Frozen River Valley is a wintery remake of River Valley, the obvious change is the land masses are connected, and I took the opportunity to expand the flat land for bases. While I was at it, I added some of my new assets, and then added more neutral tech structures to increase dynamism.
The conversion didn't go smoothly so I bugged zzzattack to add an option to his CnCMaps.Renderer to fix missing/corrupted tiles... big thanks
Ramparts is supposed to be a 2v2 map, left vs right, though it's not really important. For some reason the bridge was giving me shit, the upper one would only repair to the pillar after I finally got repair to work at all, took about 12 attempts to fix it completely after that.
Western units usually go for straight shaped desighns when the soviets are more rounded. There are exeptions, but most of the time is that way.
Only the cast turrets of the soviet tanks are actually "more rounded" than their welded western counterparts iirc. Soviet vehicle designs is not necessarily "more rounded" by default.
Except their hemisphereical turrets, there actually aren't many "rounded" shapes on real-life soviet vehicles. And western designs use curves just as much as the soviets do.
To me, the most significant difference between western designs and soviet designs are that western designs are mostly boxier, higher, and larger, whereas soviet designs have a lower height(and weight). _________________ Aka DirtyChicken QUICK_EDIT
Only the cast turrets of the soviet tanks are actually "more rounded" than their welded western counterparts iirc. Soviet vehicle designs is not necessarily "more rounded" by default.
Except their hemisphereical turrets, there actually aren't many "rounded" shapes on real-life soviet vehicles. And western designs use curves just as much as the soviets do.
To me, the most significant difference between western designs and soviet designs are that western designs are mostly boxier, higher, and larger, whereas soviet designs have a lower height(and weight).
This is primarily because the Soviet mentality towards designing was entirely incremental. They viewed recycling designs and reusing manufacturing facilities of prime importance, so they focused on 1-2 aspects, like a better gun or better suspension, rather than clean-sheet designs.
The Americans love to throw out everything and design from scratch, which of course leads to endless teething problems, just look at toe hopeless F-35 and all the new navy ships, terrible. This practice also adds immense cost, but the Pentagon is just as happy to fleece it's own citizens for mega-profits as it is to get mega-profits by forcing new NATO members to purchase that junk.
So you have two philosophies, one about getting things that work out fast, and the other that is highly experimental and politicized to maximize profit. Those are delays and costs which the Soviet method never incurred... although truthfully, every EAST-European has the mindset of conserving and reusing, so it has nothing to do with politics and everything to do with a culture protected from planned obsolescence. _________________ QUICK_EDIT
So new palette in place, new vpl working (still not perfect but good enough to proceed) I've updated all my civilian units to the new palette, which then caused me to rethink some of the palette, which meant more editing and so on. Currently the vpl is much more dull or less specular on the majority of the ranges, so I've bumped up extra light to 0.2 instead of the recent 0.1, and it does a pretty good job mimicking the highlight, but to get the best effect, voxels will have to be painted to accent edges.
No ... VPL work can progress in stages, as each tonal range is tweaked and tested, others can already be fixed.
There's unfortunately no straight line from "here to there" since it's not just a matter of following a script like MadHQ's tool, but also involves learning how best to do it, and how that works in conjunction with extra light as well as the paint scheme of the voxel itself. _________________ QUICK_EDIT
A better look at my "stealth" which was based on a prototype back when Dodge was cool, I rounded the corners and made it less wedged, but kept the spirit.
Joined: 22 Nov 2010 Location: Iszkaszentgyorgy, Hungary
Posted: Sun Nov 27, 2016 12:49 pm Post subject:
Is the last supposed to be the Hachi-Roku? Because the decals seem off and I don't remember that having a spoiler. _________________ "If you didn't get angry and mad and frustrated, that means you don't care about the end result, and are doing something wrong." - Greg Kroah-Hartman
Past C&C projects: Attacque Supérior (2010-2019); Valiant Shades (2019-2021)
WeiDU mods: Random Graion Tweaks | Graion's Soundsets
Maintainance: Extra Expanded Enhanced Encounters! | BGEESpawn
Contributions: EE Fixpack | Enhanced Edition Trilogy | DSotSC (Trilogy) | UB_IWD | SotSC & a lot more... QUICK_EDIT
Yea there's two versions of the AE86, one with popup headlights and the other with forward facing, I went with the latter because the nose looks less squished that way.
Also made a cross between a 323 and Sprint, as well as an MR2, which passes for an early Prelude as well.
New VPL with varying extra light... zero=0, one=0.1, two=0.2
It's not bad, some tones comes out excellent, others are still in need of work. I've got to spent more time on the Allied pale-blue after some changes last night didn't give it the kick I was hoping for.
Overall reasonably happy for what I've got, but I'm going to split the difference and do 0.15 extra, while I tweak the VPL around that.
Two main reasons, I didn't want the mod to be like everyone elses in features, and hardly any of the YR stuff is important for good/fun war gaming. I've kept the mod clean and minimalist in a sense, even so there are enough units that it is a learning curve to play without dying.... I've enhanced the rock-paper-scissors aspect, and many of the maps I've made also do the same, giving the game much more tactical depth already.
A more nuanced answer is I don't like the YR additions, I only find 3-4 things interesting out of the 79 changes or so, the majority of which I find gimmicky or redundant. There are other weaker reasons like my use of YR voices for new units, my extensive AI work which benefits from RA2 specific behaviours, and converting my mod to use YR at all would be a lot more work than it sounds. _________________ QUICK_EDIT
That little piece has gotten bigger... bottom-left was at a big disadvantage with no land connection, and top-left had the added benefit of the peninsula with more ore than anyone. I've hobbled the top and helped the left, but wlil need more testing to see if the balance is right.
With regards to the last map: there's a bridge bit near the church that looks a bit...odd. A pond might be a bit more appropriate.
The idea here is that there was an old demolished/collapsed bridge that was replaced in parallel to its operation, so you see the new one has two large "posts" made from cliff sections, whereas the old one just had more pillars. I wanted that map to feel like a city in progress, old stuff superseded by new stuff, new developments off old. The entire business park on the bottom left with the wonky road setup is also a continuation of that theme. This is also true of the shore transitioning from the natural peninsula to the ship friendly dock/canal setup. _________________ QUICK_EDIT
I know you guys need inspiration... I decided to make a proper-ish nuclear plant, with reactor building, fuel pool/turbine tower, and the control building. I do plan to make a pumping station which will be generic for use with the plant or part of a normal city.
I also decided to rework the hidden tech hospital in RA2 to be something useful, since big metallic domes don't fit the game...
I've finished all but a region for the top-left player, the enclosed road area below it... I just can't come up with anything I like. I might just remove the crossroad and leave it as the "way out" of the city. Until then, it is a very pretty map
Ok uploaded snapshot release of Scorched Earth, since Beta 6 is still several weeks away, but I've added tons of new stuff and some maps to showcase them, so I figured if anyone wants to see what SE is all about, now would be a good time?
Decided to save myself some work and went poking around MadHQ's site for ships... cleaned up what I'm calling a Research Vessel (for now) with my palette that brings it alive, and soon I'll make a container ship, possibly even oil tanker from the hull once that's cleaned up. I already added the fishing trawler, which matches my trawler shipwreck sprite.
I also made a seaplane version of my Cessna and more variations of the Piper, along with a "stunt" plane, although it's not like anyone will be upset whatever I call them haha
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