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Airplane weapon buttons cannot toggle during flight
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Joined: 23 Feb 2014

PostPosted: Fri Jun 06, 2014 6:09 am    Post subject:  Airplane weapon buttons cannot toggle during flight
Subject description: Not quite the same as a just multiple weapons
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I've given up on a multirole fighter having different air-to-air and air-to-ground payloads, at least for now.  I have in fact found that the AIM-9 Sidewinder missile has been played around with in an air-to-ground role, so in a realistic-fictional world, it is reasonable for my F-22 to have missiles that are good against air and ground targets.

What I want now is a little bit different, but still related to the idea of an airplane being able to carry various weapons.  I haven't tried this, but I think I can get a plane to have two different payloads, perhaps one with JDAM and another with anti-tank missiles.  I think that linking the reload times should force the plane to return to base when it has launched either payload, and I can get buttons to toggle between the two kinds of strikes.  

This would triple my aircraft options, so if this does work as I expect it to, I'll be pretty happy.  However, my goal is to be able to send up a plane with just one type of payload, not with every possible weapon that it can carry!  Thus, I want the button toggle to lock when the plane is flying so that I have to choose the strike type before I send the plane to attack.  Is there a way to lock the buttons while the plane is flying?

Edit: The reload time link didn't even work!  In fact, my plane didn't even gain experience when it definitely should have!  GRRRRR!!!!

Edit 2: Going back to my thread on the strike fighter, I found this quote.  

The-Light wrote:
However with that in mind you could try and use a commandset upgrade to switch weaponsets so your fighter/bomber switches loadout only on the ground, this way no more bombs equals out of ammo and plane will return home.

Before, I wanted to toggle between air-to-air and air-to-ground loatouts, but since now I just want two different styles for air-to-ground, what The Light suggested is exactly what I'm trying to do, though I do not see how I would code the suggestion.

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Joined: 08 Aug 2009
Location: Netherlands

PostPosted: Tue Jul 22, 2014 1:31 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

The GLA worker has a commandset switching function, if you combine that with 2 weaponsets(Scorpion, Comanche, Ranger) with this:

  Behavior = WeaponSetUpgrade ModuleTag_81
    TriggeredBy = <triggering_upgrade>

then switching commandsets should also switch weaponsets.

I'd have to add though that i'm not 100% sure whether switching back to the default commandset will also switch the weaponset back.

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Joined: 23 Feb 2014

PostPosted: Wed Jul 23, 2014 8:05 am    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

I just saw this as I was going to bed.  Broadly, what would be the "<triggering_upgrade>"?  I've gotten an upgrade to work to get a unit to have new weapons like the Ranger gets the grenades, so I know how to work with upgrades, at least simple upgrades.  What does that have to do with being airborne and locking the commandset, though?

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