Posted: Fri Mar 30, 2018 10:01 am Post subject:
City under attack [Yuri's Revenge] [2-3]
Subject description: Yuri's Revenge custom map
Dear Red Alert 2/Yuri's Revenge fans,
I'm presenting you a urban themed city map for Yuri's Revenge. The map was build with detailes in mind and with a lot of tech structures. Ore is not plentiful, so management and protection of tech structures and ore fields is crucial.
As you can see from the map name, the city has been fortified by the military, so I suggest starting the game with as much money and units as you can.
For problems, improvements, etc. send me a message. Other infomations are written in ReadMe file.
Enjoy the map.
Amazing detail. if my map renderer would load it, id put a picture of it up here. there is indeed many neutral house tanks and units on this map. in fact there is 370 vehicles, and 581 infantry, almost entirely made of civilian owned player units. civilians also own hospital, mach shop so their units self heal off the bat. to put it plainly a single GI can wipe out your starting force because your units dont properly target neutral house, and they self heal faster than your units can kill them.
EDIT: oh hey i got the renderer to work
City under attack.jpg
here is the updated image.
405.9 KB
19017 Time(s)
Last edited by McPwny on Thu Apr 26, 2018 11:46 am; edited 1 time in total QUICK_EDIT
Dear Mr. McPwny,
Thank you for your comment. I apologize in advance, that I didn't put preview picture of the map as an attachment (have to learn it), so thank you very much that you took your time and do it. If you have any questions, problems, etc. let me know. Enjoy the map.
I like the use of irregular cliffs, I've been meaning to try something like that, but I am not a fan of the really small starting positions, especially given there's nowhere to expand to?
Great work on your map! The only real complaint I have is the square beaches on the left side of the map. Other than that, though, this is awesome! _________________ Content creator for Command and Conquer: Tiberian Sun and Red Alert 2 games and mods.
Dear Mr. SteamsDev,
[...]Yours sincerely
These are post-formus, similar to chats, there's no need for letter-politeness here.
Only if you use the PM system, and even then it's not obligatory, but will make a nice first impression
Also, I like your maps a lot. You're quite the mapper _________________ One and only developer of the Command & Conquer Dune "C&C D" mod.
m7 wrote:
I tend to release things I create so that assets are never lost to hard drive problems, accidental deletion, or me having to pretend to care about rippers taking things from my project when it is done.
Dear Red Alert 2/Yuri's Revenge community,
The map City under attack has been updated and re-posted. Improvements mentioned above have been put into the map itself.
Those improvements include fixed beach, removed buildings in the vicinity of some ore fields to allow building placement, removed 2 large civilian building in the bottom left corner of the map to allow that player to expand their base a bit more and placement of the parking space in the middle of the map near the park to further allow base expansion.
Due to some problems with the map renderer or my insufficient knowlede with this program, the attached picture stays the same. If anyone would like to help me with the picture, I will appreciate that a lot.
Enjoy the map
Dear Red Alert 2/Yuri's Revenge community,
Additional small changes were made to make the map City under attack look and function better. Top right and bottom right players will now enjoy the benefit of an oil derrick placed in their vicinity to help them with their expansion.
Enjoy the map
Yours sincerely
C0uCHP0t@t0 Last edited by C0uCHP0t@t0 on Fri May 08, 2020 8:39 pm; edited 1 time in total QUICK_EDIT
i liked this map so much i turned it into a co-op mission for 3 ppl. i really appreciate not only the detail but also that the cliffs are all made correctly
and had very few issues with heavy AI traffic. i will say there were a couple of instances of the overlap of building and cliffs causing errors, though.
i appended an Author= tag and added your name to it, and intend to share this map.
Dear McPwny,
Thank you very much for your reply. I am very happy to hear you liked the map and in the same time interested to see how the map is going to function in co-op.
I am looking forward to see the multiplayer game of this map, perhaps uploaded to Youtube some day in the future.
Enjoy the map and please let me know if you have spotted any problems with the map, so I can correct them.
Yours sincerely
C0uCHP0t@t0 Last edited by C0uCHP0t@t0 on Fri May 08, 2020 8:40 pm; edited 1 time in total QUICK_EDIT
i found only a handful of errors with building placement, where the overlaying of buildings onto cliffs causes a crash when destroyed. it was
only a matter of quickly checking with framework mode and building outlines on to solve; the biggest offender was the tech secret lab which is
actually uncapturable due to cliff placement. the lat tiles and details themselves are absolutely flawless.
sorry i cant post a video or anything like that, but the version is compatible with cncnet if you want to try for yourself. _________________ visit my moddb profile for .shp downloads and stuff QUICK_EDIT
Dear Red Alert 2/Yuri's Revenge community,
Map City under attack has been updated and improved. Main changes include removed some structures around starting positions to allow even the AI to expand their bases, removed civilian owned units in close proximity of players to give them much needed space for buildings/units, added some custom scripts and terrain details and making a construction site in the middle of the map to allow the players to expand beyond their starting positions. Tech power plant there is going to help players with their expansion. Tech Secret lab has also been moved so players are able to capture it without problems.
For improvements send me a message.
Enjoy the map.
Yours sincerely
C0uCHP0t@t0 Last edited by C0uCHP0t@t0 on Fri May 08, 2020 8:40 pm; edited 4 times in total QUICK_EDIT
Dear Red Alert 2/Yuri's Revenge community,
Map City under attack has been updated and improved. Main changes include removed additional structures around players to allow even the AI to expand their bases, removed civilian owned units in close proximity of players to give them some much needed space for building/units, added some custom scripts and details and making a construction site in the middle of the map to allow the players to expand beyond their starting positions.
For improvements send me a message.
Enjoy the map.
Yours sincerely
Did you update the screenie attached to the first post?
I can make one if you want. QUICK_EDIT
Dear TAK02,
Yes I did. It is a thumbnail, posted above. Compared against old map, I must admit this one is much more balanced and fun to play. If there are any known issues, please let me know.
Enjoy the improved version.
Yours sincerely
PS: I know this map is better for co-op or a campaign.
HINT: Be careful, some civilian units have heroic status. Last edited by C0uCHP0t@t0 on Fri May 08, 2020 8:38 pm; edited 1 time in total QUICK_EDIT
Dear Red Alert 2/Yuri's Revenge community,
Map City under attack has been updated and improved. Main changes include removed structures close to the ore fields, so players can build a refinery there, removed additional civilian owned units and base defences in close proximity of players to give them much needed space for buildings/units, added some minor terrain details and parking spaces/construction zones for future expansion, removed buildings, which were placed unintentionally on cliffs and removed some clutter inside the city. The preview has been updated and re-posted.
For improvements send me a message.
Enjoy the map.
Dear NimoStar,
Thank you for your honest reply. I hope the map is fun to play, especially with some of the scripts I made. If there are any problems, please let me know.
Dear C0uCHP0t@t0,
I just played your map. Not bad. I see that you put lot of effort. However, I would address few things. Player at top location, near water has only 1 oil derrick. Also, there are too much neutral units which caused my game to be little slower.
Also, you need to put CivilianEnemy=yes in map file (open it with notepad), on all Allied units you put there, since almost everyone here is using Ares, and with that tag, those neutral units will be considered as enemies, thus will be automatically targeted and attacked by our units. Now, they are neutral and need manually attack which is annoying.
Also, that map is awesome just as it is, you might consider to upload another attachment without those allied units.
Open the map with Notepad (best with Notepad++) then copy-paste this somewhere; "somewhere" not interfering with other sections' code, like, say, the very bottom of the file.
Spoiler (click here to read it):
AutoRepel=yes ;Ares tag for AI defense from neutral
This is how you override a Techno's settings:
[TECHNOTYPE_ID] ;change this into the ID of whatever you want to modify for this map
CivilianEnemy=yes ;the Ares-only flag MasterHaosis meant
Copy-paste and change it as necessary.
Go into rulesmd.ini to see which unit has which ID (for example: Flak Track has ID HTK, civvies have several different IDs ranging from CIVA to CIVC and CIV1 to CIV3 and more)
Best keep some empty lines after these overrides since the games' INI parser never reads the last line.
If you modify and save the map in FinalAlert, it'll change the order of the sections and delete all the comments. QUICK_EDIT
Dear TAK02,
Thank you for your quick reply. I've copied the code and made the mentioned improvements. Some new changes are:
-The top left player has an additional Oil derrick placed near by and a small unguarded ore field. In addition, ore field below the player is also unguarded.
-Removed units and defences near 3 Oil derricks at the bottom right player starting position.
-Added second Oil derrick near the top right player starting position.
-Minor terrain changes and added a second military outpost near the bottom left hospital.
-Removed some units, trees, buildings around the map.
If there are any problems, please let me know. Attachments were updated.
[TECHNOTYPE_E1] ;change this into the ID of whatever you want to modify for this map
CivilianEnemy=yes ;the Ares-only flag
[TECHNOTYPE_ADOG] ;change this into the ID of whatever you want to modify for this map
CivilianEnemy=yes ;the Ares-only flag
[TECHNOTYPE_GGI] ;change this into the ID of whatever you want to modify for this map
CivilianEnemy=yes ;the Ares-only flag
[TECHNOTYPE_JUMPJET] ;change this into the ID of whatever you want to modify for this map
CivilianEnemy=yes ;the Ares-only flag
[TECHNOTYPE_GHOST] ;change this into the ID of whatever you want to modify for this map
CivilianEnemy=yes ;the Ares-only flag
[TECHNOTYPE_SNIPE] ;change this into the ID of whatever you want to modify for this map
CivilianEnemy=yes ;the Ares-only flag
[TECHNOTYPE_CTECH] ;change this into the ID of whatever you want to modify for this map
CivilianEnemy=yes ;the Ares-only flag
[TECHNOTYPE_MTNK] ;change this into the ID of whatever you want to modify for this map
CivilianEnemy=yes ;the Ares-only flag
[TECHNOTYPE_FV] ;change this into the ID of whatever you want to modify for this map
CivilianEnemy=yes ;the Ares-only flag
[TECHNOTYPE_MGTK] ;change this into the ID of whatever you want to modify for this map
CivilianEnemy=yes ;the Ares-only flag
[TECHNOTYPE_DEST] ;change this into the ID of whatever you want to modify for this map
CivilianEnemy=yes ;the Ares-only flag
[TECHNOTYPE_DLPH] ;change this into the ID of whatever you want to modify for this map
CivilianEnemy=yes ;the Ares-only flag
[TECHNOTYPE_AEGIS] ;change this into the ID of whatever you want to modify for this map
CivilianEnemy=yes ;the Ares-only flag
[TECHNOTYPE_ROBO] ;change this into the ID of whatever you want to modify for this map
CivilianEnemy=yes ;the Ares-only flag
[TECHNOTYPE_TNKD] ;change this into the ID of whatever you want to modify for this map
CivilianEnemy=yes ;the Ares-only flag
[TECHNOTYPE_HOWI] ;change this into the ID of whatever you want to modify for this map
CivilianEnemy=yes ;the Ares-only flag
[TECHNOTYPE_GAPILL] ;change this into the ID of whatever you want to modify for this map
CivilianEnemy=yes ;the Ares-only flag
[TECHNOTYPE_NASAM] ;change this into the ID of whatever you want to modify for this map
CivilianEnemy=yes ;the Ares-only flag
[TECHNOTYPE_ATESLA] ;change this into the ID of whatever you want to modify for this map
CivilianEnemy=yes ;the Ares-only flag
[TECHNOTYPE_GAGATE_A] ;change this into the ID of whatever you want to modify for this map
CivilianEnemy=yes ;the Ares-only flag
hahaha! It is not [TECHNOTYPE_E1], it is just [E1] [SNIPE] [ATESLA] [FV] etc... No TECHNOTYPE....
Also you have two of those
AutoRepel=yes ;Ares tag for AI defense from neutral
You put them twice, although I do not know if that is problem, but you should remove one.
Tak02, he understood you literally to copy whole examples of yours! _________________
Dear MasterHaosis,
Thank for clarifying what I have done wrong. I am still learning how to made certain things work, so learning by trying I guess. The map file has been updated, so I appreciate a feedback.
Now map seems better. Units auto attack civilian Allied units as they are enemies. And now, you can easily move-by-move destroy enemy groups... Although you did made sure that not to be that easily, because your groups protected themselves from various types of attack (min control, ground, air etc...).
You may consider to make soviet and yuri versions of same map by massive replacing units.
For example, you want to replace Grizzly tank for Lasher Tank, then you need to open wordpad, go to replace words and replace [MTNK] with [LTNK], and press ,,Replace All" and in second all MTNK will be replaced for LTNK. Same goes for everything. You want to replace [E1] for [INIT], for example [FV] for [YTNK] etc etc...
Dear MasterHaosis,
Thank you for your feedback and for some suggestions. For now, I will let the map stay as it is, but I encourage everyone to redesign the map as they please for as long as they do not take the credit for making it.
I am going to make a urban snow themed Soviet map some time in the future, but currently I don't have time for such project, since this map alone took me about 2 weeks to made.
Enjoy the map.
Yeah, 2 years later and this map has not been fixed.
Today I went to play the map in free for all, and it is still the same, totally unplayable because the civilian units destroy the AI enemy since it does not fire back and the game just finishes, and I don't see anyway to turn all civilian units into targets for the enemy AI. QUICK_EDIT
Yeah, 2 years later and this map has not been fixed.
Today I went to play the map in free for all, and it is still the same, totally unplayable because the civilian units destroy the AI enemy since it does not fire back and the game just finishes, and I don't see anyway to turn all civilian units into targets for the enemy AI.
in ARES. sorted. _________________ MIdAS - Turning wages into beer since 2002 QUICK_EDIT
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