Detail: 9/10
Amazing amount of detail put into this wonderful voxel. Everything works together really well and there is nothing I have to complain about for the first time in a long time.
In-game Result: 10/10
This voxel is truly deserving of the perfect 10. When I saw the voxel in the editor I thought the amount of detail would result in a rather messy in-game result, however, I have been proven wrong. The voxel itself has came out beautifully in-game, with and without missiles.
Creativity: 10/10
Another perfect 10 in terms of creativity. This is a true "Dragon Tank" and I can see tons of usage for this in several mods that are upcoming and already released! I honestly have no complaints all round
Overall: 29/30
Perfect voxel, at least in my opinion and a great way for you to get yourself back into the community with a bang. Good job!
Detail: 10 / 10
Perfect. The texture quality is bang on, the location of the remap could not have been any better and the shading is great. Every colour and every voxel is unique and has its own place.
In-game Result: 10 / 10
I can't escape giving this voxel another 10 / 10. For such a detailed and rather complex voxel this looks amazing, at every angle you just know what it is. I'd expect the mouth and rear radar dish to look awful at some angles but they remain intact. Seeing this ingame is a treat.
Creativity: 9 / 10
It has huge teeth... This voxel has a terrifying face and to make things more petrifying there's a cannon / flamethrower (flamethrower please) lurking within that mouth. It all comes together surprisingly well.
Overall - 29 / 30
I'm not a huge fan of RA2's style, or any of the more cartoonish / wacky designs that followed but this unit has definitely
won me over!
Detail: 8/10
This is a voxel with a lot of potential however I think it's actually over-detailed, mostly on the Soviet schemed parts where Conman used a lot of a fine detail. Regardless of that the overall shape is good. The dragon head is nicely formed, it's obvious what it is and yet looks mechanical. The teeth are clear and sharp! The head and spines on the back as well as the use of black makes for nice shape and definition. The radar dish on the rear is a nice addition though I think it's a little chubby. The only lack is really the flat sides which, although are textured, could've been rounded off somehow to match the shape of the unit. I also personally like the asymmetry of the texture, with a star on one side and hatch on the other.
Unfortunately the bottom is left hollow!
Ingame Results: 7/10
Ingame, as I said, it looks a little messy thanks to the over detailed textures. The shape itself though is definitive enough to make it stand out and easily identifiable. The cannon in the mouth could be a bit more visible IMO.
Creativity: 8/10
Well this is definitely creative! Would make an obviously excellent unit for a Chinese faction, definitely lives up to RA2 use of stereotypical cultural references. I like it's multi-purpose role as well: it can be used as intended as a missile spawner similar to the Dreadnought or as some kind of tank thanks to the subtly placed cannon inside the dragon's mouth.
Overall - 23/30
Total - 81/90