My mod is in private status now because its in work in progress, if I finish it (in this millenium), I may consider it public.
Comming Soon
Buildings more or less are same in function to ones used by other factions.

Construction Yard
Cost=3000$ (MCV'scost)
This is construction Yard of Outland Reapers. Stats and functions are same as for other factions.
Power Reactor
This is primary power production building for Soviet Union. It produces 150 power. Lately, Soviets are able to build Nuclear reactor which greatly produces even more power.
Troop production building. Same as for other factions in stats and functions.
Tiberium Refinery
Storage for tiberium. Same as for other factions in stats and functions.
War Factory
Vehicle and aircraft production building. Same as for other factions in stats and functions.
Radar Tower
This building provides radar, and unlocks ,,radar prerequisite" vehicles, infantry, aircraft and buildings.
It provides Spy Satellite supwer power. In each 3 minutes, you can reveal shroud is small radius anywwhere on map.
Service Depot
After constructing this building you will get acess to MCV, expansion vehicles and Reapeir Vehicles.
After construction Radar Tower, you will have ability to construct Soviet Airport. It can space for 4 planes, and can produce Black Bombers.
Tech Center
This building unlocks highest technology infantry, vehicles, aircraft and buildings.
It provides you Vehicle Drop support power. In each 5 minutes, you may send Paradrop Plane to drop 2 Panther tanks and 2 Attack Bikes.
Nuclear Reactor
This huge reactor generates huge mount of power. It generates 2000$ power. However, if destroyed, it will explode violently, damaging nearby buildings and tanks, killing light vehicles and infantry and leaving radiation for few seconds to melt down infantry and additionally damaging vehicles.
Industrial Plant
Industrial Plant provides you money over time, 40$ per 100 frames (same as you captured two oil derricks). This building can be built only one at time.

Laser Gun
Laser Gun is basic base defense. It shots laser weapon which is overall good against enemy infantry.
Soviet battle bunker can be garrisoned by 6 COnscripts to fire outside at greater damage and range.
SAM Missile
This is anti air base defense which shoots missiles at enemy aircraft.
Laser Tower
Laser Tower is advanced base defense. Ot shoots high powered laser at enemies, which is good against ground targets. But if laser Towers are placed in range one of another, then they can create Laser Network, meaning that one laser Tower will give power to another, enhancing its laser damage!
Expansion Node
Cost=1500$ (Expansion Vehicle's prize)
Not exactly base defense, but this building provides space for construction near it. Unlike construction Yard which can be redeployed and is 4x4 cell large, this building cannot be undeployed, but uses only 1x1 space, same as defenses, which means that it can be placed almost enywhere.
Shroud Generator
Not exactly base defense, but this building generates shroud for enemy above your base, so he cannot see what is happening beneath shroud, as Soviets are master of stealth.
Basically, Shroud generator generates 10 cells shroud, draining 100 power, but if you double click on it, it generates 15 cells of shour and drains 150 power.
Soviet Infantry are using high tech weapons in similar manner as vehicles are doing. Desolators may much though enemy armor and melt down infantry easily with radiation beam; having feared Stealth Trooper who will pop out of nowehre attacking enemy; or even flame throwers whose are good at demolishing buildings.
Those are even more feared as they can be put in Subway APC for suddent assaults.

Basic infantry for Soviets. Conscripts can garrison bunkers and civilian structures for better protection and more firepower. Also, when Tech Airport is captured, they are called in reinforcements.
Rocket Trooper
Rocket Trooper is Anti Air infantry for Soviets. He is good against aircraft and vehicles thanks to his personnel missile launcher.
This is Soviet version of Engineer. Not differ from other engineers, meaning that he can repair your or civilian buildings or capture Tech or enemy ones.
Man in protection suit which enhances his armor, holding personnel Radiation Cannon is called Desolator. His purpose is to demolish vehicles/tanks within few shoots at max and melting down infantry quickly withing two-three shoots.
Not just that increaes his armor, protection suits makes him immune to Radiation and Tiberium damage.
Flame Thrower
Flame Throwers are good against buildings and infantry. Their protection suits makes them immune to radiation and Tiberium damage, and enhances their strenght.
Stealth Trooper
Stealth Troopers are feared along enemy. They wear special protection suits which emmite rays which are invisible for naked eye or radar, making them completely invisible aswell.
They can be detected with special units whose has sensors. They are perfect for ambush or suddent attacks, when enemy is not aware of.
Their Pulse cannon deals decent damage against ground targets.
Espeionage infantry for Soviets. Cloaked, he may spy ito enemy buildings for you.
He is vulnerable to units which have sensors.
If Infiltrator enters into:
1. Power plant - enemy power will be shut down on 1 minute.
2. Refinery - he will steal 5000$
3. Barracks - All infantry will be trained as veterans. Also, you will see what enemy trains if you click over barracks.
4. War factory - All Tanks, vehicles and aircraft will be created as veterans. Also, you will see what enemy trains if you click over war factory.
5. Superweapons, Tech Centers - Enemy superweapons and support powers will be reset.
6. Construction Yard - You will see what enemy constructs if you click over it.
7. Airfields - You will see what enemy constructs if you click over
Boris is National Hero for Soviet army. He is using Ak-47 against infantry and light armored vehicles, and can attach dynamites at heavier vehicles and buildings. Those dynamites can explode in some time or you can manually detonate them by double click.
As Hero, Boris can be trained only one at time.
-Lord Kal
-Chrono Loony
Soviets have widely arsenal of vehicles. Their arsenal contains basic, cheap, fast attacking ones, but also high technologally ones, such as stealth tanks, laser tanks.
Soviets are perfect for using ambushes and sudden attacks thanks to Stealth Tanks, but also can pop up in the middle of base using subterranean vehicles such as Subway APCs which unloads infantry, and Devil Tongue which use dual flame throwers to suddenly burn bases.
Because of those exceptional abilities, Soviets are not famous of using Heavy Tanks, but Laser Tanks can be used for that purposes.

War Miner
War Miner collects Tiberium for Soviets and unloads it to Tiberium Refinery. No differs from other Miners. Being weaponles, as other Miners, it means that it must be protected, and as vital vehicle, will be targeted often.
Panther Tank
Panther Light Tank is main battle tank for Soviets. It is lightly armored, cheap, but fast. As no match for direct combat in one by one against Allied Predators or Alien Hunters, they are designed for using in groups which can fastly travel and fighting vehicles as well buildings.
Attack Bike
Attack Bikes are cheap, lightly armored but very fast vehicles which uses dual rockets to fire at ground and air targets. In groups, they can be very deadly against aircraft.
Combat Buggy
Combat Buggy is also lightly armored, cheap but very fast vehicle which is designed to be used in groups. Armed with machine guns, they are mainly for anti infantry purposes. They have slot of 1 passenger which can fire outside.
Repair Vehicles
Each faction has its own repair vehicle. This is Soviet version. When Service Depot is constructed, you may have acess to build this very important vehicle, which will repair damages tanks and vehicles around during combat, saving you from loss.
Hammerhead is Soviet artillery vehicle. It uses 160mm cannon which outranges base defenses, bombarding enemy from distance dealing high damage, mainly for buildings and infantry. They do not have anti air ability and they are lightly armored, so they should be protected all time from close attacks.
Subway APC
While others are using ground or air transport units, Soviets are using specific transport, Subway APCs. Those can travel safely underground, meaning that they emergein enemy bases unloading infantry, when enemy is the least expecting.
While on ground, if ordered to come closely in screen, vehicle will move in ground. If ordered to travel far from your screen, he will burrow, traveling beneath ground. He will travel beneath any obstacle and water.
Be noted that his burrowing ability is limited to some point in heavy urban ares, as he cannot burrow/unburrow though pavement. Subway APC can transport up to 6 infantry at max.
ICBM Launcher
ICBM Launcher is longest range groun unit available, which means that he can attack from safe distance. He launches very powerful ICBM rocket, which can be shoot by AA defenses,units or infantry. But if not shot down, those can destroy buildings mostly in two shoots! Putting them in groups, they can cause havoc in bases.
Be noted, that this vehicle is somewhat expensive, and has no close range or anti air abilities, so it must be protected all time.
Stealth Tank
Stealth Tanks re one of most feared units. Soviets are widely using them for protection of their motherland everywhere in frozen forests around, in cities to protect Romanov regime, and also they are using often for attacking enemies with sudden strikes or making ambushes.
Stealth Tank has special armor which releases special rays which are invisible for eye and radar, making tank completely invisible while its not firing its Pulse weapon.
What is even better, you can double click on Stealth Tank, so he will become dark and in immobile mode, meaning it wont attack anything, ignoring all enemies in its range waiting for your order to undeploy and attack.
Be noted that, if tank is revealed and attacked, it wont retaliate back because it is completely disabled. It only can reveal other stealthed units with its sensors in immobile mode.
Laser Tank
Laser tank is Soviet another high tech unit, and also only one heavy tank designed for close combat, beside from epic unit which can be built only one.
Laser Tank fires laser which deals good damage against enemy vehicles and buildings, decent damage against infantry, and is good against aircraft.
Devil Tongue
Devil Tongue is another subterranean vehicle, but unlike APC, it cannot transport infantry, but can burn bases and infantry with dual flame throwers.
If ordered to travel far from your screen, he will burrow, traveling beneath ground. He will travel beneath any obstacle and water.
Be noted that his burrowing ability is limited to some point in heavy urban ares, as he cannot burrow/unburrow though pavement.
he is good for sudden ambushes, where enemy is at least expecting, while Devil Tongue just pop up and start firing at buildings.
Apocalypse Tank
This is Soviet epic unit. As Soviets lack at heavy units, due to their stealth and ambush tactics, they designed one large heavy tank which will help them in close combats.
Apocalypse itself has two barrels which shoots 2 shiits per barrel, 4 shoots overall at once. Powerful against all kind of ground targets, they also have ability to shoot in air with 4 rocksts.
Apocalypse is immune to radiation and EMp, and as epic unit, can be built only one at time.
Soviet MCV
This is Mobile Construction Vehicle of Soviets. It deploys into Construction Yard, and share all stats and functionalities as MCVs from other factions.
Expansion Vehicle
Epansion Vehicle is vehicle similiar to MCV in design, based on it, which deploys into Expansion Node building so you can build around it. It is a must if you need to build outside of your base. Unlike MCV, once deployed, Expansion vehicle cannot undeploy again.
-Azri Apoc
There is nothing much to say about Soviet aircraft except that they have two air units, one is Harpy which flies all time in air, shooting against all targets, and second is Proton Bomber which is powerful against buildings and requires Air pad to reload and dock.

Harpy Fighter
Harpy fighter is newer chopper type aircraft, which has no rotors. It shoots rapid machine gun, which, while using in groups of few, is very good against all kind of targets, be it ground or air.
As one of such aircraft, it is designed for everything, be it guard, or attacking.
Black Bomber
After construction of Airport, Soviets can build Black Bombers, powerful aircraft against buildings. Black Bombers can bombard buildings with ,,black bombs" in two series.
4 of them are anough to take care of War factory, Refinery etc etc... in one strike. After shooting bombs, they need to back to airport to reload.
Commin soon
Commin soon
Alien race which masters at ION technoclogy. Addicted to tibeirum, some of their units are healing on tiberium contatc, but all units are immune to tiberium damage.
Outland Reaper have less variations of infantry and vehicles, but they have most superior aircraft.
Buildings more or less are same in function to ones used by other factions.

Construction Yard
Cost=3000$ (MCV'scost)
This is construction Yard of Outland Reapers. Stats and functions are same as for other factions.
Ion Reactor
This is power production building for Outland Reapers. It collects and produces ion charges. It produces 200 power. Lately, after Tech Pyramid is being construct, it can be upgraded three times, each upgrade brings up additionally 100 power and costs 200$.
Troop production building. Same as for other factions in stats and functions.
Tiberium Refinery
Storage for tiberium. Same as for other factions in stats and functions.
War Factory
Vehicle and aircraft production building. Same as for other factions in stats and functions.
After constructing this building you will get acess to MCV, expansion vehivles and regenerators.
Sensor Spike
This building provides radar, and unlocks ,,radar prerequisite" vehicles, infantry, aircraft and buildings.
It provides Observer supwer power. In each 6 minutes, you can send observer aircraft to unshroud shorud and spy at enemies.
Tech Pyramid
This building unlocks highest technology infantry, vehicles, aircraft and buildings.
It provides you Tiberium Bomber support power. In each 6 minutes, you may send Tiberium Bomber to drop three tiberium canisters which explodes in contact with air, spreading tiberium in ground.
This is useful to slow down enemy ground movement, damagin enemy infantry which walks over it, as making unavailable building construction over tiberium, until its revoed or collected.
Also, if you are short with money, you can call it near you base, then sending Harvesters to collect tiberium for yourself, or even getting your infantry and vehicles to get healed.
This is some kind of Tiberium Processor. It provides you money over time, 40$ per 100 frames (same as you captured two oil derricks). This building can beb uilt only one at time.
-Lin Kuei Ominae
-The I Man

Repulsor is basic base defense. It shots repulsor weapon which is overall good against enemy infantry. Its match to Pillbox and Sentry gun.
Cutter is secondary basic defense for Outland Reapers. It shoots same energy cutter weapon which Predator tanks are using, which means that this base defense is good against enemy vehicles.
Aero Rifter
This is anti air base defense. Aero Rifter is match to Patriot Missiles, except they are shooting photons instead of missiles.
ION Tower
Similiar to Tesla Coil, ION Towers shoot highly concentrated ion electricity at enemies. Unlike Tesla Coils which have bluish electric colored bolts which shoot one target, those ION bolts are white and scatters around and few targets.
However, unlike Tesla Coil, this defense cannot be overcharged.
Expansion Node
Cost=1500$ (Expansion Vehicle's prize)
Not exactly base defense, but this building provides space for construction near it. Unlike construction Yard which can be redeployed and is 4x4 cell large, this building cannot be undeployed, but uses only 1x1 space, same as defenses, which means that it can be placed almost enywhere.
Outland Reapers do not use infantry as much because they are colonial factions which moves often from planet to planet, they rely mostly on aircraft. Thats why they do not have much of choice for infantry, but it is deadly anyway.
One advantage over enemies' infantries is that they are immune to tiberium damage, and can heal over tiberium.

Assaulter is basic soldier for Outland Reapers. They shoot hand mounted repulsor weapon, very powerful against ground targets, even more powerful if placed in vehicles, especially when garrison buildings.
He is immune to Tiberiukm damage and can heal in Tiberium.
Assimilators are Engineers for Outland Reapers. Not differ from other engineers, but unlike them, Assimilator is immune to Tiberium Damage and can heal in tibeirum.
Ravagers are anti air troopers. They shoot hand photon launchers which are good against infantry and enemy aircraft.
Available after producing Sensor spike.
Shock Trooper
Shock Troopers are similiar to tesla Trooper, but cannot overcharge IOn Towers. However, his ION shots are little stronger and each time he shots vehicle or infantry, ion bolts will scatter around.
Espeionage infantry for Outland Reapers. Cloaked, he may spy ito enemy buildings for you.
Unlike human versions, this one is immune to tiberium damage and can heal over tiberium.
He is vulreable to units which have sensors.
If Infiltrator enters into:
1. Power plant - enemy power will be shut down on 1 minute.
2. Refinery - he will steal 5000$
3. Barracks - All infantry will be trained as veterans. Also, you will see what enemy trains if you click over barracks.
4. War factory - All Tanks, vehicles and aircraft will be created as veterans. Also, you will see what enemy trains if you click over war factory.
5. Superweapons, Tech Centers - Enemy superweapons and support powers will be reset.
6. Construction Yard - You will see what enemy constructs if you click over it.
7. Airfields - You will see what enemy constructs if you click over
Chieftain is hero unit for Outland Reapers. He is immune to tiberium damage and can heal in tiberium.
He shoots unique long range plasma weapon which is powerful against ground targets, mostly against buildings and infantry. His weapon range is 10.
-Chrono Loony
Similiar situation as for infantry, Outland Rerapers do not have much variations of ground inits to build, only what is necessery to battle their enemies in ground.
However, they have all what is need for invasion from ground. One of their vehicle's advantage over enemy is that their vehicles can heal in tiberium.

Harvester collects Tiberium for Outland Reapers and unloads it to Tiberium Refinery. No differs from other Miners.
Predator Tank
Predator Tank is main battle tank for Outland Reapers. He uses high tech energy cutter weapon which is good mostly against enemy vehicles. He is equal to Rhino Tank.
Combat Trike
This cheap vehicle is main and only anti air vehicle for Outland Reapers. it shoots photons which are good against infantry and enemy aircraft.
regenerators are vehicle repair units for Outland Reapers. They repairs double less than other repair vehicles available to other factions, but they are also half cheaper instead.
Outland Reapers also have ability to heal in tiberium to solve this disadvantage (if any).
This is unarmed vehicle, fast and serves only to explore unrevealed terrain and revealing enemy stealthed units and Mirage tanks.
Plasma Blaster
Plasma Blaster is only one ground artillery unit, and therefore is quite good.
It shots Plasma Balls which can demolish buildings easily and kills enemy infantry mostly in one or two shoots.
This is only one heavy firepower unit (aside from main battle tank), and is quite good. beside from epic units which can be build only one at time, Tripods are best ground units available, they share place with Centurions.
Their inhalator beam is powerful against any ground target. Additionally, Tripod has slowly self heal, and additionally can heal in Tiberium, he is immune to EMP, poisons, radiation, C4 and dynamites cannot be placed on him.
Hexapod is epic unit, can be build only one and is the most powerful ground unit which ALiens can produce. It shares same stats as Tripod, except it has more powerful plasma beam, and more armor than Tripod.
Reaper MCV
This is Mobile Construction Vehicle of Outland Reapers. It deploys into Construction Yard, and share all stats and functionalities as MCVs from other factions.
Expansion Vehicle
Epansion Vehicle is vehicle similiar to MCV in design, based on it, which deploys into Expansion Node building so you can build around it. It is a must if you need to build outside of your base. Unlike MCV, once deployed, Expander cannot undeploy again.
-Da Arg
-Lin Kuei Ominae
Here is where Outland Reapers are famous for and should be feared for! Their aircraft is superior to all other factions on Earth planet. They assault worlds with their devastating aircraft, and if not properly defended, bases could be destroyed in minutes.

Transporter is infantry transporting aircraft. Reapers are using them massivelly to transport infantry from one location to another.
It can transport up to 6 soldiers inside.
Invader is attack craft which shoots laser at both ground and air targets. In large groups they are serious treats to anything.
Dronships are aircraft artillery units which are powerful against all ground targets. Dronship shoots series of photons from long range. though have difficulties to hit moving targets, especially infantry, they are ery dangerous to targets which are nto moving.
Battleship is ultimate aircraft. Massive in size, heavy armored and armed, he can cause havoc in bases. He is very powerful against all targets, be it air or ground. His ION bolts may scatter from infantry or vehicles, damaging nearby enemy units or buildings.
-April War
Commin soon