome. The pathfinding works well. QUICK_EDIT
hmm i thought about multyplayer .. im testing some ajax data transfer systhems... but there is much to consider.
i got now some unit to unit collision systhem ...
my new plan is:
- buildings
- miner and tiberium
- sidebar
- plains/helis
- maybe ships
- AI (a little ai is needed to have units in guard mode, good miners ...)
- scripts for the ai in mapeditor
- auto passable impassable paint in mapeditor
- pvp
Yeah it's good, though it doesn't seem to do many diagonal maneuvers which would make some moves simpler.
thats because this A* imlementation i use dont goes diagonal but i found a way to clean up useless waypoints so i first delet the wps between corners ..
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
x - -
x - -
x -
x -
x -
x finish
- -
x -
x -
x finish
then i drive the path virtual to finish the clean up:
- -
x -
x finish
i use only 8 facings for the units so i deceded do let them first drive diagonal and then strait ...
but i'll need more then 8 facings for that
if i cut this to 8 facings it looks like this .. but thats to jagged:
- -
- -
- -
- -
so i did it like this:
- - - - - -
import this map to to pathfind or labyrinth to see it goes diagonal
You don't have to match the 8 angles. I think it's best to just use whatever's closest to the right angle and still take the ideal path. _________________ QUICK_EDIT
i have now a global game time that can be slowed sown so everything goes slower ... thats needed to may have a network/online synchronization.. and it guarantees that the same actions can be done in time.. no matter how fast the browser is. _________________ QUICK_EDIT
I thought about multyplayer ... so it is possible .. maybe with websocket instead of ajax ... but i found a big problem
it is very easy to cheat... for example load the demo ( in google chrome .. go to settings -> tools -> javascript-console and type or paste: createNewUnit('htnk','Nod',48,48,2)
-> press enter and take a look at NW of the map -.-
beacause its all just javascript i dont know how do prevent something like this .. i may write controll functions but thay can be affected by such consoles too ... _________________ QUICK_EDIT
Do add a multiplayer. Then we can have what quake live did for quake, but for C&C. It would really bring the classics back. _________________ QUICK_EDIT
Do add a multiplayer. Then we can have what quake live did for quake, but for C&C. It would really bring the classics back.
yeha but its still a log way till multyplayer
Update now mcv deploys and thay are some buildings and infantry buildable ... the sidebar has no style ATM. but the logics work ... see demo
(refresh the demo site because of cache) _________________ QUICK_EDIT
Joined: 22 Dec 2004 Location: Tiberium Research Center N27
Posted: Sun Apr 03, 2011 9:27 pm Post subject:
Say, would it be possible for you to show us the graphical representation of unit's range? I noticed that artillery cannot engage units that are on the same vertical, unless it auto-engages when place on that vertical. _________________ DUNK! QUICK_EDIT
yes sounds are planned but at the moment there are still disagreements with the sound types in browsers so firefox takes only .ogg others mp3 ... and i dont wana each sound in 3 formats -.- i will look at this later
OmegaBolt wrote:
Nice, though I think you should limit the resolution to something like 1024x768 or even 800x600.
as far as i know its not possible ... i may put it in a smaller area like in the mapeditor. or zoom it but browsers slows extremly down with zoomed images. and if i zoom the images while loading via canvas it will dubble the loading time..
gufu wrote:
Say, would it be possible for you to show us the graphical representation of unit's range? I noticed that artillery cannot engage units that are on the same vertical, unless it auto-engages when place on that vertical.
yes its possible but i think i fixed this so it will be fixed on the demo within next update ... there was a problem with the fireinterval.. _________________ QUICK_EDIT
Nice, though I think you should limit the resolution to something like 1024x768 or even 800x600.
i thought about the resolution again.. and it is possible i may resize everything so the images made from the shps can be bigger... but thats up to you when this engine is finished you can make a "all bigger" mod
little update .. now the demo starts with more $ and you can build tanks and gun turrets _________________ QUICK_EDIT
something needs to be done with airstrip. it can deploy units to impossible area. _________________ Gangster is a Project Perfect Wuj (c)Aro QUICK_EDIT
i think it is a nice a idea, but you need consentrate first on adding power, maybe adding harverster unloading frames, better working aircraft types and anything else what missing from original _________________ Gangster is a Project Perfect Wuj (c)Aro QUICK_EDIT
Ronco, you may wish to consider submitting this to the Google Chrome App Market for browser apps, as a free or paid app. It'd get it a lot of publicity. _________________ PreRA2 Dev Lead QUICK_EDIT
i think it is a nice a idea, but you need consentrate first on adding power, maybe adding harverster unloading frames, better working aircraft types and anything else what missing from original
i do .. but its good to know what should be there so i can take care of it while i doing other things..
i work atm on multible weapons .. also on the distinction what weapon hits what..
from my current ini:
;warhead = a defined warhead (needed)
;pjojectile = a defined projectile
;damage = needed
;animation = a defined animation
;coolDown = in ms ... needed
;accuracy = accuracy in %.. 100% hits always with 100% dam
;hitsAircraft = true or false
;hitsOnly = can be aircraft, infantry, units and/or buildings
;burst = number > 0
;burstdelay = to define a other then set in General
Symphonic wrote:
Ronco, you may wish to consider submitting this to the Google Chrome App Market for browser apps, as a free or paid app. It'd get it a lot of publicity.
maybe later ... and if .. then as free app ... if i dont said this .. this engine is/will be under GNU ( license so it is freeware.. so if someone makes a game with his own graphics with it, he may sell it ... _________________ QUICK_EDIT
If you are using command and conquer graphics along with names doesn't that make it illegal?
C&C1 is freeware. It is downloadable for free over at
And yes, that is the full game. With expansion.
Same for Red Alert 1 and Tiberian Sun.
And technically EA support mods with their own content. Some people have made RA3 mods with C&C3 graphics and code and EALA/Victory Games have even promoted them on their site. It's not illegal unless you try to sell it, because the work is not entirely your original work. That's when it messes with the regulations on intellectual properties; When it comes down to people making money for something they are neither been given rights to distribute nor have created originally in its entirety.
Though sometimes companies send Cease-and-Desist letters to modmakers, because their work is too similiar to an upcoming game they are making. (Like Blizzard did with that StarCraft 2 mod for Generals, and like Microsoft did with Halogen, another Generals mod, when they were going to announce Halo Wars) QUICK_EDIT
- infinite weapons for each unit are possible
- its now possibile to set what weapon can hit what
- startet with a skill, Lvl and expirience system
- working Powersystem
- sidebars are now external html/css files that can be designed for each side
- new sidebar style ..
- primary factorys can be set with dubble click on one
- some bug fixes
next thing is fighting aircraft and pad bound aircraft..
(Like Blizzard did with that StarCraft 2 mod for Generals)
If you are thinking about Starkiller then Blizzard didn't order them to stop making the mod. Starkiller was killed by its own team because of engine limitations.
New versions awesome! I still wish you could scroll without having to move the scroll bars, but it's coming along very nicely. Need a sell function though! Ran out of cash before getting my refinery. QUICK_EDIT
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