Oh god no . yeah I need to make some stuff clear here. my red-star mod is basically cancelled, again I lost my data still have my old corrupt hard drive but its like (500 sterling pounds to recover the data inside it).
This mod that I am doing is just another yuri's revenge modification, side specifics and etc... your going to see some real life stuff here but with some spin offs and the red alert 2 craziness. I still dunno whether I should release them in future or donate to a mod or not.
As for for my older voxels that I made for Red Star they wont be released since I want to preserve their exclusiveness to some mods out their including (RS, MO, PP and some others I do not quite remember )
Edit: So far this thread goes it no more and no less than an art thread, dunno about opining a new thread for the my yuri mod that I am making right now but who knows QUICK_EDIT
Right I will be explaining the Ranking system I have in mind.
You can see the rank going up from one strip to 3 stars each rank pose some sort of threat ( for the player at least), one strip has the least threat and 3 stars has the most.
by threat I mean the Veterancy perks a unit get a star(s) ranked unit is most likely to get more lethal/defensive weapons/attributes
For example a one strip ranked unit get a firepower and speed upgrade but with a one star would get firepower, speed and strength and it would stack in the next level meaning it gets 2 times the normal striped units. Plus, it may get another weapon or a more specialised weapon
Righto for naming now:
Rank 0 - No insignia: recruit - your fresh new unit - no combat "experience" - may not perform as expected if given a feasible task.
Rank 1 - 1 strip: Irregular has below mediocre combat "Experience" - may perform as expected if given a feasible task - it would outmatch recruit units hence its irregularity.
Rank 2 - 2 stripes: Regular - has mediocre combat "experience" - should preform as expected if given a feasible task.
Rank 3 - 3 stripes: Hardened - Has above-Mediocre combat "experience" - better than the regular more reliant into dealing with given tasks, feasibility drops a bit here but its is still depending on the units.
Rank 4 - 1 star: Veteran - has good all around combat "experience" - can handle more difficult tasks even if that are less feasible for less ranked units, but such units can be overwhelmed with a considerable enemy tanks force.
Rank 5 - 2 stars: Elite - Has excellent combat "experience" - can deal with any mission with relative ease - this unit needs to be crippled often to be defeated - less likely be overwhelmed a considerable enemy tanks force.
Rank 6 - 3 stars: Legion - the combat "experience" of this units is unquestioned - it can handle all tasks given, feasible or not - cannot be overwhelmed most of the time - more often needs to be crippled to be defeated.
Generally all units will have to start as recruits and rank up to regular units (Rank 0 to Rank 2). Depending on each country you can deploy a variety of hardened combat units which can rank up from (Rank 3 to Rank 5), they are trained differently than their less experienced units - limited in numbers, most of the time 6 in total per unit.
Each country will have no more than 3 that can reach up till rank 6 - very limited numbers, some times to 1 in total per unit. Also, please bear in mind that some units may "Skip" Ranks in some cases.
Are the ranks actually supposed to be veterancy levels or just unit tiers? Judging by what's written and game's limitations I guess it's both, with lower tier units only being able to access lower-level veterancy benefits (ranks 0-2) and higher tier units get better ones (3-5) and so on. _________________ QUICK_EDIT
both way in a seance, its would be usually like you can build 2 GI's one with (rank 0 - rank 2) and the other (Rank 3 - Rank 5) and you will the insignia on the cameo.
tho there might some additional upgrades/Perks or weaponry for the other GI or well Hardened GI like for example a healing aura which makes him more or less like a leader.
Also, the cost would go up, I used have the hardened counterpart costing about 600 but I reduced to 400 (which in future I may increase again) with build limitation of 6. This GI has a lot more strength/speed/sight the regular rank 2 (after calculating a normal GI Rank 2 stacked strength/speed/sight and adding and staking them up again for the Hardened GI) GI but they share the same weaponry or damage output /ROF/Range.
And yes you are correct its kinda of tier access technology, in way you are requesting "Experienced" Troops in the battlefield, tho I would like to see in the future a unit that decreases veterancy factor for the units around it (makes gain veterancy faster) that would nice. In essence I made veterancy a measure of how much perks/upgrades/atteributes a unit have and again there would be cases of rank skipping but I dont think I would make it that much e.g. rank 1 skips to rank 3 (meaning again more perks with having to go through rank 2) QUICK_EDIT
Wasn't there already a way to make a Veteran/Elite unit change into a different unit in Ares?
I think your current system would clutter up very fast the sidebar with duplicates of so many units.
Better would be imo if any ordinary unit could rank up to a hero version of itself.
I think it would be good, if experienced/hero units give all units of the same type in a small area around them a little passive boost, like faster ROF, higher speed etc, instead of only having the hero higher stats.
So one hero guardian provides a little boost to up to 10 normal guardians around it. _________________ SHP Artist of Twisted Insurrection: Nod buildings
Wasn't there already a way to make a Veteran/Elite unit change into a different unit in Ares?
No, unfortunately it is still in blueprint form it hasnt made to be a logic yet.
I think your current system would clutter up very fast the sidebar with duplicates of so many units.
Better would be imo if any ordinary unit could rank up to a hero version of itself.
I wish that would be the case but it cannot since there are veterancy limitations. As for the unit cluttering in the side bar, all-most tier 1 units would such versions and some tier-2 units, as for others they would 'skip' ranks in some cases.
I think it would be good, if experienced/hero units give all units of the same type in a small area around them a little passive boost, like faster ROF, higher speed etc, instead of only having the hero higher stats.
So one hero guardian provides a little boost to up to 10 normal guardians around it.
More SHPs please, i loved them, voxels are alright too. _________________ If you are a MetalHead (Heavy Metal Fan) and don't want to be a metalhead, Just remove your metal ball from your head. �:p .
Wasn't there already a way to make a Veteran/Elite unit change into a different unit in Ares?
No, unfortunately it is still in blueprint form it hasnt made to be a logic yet.
I'm sure a workaround could be made in which the ElitePrimary is a weapon with Range=255 that makes that infantry mutate into another by the same owner. _________________ "Don't beg for things; Do it yourself or you'll never get anything." QUICK_EDIT
@4StarG: Yeah that can actually work, would more of a field promotion but the problem with this idea it would make the unit skip the first and the second rank xD. Plus, it has no build limit hence I much rather use the build option. QUICK_EDIT
Right, I made a Rehash to the new Veterancy system (Sorry for donting on such system it is kinda important to me).
As you can see each path has a specific end to it:
-The one that ends with the unit being a staff Sargent this unit will most likely have balanced Defensive and offensive capabilities with no specialised weapon.
-The one that ends with unit being an officer (Star) this unit will most likely have a more specialised offensive Primary or/and Secondary Weapon (be it deployer or airstrike beacon).
-The one that ends with unit being a Warrant Officer (a Seal) this unit will end up having more specialised defensive/Support Secondary Weapon (deployer).
As for the ranking ratio I am thinking of making units go up in ranks by the ratio of 2.0 instead of 3.0. also, were the unit moderately build up their traits until they reach a specialisation.
Finally, I am thinking of making an upgrade that lets some of your
tier 1 and 2 units start with being in Rank-2 (Regulars) to rank 4 (officer , staff sargent, warrant officer) ultimately replacing the older rank 0 to rank 2 counterparts in which this would act as an army "Experience" upgrade, this would differ from one country to another.
Also don't worry there will some rank skipping especially for some tier 2 units and tier 3 ones.
Obviously I know next to nothing about Ares, but is this even possible to the extent you're suggesting? Or are you talking about making distinct units that just use the same art to promote along a different tree? Or what? _________________ http://www.moddb.com/mods/scorched-earth-ra2-mod-with-smart-ai QUICK_EDIT
Each Unit Type can have up to 3 different Insignias. Rookie,Veteran and Elite. You can assign each individual unit to have their own insignias for each of the three ranks or individually (I.E: you want Commandos to have a Medal with a Star on reaching Elite instead of a Triple Chevron)
He also seems to be planning on giving each infantry "upgraded" versions which will override the weaker ones. _________________ ~ Excelsior ~ QUICK_EDIT
Atomic_Noodles is correct I am making new versions of the existing ones but on the case of overriding in which I am considering such possibility's:
-Some Regulars become solely from reinforcements IE support powers.
-Regulars are built separately using either another structure or upgrade either to replace the existing ones with their newer versions or just adding extra the build bar to make the player choose whether or not they want their cheap less trained versions, this way it may make the player to not leave them out in late game when some Tier 3 units are out.
-For example Conscripts differ from one country to another for for example:
-Iraqi conscripts can reach to a star rank and get a Radiation Grenade with an AKM (similar weapon to Boris but a weaker version) or he would deploy to make a small long timed radiation field around him that while he is immune to it.
-The Russian version is similar to the Iraqi version but has a Tesla grenade.
- this case would be different for the Libyans(Replaced by Egypt right now) in which his final rank would warrant officer in which he can issue a command to hold the line that will effect only infantry giving an armour boost via deploying ability or just gives a bit armour and more speed, less firepower for some sort of defences doctrine.
-For the Cubans he would be a staff Sargent in which when he will have an attack courser on his allies for when he fires his normal weapon it would damage the infantry but it will make have better firepower for it and the surrounding infantry (the commissar way of doing it) QUICK_EDIT
Nice mod idea, but resembles YR Zero Hour. _________________ If you are a MetalHead (Heavy Metal Fan) and don't want to be a metalhead, Just remove your metal ball from your head. �:p .
In a way yes, but then again these are just examples.
But i liked it! _________________ If you are a MetalHead (Heavy Metal Fan) and don't want to be a metalhead, Just remove your metal ball from your head. �:p .
Love those toonish design of the semi boxy helicopter. _________________ If you are a MetalHead (Heavy Metal Fan) and don't want to be a metalhead, Just remove your metal ball from your head. �:p .
Also I am open to criticism about the style I am using as I realise that I went a bit away from Azri_Apoc's style for quite some time since I want to have some sort of distinction. QUICK_EDIT
Personally, almost all of them are too large for my liking (compared to the size of one cell), especially the planes. But that is a personal opinion on a style choice you made, not really criticism. QUICK_EDIT
Also Known As: martx Joined: 28 Oct 2016 Location: PH
Posted: Mon May 22, 2017 3:04 pm Post subject:
Deformat wrote:
This is porn.
You'll get the young people to search that...
Anyway, Really nice voxels there Bu7loos, I just don't know how you got into the Nature of Voxelling. Can I ask how you to start a Voxel from scratch? I'm still learning, and I want to learn from a Progressed Voxeller, I don't even know where to start, that's the reason why I'd only 'Repair' WW voxels... _________________ all my posts before 2020 were made by a 13 year-old, forgive these if you see any, thank you QUICK_EDIT
NucleiSplitter: You need to understand layering in the voxeler as In how to use top, bottom and side view at your disposal. Imagining how to create the voxel you want is also important after you understood how layering works. Also, you need have nack for the sizes of the voxels you want to make, in which it easily learnt by taking other peoples work and seeing the cavnes sizes and seeing how much the voxels is occupying it.
Finally, you choose your own colouring style but that is obtained after you get experience on how it work via looking at others styles. Azri_apoc is good voxeler see his voxels in the terms that I mentioned. QUICK_EDIT
This what I am experimenting with the unit description since I need to make the player understand what and how. tho the problem is still in the side bar.
Oooh, I tried doing that once - like Generals has, for example - but I never got it to work nicely. If you can make it work, that'd be awesome! QUICK_EDIT
I'll bite: it's too much text and you risk screwing up gameplay at occasion. One thing Mental Omega fixed was adding various icons to either units, either cameos: http://mentalomega.com/images/cameo/maraicon.png
Now, you see my cameos? A lot of free space. I'm pretty sure you could add something to that kind of stuff and eventually achieve the same thing. Extra points for not having the tooltip and the cameo say the same thing. Double extra points for not having to mess around with the names if I want to change unit's name.
Nobody cares in real gameplay that it's 68mm and not 70mm. They care it's AA, light and fast. Not to mention, you'd be doing less work for more. QUICK_EDIT
I would not rely too much on the tooltips. The game has odd quirk of sometimes not showing them at all (in main view atleast) despite hovering cursor over things. I don't know what triggers it. _________________ QUICK_EDIT
@Deformat: I see what you mean thanks, But for the weapons until ARES 0.D is out I'd make custom attack coursers for units more or less to show the weapon it is using, I may make some cameo indicator of armour and speed
@Starkku: Yeah I just realised that as well. QUICK_EDIT
Posted: Sat Jun 10, 2017 5:12 pm Post subject:
"Welcome back Commander!"
Bu7loos wrote:
My take on a soviet Sam site using texture unwrap.
Hey still doing amazing work sir! Keep it up, awesome that you have returned. Also a maybe annoying question, any news about the Generals 2 resource release (voxels and strutures)? QUICK_EDIT
Posted: Sat Jun 10, 2017 6:40 pm Post subject:
About the assets (Voxels and Strutures)
Bu7loos wrote:
Oh yeaah thanks for reminding me, yes that will be still intended, dunno about structures tho.
In my honest opinion the buildings/strutures would be really nice, since the look awesome aswell. And I pretty sure that I'm the only one with the same opinion really, look Bu7loos you are a great artist and we all know that. I'm sure the PPM community will appreciate. QUICK_EDIT
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