Joined: 09 May 2011 Location: Approaching the Great Pyramid
Posted: Fri Jul 22, 2011 11:59 pm Post subject:
few mixed questions
well I have few various mixed questions
hoping you guys know answer to
I've noticed, that AI often builds some vehicles more than others
in case when I set in skirmish tech level 9 or 10
GDI builds mostly only Titans and Disruptors, while rarely wolverines and very rare MMK2.
so question in this case is, does Tech level (5-10) determines what is
built more?
I've seen in mix files 3rd damage animation for buildings, questions is
how come TS doesn't use them ?
when tiberium silo storage is raised, how come game doesn't allow
it to use "filled with tiberium" animations but just uses image of empty one,
is this hardcoded or can be "forced" for game to use it ?
what is maximum sight for inf/vehicles/buildings/air that reveals shroud?
what is max speed for inf/veh/air allowed ?
what is purpose of probe.vxl ?
does anyone know what needs to be (exactly) changed in AI.ini/AIFS)
for computer to build Ghost stalker/cyb commando and MMK2 more often?
How come some speech sounds sound "loud enough" in xcc mixer
but ingame are more mute/quieter ?
best example is cabals: 01-N176 ("tiberium missile ready")
I have been looking into some interesting ideas posted here
and the deployment of building giving free unit caught my eye
so I decided to put JFISH (Floater) as it
question for this is, is there a way to make that free given unit
not to be under my control, but neutral as is usualy in game ?
Joined: 18 Feb 2005 Location: Star Kingdom of Manticore
Posted: Sat Jul 23, 2011 1:12 am Post subject:
I will answer with what I know. Anything I don't know I'll leave blank.
1. -
2. - It's a hardcoded issue.
3. - I don't know. Testing is needed for this.
4. - 12. Nothing above that seems to reveal shroud.
5. - IIRC anything above 12 causes jump issues.
6. - It has no purpose AFAIK.
7. -
8. -
9. - Not possible. Sorry _________________ "Reality is a lovely place, but I wouldn't want to live there." -Adam Young QUICK_EDIT
Joined: 13 Feb 2007 Location: C:\Westwood\ TechLevel=12
Posted: Sat Jul 23, 2011 1:54 am Post subject:
I will answer with what I know. Anything I don't know I'll leave blank.
1. -
2. - Been this way since C&C95. Use to display last frame before the building exploded in C&C95 and RA1 if the budiling used 3 frames.
3. -
4. -
5. -
6. - probe.vxl is a Voxel Hunter Seeker. It even has a icon (seekicon.shp)
7. -
8. -
9. - _________________
[1] I'm pretty sure TechLevel= has nothing to do with how often an AI builds a unit, but not 100% sure
[7] You will need to change the Probabilities in ai.ini, the higher the probabilities settings, the more often they will build them. Also I believe Cost= has something to do with ai deciding whether to build it or not too. If the cost of a taskforce is large, they may opt out of building it.
[8] Check the sound.ini, some sounds use the Volume= tag to higher or lower the volume of the sound. _________________
The enemy shall be injected with toxic poison - Venom QUICK_EDIT
Joined: 13 Feb 2007 Location: C:\Westwood\ TechLevel=12
Posted: Sat Jul 23, 2011 2:33 am Post subject:
Cranium wrote:
i'll try to answer what daTS didnt, I'll try
[7] You will need to change the Probabilities in ai.ini, the higher the probabilities settings, the more often they will build them. Also I believe Cost= has something to do with ai deciding whether to build it or not too. If the cost of a taskforce is large, they may opt out of building it.
I'm not sure cost dose any thing. The AI builds Disruptors at 1300 per one left and right same can be said for Nod and building Cyborg Reapers at 1100 per one.
I think incressing the Probabilities with the AI Editor would make the AI attack with more units. I know it has with what little I have messed with my AI.
The AI has the MMK2 set up like this Easy
Name: E_GDI vehicle attack 4
TeamType #1: 084E1790-G(E_GDI vehicle attack 4)
TeamType #2: <none>(no team)
Owner: <all>
Side: 1 - Allies / GDI
TechLevel: 10
Trigger Type: 0 - Enemy house owns NUMBER of TECHTYPE
Parameter: GATECH
Condition: 3 - more or equal to NUMBER
Number: 1
Default Probability: 20.000000
Minimum Probability: 20.000000
Maximum Probability: 20.000000
Use In Skirmish: yes
Unknown Flag: 0
Is Base Defense: no
Use in Easy Diff: yes
Use in Medium Diff: no
Use in Hard Diff: no
You man not under stand this but it is set up like this. For the AI to use a MMK2 the player or other AI must have a GDI Tech Center (GATECH) and the Probability that the AI will use the MMK2 if the player or other AIs has a GDI Tech Center is ony 20%
Hard has the MMK2 set a Probability 60%. and the same requrirement that the player or other AIs has a GDI Tech Center.
So if you play as Nod and the AI is GDI. The GDI AI will not attack you with a MMK2 as Nod can't build a GDI Tech Center. The GDI AI may build A MMK2 but will never attack with it as long as your Nod. _________________
I've noticed, that AI often builds some vehicles more than others
in case when I set in skirmish tech level 9 or 10
GDI builds mostly only Titans and Disruptors, while rarely wolverines and very rare MMK2.
so question in this case is, does Tech level (5-10) determines what is
built more?
This is how the AI.ini affects the game.
I've seen in mix files 3rd damage animation for buildings, questions is
how come TS doesn't use them ?
They were meant to be used but unfortunately the game doesn't support them.
when tiberium silo storage is raised, how come game doesn't allow
it to use "filled with tiberium" animations but just uses image of empty one,
is this hardcoded or can be "forced" for game to use it ?
I've never experienced this or heard of it personally, I'm sure I've used custom silos with custom storages before.
what is maximum sight for inf/vehicles/buildings/air that reveals shroud?
I believe it is 11 and it can be upgraded via the SIGHT crate goodie to 12, I can't remember if 12 was the max value you could set in the ini or not. I believe setting a units sight to 12 and it then recieving a SIGHT upgrade might cause an IE or a bug.
what is max speed for inf/veh/air allowed ?
I've used up to and over speed=30 before, I'd say Speed=100 could be the max.
what is purpose of probe.vxl ? #Tongue
Old Hunter Seeker voxel image.
does anyone know what needs to be (exactly) changed in AI.ini/AIFS)
for computer to build Ghost stalker/cyb commando and MMK2 more often?
In the AI.ini there will be TaskForces which determine what units and how many appear in that taskforce, in most / all cases Cyborg Commando and Ghost Stalker will be set to 1, thus 1 of them in each task force. You can change this to higher.
How come some speech sounds sound "loud enough" in xcc mixer
but ingame are more mute/quieter ?
best example is cabals: 01-N176 ("tiberium missile ready")
This could be to do with volume in the sound.ini however I don't think Speeches are defined in there. It could have anything to do with the volume settings ingame, the fact sound effects and music are also being played at the same time may make voices seem quieter.
I have been looking into some interesting ideas posted here
and the deployment of building giving free unit caught my eye
so I decided to put JFISH (Floater) as it
question for this is, is there a way to make that free given unit
not to be under my control, but neutral as is usualy in game ?
Sorry Mr Exley, freeunits will belong to the houses original owner. If you're looking to create a "natural" Floater the best you could perhaps do is make it so it's unselectable and wanders off on it's own. (Would still technically be yours). _________________ QUICK_EDIT
Joined: 09 May 2011 Location: Approaching the Great Pyramid
Posted: Thu Jul 28, 2011 8:34 pm Post subject:
there are many good answers and info here given, and I thank you for this
to Allen's info, I still have problems with MMK2 being built
I have replaced in AI.ini for all cases probability to 90.000000
which should be 90% I guess
and instead the GATECH limit, I have replaced it with GACNST
which by my logic should be, if any player has construction yard
(and we all do ), then unit will be made
but after playing 3 long rounds, each going from 60 mintutes
and some to 1:30h
no GDI ever built MMK2 -_-
is this hardcoded issue ? _________________
Joined: 09 May 2011 Location: Approaching the Great Pyramid
Posted: Sun Aug 21, 2011 12:39 am Post subject:
I have some more if nobody minds
10. can someone explain burst delay a bit for noob, example LKO's Tripod has this for weapon:
but whenever I increased this delay, only second shot got delayed instead both
11. is it possible to make flame go over obstacles (raised ground) while still being particle/flame as it is ?
12. why when Laser is made out of railgun, often doesn't display its full "line" even if its on flat ground fireing, and can this be fixed ?
13. how does Spread works ?
example, I gave to my weapon high damage of 20000 (1 warhed attached) and spread 12 but weapon only destroys about 2x2 cells
14. if I put in Rules.ini for [E1] unit, AIBuildThis=no
will it cause game crashes ?
since I noticed AI.ini uses E1 for group attacks (land and APC)
15. why [MultiLauncher] (multi missile - single rocket) has Range=30 if player can aim on entire maps ?
16. Multi missile question, can it be made that this weapon can be fired only inside like 5 cells and aim gets locked in any bigger (like EMP has restriction) ?
I ask because question #15
17. is there a way in TS to force unit to deploy on "filled" terrain ?
like tiberium or veins
18. can it be done, that bombs dropped out of orca bomber, or any cloned bomber, to fall very slow ?
I know fired projectiles can, but can dropped bombs ?
19. do all weapons must use Report= property ?
20. why chem missile and cluster missile have this tag Color=DarkGreen ?
21. why orca's Hellfire weapon, if I gave it Burst=4, only fires 2 in one move, then switches then 2 again, why can't it fire 4 at one go ?
and can this be "made" ? QUICK_EDIT
10. BurstDelay is the delay between each of the bursts.
The first shot of course can't be delayed because it is controlled by ROF.
It can be used on units to give the rapid burst a bigger variation.
would make the unit fire the first 2 shots fast after each other, then wait a short time (25) and fire the last 2 shots fast after each other too.
I used BurstDelay on my Tripod to give the firinganim time to play till the end before the second shot is fired.
11. No.
12. If a slope was in the path of the railgun, it stops drawing the line there. You can use UseSparkParticles=yes on the weapon to show always the complete railgun.
Note: The order is important.
allows the unit to use AmbientDamage and always shows the full railgun line
AmbientDamage doesn't works anymore.
13. First, a warhead can't affect a bigger area than 3x3.
rules.ini comments are your friend.
rules.ini wrote:
; Spread = damage spread factor [larger means greater spread] (def=1)
; [A value of 1 means the damage is halved every pixel distant from center point.
; a value of 2 means damage is halved every 2 pixels, etc.]
However the measurement in pixel is not correct. It's measured in leptons.
256 leptons are 1 cell.
Spread=256 would mean that the diagonal adjacent cells in the 3x3 area would do the full damage. The horizontal/vertical adjacent cells only half the damage as they are a bit further away, about 384 leptons.
Spread=128 would mean the adjacent cells next to the center cell would do only about half the damage.
For full damage on all cells in the 3x3 area a value of 512 would be enough.
14. AIBuildThis works only on buildingtypes. You have to edit ai.ini to stop the AI from building a certain unit.
15. Was probably from an old version, when the missile was used on the ICBM unit and not a superweapon. The superweapon simply overrides this, so there is no problem with that.
16. no. Special SW logic makes it map-wide.
17. Only if you give the Land types Buildable=yes. See [Weeds] and [Tiberium]. But then all other buildings can be build on them too.
To restrict this to only some deployer units is not possible.
Or you completely rewrite the entire terrain and make sure that tiberium and veins have Land=Water and nothing else. Then you could use WaterBound=yes on the deployunits and this way they can deploy on tiberium/veins only.
But you have to edit all water tiles so they use a different landtype and also get problems with the water splash anims played for weapons which hit the tiberium/veins.
18. i don't think so, as these are affected by the Gravity setting. You could change Gravity down to 1 in the [AudioVisual] section, but that would affect all other Arcing and Lobber weapons too.
19. no. But some like the Droppod gun definitely need one.
20. Because the Missile is a voxel which uses remap colors. The key changes the remap colors to a certain color. You could also make the missile pink this way, though only the colors defined in the [Colors] section work.
21. Aircraft are hardcoded to fire only max 2 shots during each shuffle.
Only via the reaper splits logic with the first stage being only a dummy, you can let it fire more missiles. _________________ SHP Artist of Twisted Insurrection: Nod buildings
Changing CurleyShuffle= to no makes aircraft fire their weapon without changing their position in between shots, so I believe this might also allow you to give aircraft a greater burst.
Unfortunately CurleyShuffle= affects all aircraft and not just one however, so the reaper's missile split logic is probably indeed the best way to do it. _________________ QUICK_EDIT
CurleyShuffle=no has the negative sideeffect to give aircraft unlimited ammo.
Aircraft only reduce their ammo when they move after they shot the weapon, and with CurleyShuffle=no they don't move anymore after each shot. Thus they would only reduce the ammo if the target moves away and they have to move as well to follow it or the player orders them to move away. Else they keep standing in air and don't stop firing. _________________ SHP Artist of Twisted Insurrection: Nod buildings
But we made sure that this doesn't cause sideeffects, because all aircraft with ammo use overrun attack weapons (like vanilla TS Orca bomber or Banshee proton) and the others have unlimited ammo. The only aircraft without ammo is the Nod Hornet, which can keep standing in midair firing on the target with its quite weak Lasers and which adds to its quite unique behaviour. _________________ SHP Artist of Twisted Insurrection: Nod buildings
Joined: 09 May 2011 Location: Approaching the Great Pyramid
Posted: Mon Aug 22, 2011 8:47 pm Post subject:
regarding delay burst,
you write 3rd shot waits 25 ticks, but why 4th is then value of 0 ?
regarding rail laser, it works perfectly, but can I use then method
of laser and this code WHILE still generating particles, for railguns
(MMK 2) to shoot through high ground but not to loose visual look of "pulse" weapon ? _________________
regarding rail laser, it works perfectly, but can I use then method
of laser and this code WHILE still generating particles, for railguns
(MMK 2) to shoot through high ground but not to loose visual look of "pulse" weapon ?
i'm not sure if i can follow you.
If i understand you correct then yes, you can make the railgun shoot through slopes while having the particles shown all along the railgun (and not stop showing at the slope). _________________ SHP Artist of Twisted Insurrection: Nod buildings
Joined: 09 May 2011 Location: Approaching the Great Pyramid
Posted: Mon Aug 22, 2011 11:15 pm Post subject:
I think I'm much confused with burst 4 that uses =0
please correct me, but does this means that every 2nd shot, "waits"
the one before (2nd waits 1st, while 4th waits 3rd), and only then burstdelay works, like in pairs right ?
and how much these burstdelays can TS use ? (as in BurstDelay9=...)
also thanks for that nice trick in railguns, it all finally looks nice _________________
BurstDelay0= defines the time in between the 1st and 2nd burst
BurstDelay1= defines the time in between the 2nd and 3rd burst
BurstDelay2= defines the time in between the 3rd and 4th burst
BurstDelay9= defines the time in between the 10th and 11th burst
You need to have the correct number of bursts specified for this to work properly, of course (you need Burst=11 for BurstDelay9= to work for example).
I'm not aware of any limit concerning bursts or burst delays however, since I've never had any reason to give a unit that many bursts. _________________ QUICK_EDIT
That's quite possible; like I said, I don't actually know what the limit is since I've never had any reason to give a unit that many bursts.
The numbers I mentioned are just what they'd be if there is no limit that'd keep you from using them. _________________ QUICK_EDIT
Just tested it. BurstDelay3 is the last one.
higher BurstDelays aren't working, even if the engine should read them due to the %d joker, which implies the engine reads any number behind the string BurstDelay. _________________ SHP Artist of Twisted Insurrection: Nod buildings
Joined: 09 May 2011 Location: Approaching the Great Pyramid
Posted: Wed Aug 24, 2011 12:24 am Post subject:
so in total, TS can mix total of 8 shots ?
also, I'd like to ask again something related to railguns
is it possible for railgun/pulse not to draw laser or draw it very short so player can only see those particles ? _________________
The laser is just an added visual effect; for as far as I'm aware it shouldn't make a difference whether the railgun has a laser a or not (I say for as far as I know because it's actually already been years since I've had to take difference in terrain height into account while modding; I've mainly only been working on DTA after all).
I believe LKO already explained how to get the weapon to fire throuh raised/lowered ground however
Lin Kuei Ominae wrote:
12. If a slope was in the path of the railgun, it stops drawing the line there. You can use UseSparkParticles=yes on the weapon to show always the complete railgun.
Note: The order is important.
allows the unit to use AmbientDamage and always shows the full railgun line
AmbientDamage doesn't works anymore.
it makes 1 shoot then waits 1-2 secs then another shoot
The code is already correct for doing a quick doubleshot. Do you used a railgun or another particlesystem on the weapon? _________________ SHP Artist of Twisted Insurrection: Nod buildings
^^That's the reason. If the used particle of the railgunparticlesystem is still having a high MaxEC value (not 0) and ParticlesPerCoord isn't 0. _________________ SHP Artist of Twisted Insurrection: Nod buildings
Joined: 09 May 2011 Location: Approaching the Great Pyramid
Posted: Mon Aug 29, 2011 10:06 pm Post subject:
that bites lol
I really wanted for MMK2 to have 2 shooter like your Tripod did
and Burst=2 (alone) on it as one older Thread on PPM had suggested doesn't work for me QUICK_EDIT
Is it really necessary for the laser to be a railgun? If it's not really necessary, using a normal laser will make it work.
The thing with railguns is that that they can only be fired again once the particles from the last shot have disappeared; so if the only reason why you made your railgun into a laser is because you want it to be able to inflict ambient damage, I believe you should be able to pull it off by changing MaxEC= to 1 for the particle that's used by the (converted) Railgun's particle system. _________________ QUICK_EDIT
Joined: 09 May 2011 Location: Approaching the Great Pyramid
Posted: Mon Aug 29, 2011 10:40 pm Post subject:
I'm using railgun laser on both Ghost and MMK2 for the reason
laser can shoot through higher and lowered ground
while it still have look of pulse (particles)
railgun on its own doesn't, so I end up units shooting forever unable to kill which is annoying
I'll try with this MaxEC=1 thingy then
as for LKO's post
I'd like to add, that I use pure railgun laser with MaxEC=1 and
ParticlesPerCoord=.0001 on your Tripod unit
yet I have same problem as with weapon that uses particles and higher MaxEc
settings for both Tripod and MMK2 weapon are same (ROF, Burst, BurstDelay0) QUICK_EDIT
If you want solely only the laser=yes laser line and none of the actual particle dots, you can just do MaxEC=0 on the sub particle since the laser=yes on the system is not tied to the actual particle in anyway so we canjust do MaxEC=0 and safeguards in Particle system like following
HoldsWhat=LargeRailgunPart ; for example that has MaxEC=0
LaserColor=255,255,255 ;whatever color
Keep in mind, the AmbientDamage system remains always flawed in delivering the damage when it comes to cliffs/elevation (oddly enough the sonicwave works properly with it) even when you fix the visual part of it with UseSparkParticles=true thus better idea is use ambientdamage as bonus damage or split it to half & half for normal and ambient.
this simple laser draw particle can be bursted just fine since actual particle is not drawn thus no waiting periods and pretty lagless too unlike with actual particles. QUICK_EDIT
Joined: 09 May 2011 Location: Approaching the Great Pyramid
Posted: Wed Sep 07, 2011 10:11 pm Post subject:
here's quick one
regarding mobile em pulse [MOBILEMP]
I personally think its one of most useless vehicles in game
(among few other)
so if I "redone" it, as in, add it a weapon and remove these:
;MaxCharge=1800 ; was 1200
while STILL leaving charged version [CMOBILEMP]
intact, will it bring some game incompatibilities
as in... does game check for its counterpart
or not ? _________________
afaik is the charged version never used, except in some campaign missions.
So no, there shouldn't be any problem if you change the normal mobile emp. _________________ SHP Artist of Twisted Insurrection: Nod buildings
I have a question too, how can I make "we need more men" and "sir the tacitus is gone" cutscenes operational? _________________ Welcome to the unit, I´ll see you around.
Tiberian Sun 2.05: QUICK_EDIT
I don't know on what you're referring to?
Is it a soundfile with an EVA/CABAL speech or a FMV or a minimovie shown in the radarmap? _________________ SHP Artist of Twisted Insurrection: Nod buildings
I guess he means the small FMV (minimovie) clips that should occur in campaign but to my recall they are never shown(???), presumably never coded into specific maps where ever the plan was for them to be shown... unsure TBH. QUICK_EDIT
yes, minimovies shown in the radarmap. _________________ Welcome to the unit, I´ll see you around.
Tiberian Sun 2.05: QUICK_EDIT
I think the fastest for you is to look at the missions where this is done already (gdi scrinship missions and last GDI TS campaign mission) and adapt the code to your map. _________________ SHP Artist of Twisted Insurrection: Nod buildings
tried to do it but it appears only when Im attacking a civilian vehicle. _________________ Welcome to the unit, I´ll see you around.
Tiberian Sun 2.05: QUICK_EDIT
then there's surely something wrong with your map triggers. Check the Event when the Trigger should fire. _________________ SHP Artist of Twisted Insurrection: Nod buildings
if I cloned an infantry for example naming it [SOMEONE], and have for it
Image=CIV3 (which in art.ini has its own entry under [CIV3])
but mine unit [SOMEONE] does not have art.ini entry, thus no sequence but only uses image=civ3
would that cause from link above the bugs, or image= already
uses all required things from art from another infantry ?
23. on Modenc for EliteAbilities= it says these are possibly hardcoded
so if I remove them would that screw things up ?
24. this one is related to missiles that launch from nuke silo
example of [MultiLauncher]
it has Speed=35
what is max speed that can be set for these and can it be made
that either multi missile or chem missile fly to target extremely fast like 0.5 or 1 second after launch out of silo ?
25. could again apply to [MultiLauncher], or any weapon...
what is the max damage (Damage= ...) that actually works ? QUICK_EDIT
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