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Allied Specification Sheet
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Joined: 27 Jul 2011

PostPosted: Sun May 06, 2018 6:27 pm    Post subject:  Allied Specification Sheet Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

Right Guys, I need help with this Allied "Technological" Spreed sheet.
Would you guys mind if lend me some of your thoughts ? thanks.

Excuse me for any typos made.

[Allied General Specifications]:

+ Excellent Air force.
+ Very Good Satellite Technology.
+ Very Good Specific Country Tech Diversity.
+ Good Navy.
+ Good Low and mid tier armor.
+ Good Economy.

- Mid and High tier units have a High Cost.
- Some Low Tech units like tanks have a Moderate - high cost
- Limited Stealth 'Cloak' Technology.
- Mediocre Power production.
- Mediocre Radar and Sensor Technology.

[United States] :

[Kinetic Energy Tech] =

+ Good Vs Vehicles and Navy.
+ Penetrates Multiple Targets at once in one direction.
- High Cost.
- Explodes Violently since it is a Fusion powered.

+ Orbital Kinetic Energy Support Power has ripple effect which contributes in damaging structures.
+ Good Vs Large Structures.
+ Good Radius, Cell Spread = 5.
- Long Recharge Time.
- Very High Cost.

[Microwave Tech] =

+ Good Vs 2x2 and larger Foundation Structures
+ Small Ripple Effect.
- Vulnerable to any other unit.

+ EMP effect Vs Small 1x1 Defensive Structures.
+ Kills infantry instantly and clears garrisons.
- Only fires at one Target.
- Needs to maintain fire or else effect disepates.

[United Kingdom, France and Germany] :

[T.H.E.L (Tactical High Energy Laser) Tech] =

+ Good Vs Light Units, Infantry and Aircraft.
+ Best Used defensively.
+ Decrease Enemy Armor depending on the Laser, High Intensity = -10%, Low Intensity = -5%.
- Almost no damage to heavy units such as tanks.
- When unit explodes it creates a blinding effect which decreases nearby friendly firepower by 10% for High intensity, 5% for Low intensity.

+ Orbital T.H.E.L Weaponry have a higher damage output than standard T.H.E.L Weapons.
+ Orbital T.H.E.L Weaponry can decreases armor by 25%.
+ Good Vs Units and Structures.
- High Power Demand when the Uplink is constructed.
- High Cost Per Weapon Fire.
- Small Radius, Cell spread = 2.
- Fragile Up-link Structure.

[Chrono Tech] =

+ Good Vs Every Ground and Naval Threat
- Depending on unit with energy reserve the capability of the warping varies in which small units warp small to medium units and large units warp medium to large units but cannot target small units.
- Warp Time Varies from unit to unit.

+ Used as a method of teleportation.
- Some units have long Warp-in time Depending on the distance.

[Japan And Korea] :

[Cryogenic Tech]

+ Can stake-ably decrease targets armor via 2%.
+ Long Range.
+ Cryogenic tech can be fused with other munition.
- Pure Cryogenic Beams has no damage.
- Needs to sustain fire on one target to effectively and stake-able decrease the targets armor.

+ Orbital Cryogenic Beam has a wide cell spread = 7.
+ Orbital Cryogenic Beam Decrease armor by 25% and speed by 50%.
- High Power Cost.
- Long Recharge Time.

[Advanced Utility Reactive Armor Technology]

(Level 1 : Elite Unit Grant) :
+ Increases Armor by 25%.
- Decreases Speed Via 25 %.
- Used for Specific units only.
- Stops Main Weapon Use on main caster unit.

(Level 2 : Support Power Use) :
+ Increases Armor by 35%.
+ Repairs units by 200 hit points.
+ Used on various units.
- Stops Vehicles from moving.
- Limited Radius, Cell Spread = 3.
- Situational defensive use.

(Level 3 : High Tier Elite Unit Grant) :
+ Increases Armor by 45%.
+ Kills infantry around instantly via shock.
+ Wide Radius use, Cell Spread = 4.0.
- Used for Specific units only.
- Stops Main Weapon Use on main caster unit.
- Stops Vehicles from moving.
- Situational defensive use.

[Israel And Turkey] :

[Miraia (Mirror) "Prsim" Technology]

+ Good Vs All Ground and Naval Threats - Depends on unit and its prism output cap.
+ When used defensivly multipile link towers can increase damage output.
+ Can Hit multiple Targets.
- High Recharge Time while using in offensive means.
- Weapon armed units are mostly fragile.

[Wide Use Range Of Stealth Technology] - [Israel Only] :

+ Units are stealth-ed will moving and being idle or on guard.
+ Can Re-stealth faster after the unit De-Stealth.
- Units need to De-Stealth to fire their weaponry.
- Used for specific units only.
- Some units needs to achieve either veteran or elite status.

[H.E.B.W (High Energy Based Weapons) Tech] - [Turkey Only] :

+ Good Vs All Ground and Naval Threats.
+ May used on various unit with shell weaponry.
+ Can be unlocked when some units achieve Elite statues.
+ Can decrease enemy firepower by 10%.
- Limited Cell Spread Damage, CellSpread.MaxAffect= Depends on unit weapon power cap.
- Defensive structures that support this weaponry requires high power output.
- Need to keep infantry away from some units while firing as it may kill them because of the high temperature.

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PostPosted: Sun May 06, 2018 7:37 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

Hard for anyone to provide useful feedback when they havent played your mod.

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Joined: 27 Jul 2011

PostPosted: Sun May 06, 2018 7:51 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

@OmegaBolt: I understand that. This is more of conceptual thing which I will base off to make my units.

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PostPosted: Mon May 07, 2018 1:15 am    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

Are you asking for constructive criticism, ideas or both?

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PostPosted: Mon May 07, 2018 2:43 am    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

@lefthand: yes that is exactly it, constructive criticism and ideas if possible.

Sorry, I really did forget to mention this  Face palm!

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Joined: 08 Feb 2008

PostPosted: Mon May 07, 2018 4:40 am    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

I am not sure if I understand entirety of your mod, but here goes nothing. The entire kinetic, cyrogenic, prism, and laser seems complicated and overlapping and it places too much emphasis on weapon technology alone. I am not exactly sure if these weapon techs just apply to one unit, many units or some form of support power.

These are some of the qualities I apply to the Allies.

+ Firepower: Allies have some of the most powerful weapons.
+ Logistics: Allies have more support powers (i.e. paradrops, airstrike)
+ Transportation: (i.e. nighthawk, carryall)
+ Mobility: Country specific units can always easily transverse the land (i.e. hovercrafts, amphibious, helicopters, aircraft, teleportation)
+ Better Range with Weaponry: All units gain a 5% to 25% bonus in range.
+ Veternacy: Better training provides commanders with units that are already veteran (i.e. Germany can build veteran tanks)
- Lower Rate of Fire: All units have a ROF penalty of 5% to 25%
- Poor Energy Management: Allies can only build the power plant.
- Limited Ammunition: Extremely powerful weapons can not be fired frequently and use the ammo=yes tag.
- Limited Role: Very useful against X, but very useless against A, B, and C. (i.e. a sniper is only effective against infantry, a tank destroyer is only effective against armor)

So, if I had to make a unit specifically around most of these qualities, it might be something like a helicopter (mobility) that has a built in laser cannon (firepower) that is only effective against buildings (limited role.) This unit has great range(better range) but it would need to charge up it’s weapon first (limited ammunition.) I may also give it a secondary function just so it isn’t completely useless like having an open-topped slot for a single infantry unit.

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Joined: 27 Jul 2011

PostPosted: Mon May 07, 2018 7:33 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

@lefthand: Thanks alot for your feed back.

I honestly had made a misfire with the generalization that was intended in which you made effectively, thanks a lot Very Happy

The entire kinetic, cyrogenic, prism, and laser seems complicated and overlapping and it places too much emphasis on weapon technology alone. I am not exactly sure if these weapon techs just apply to one unit, many units or some form of support power.

As for their is to much emphasis on weapons, that was intended as I need to make a "Weapons/Tech-Mascot" for each country or group of countries. This defines the weapon technology advancement the groups quoted.

But yeah I see where is my problem at with the overlapping stuff.

As for complexity that was also intended, as this mod well is Semi-RL with some "fun" strapped to it in which your gona see lots RL made units with the Ra2 craziness. I will try to balance out this "craziness" as much as I can and not make the mod too complex.

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PostPosted: Tue May 08, 2018 3:35 am    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

@Bu7loos I think as long as you don't overly rely on just weaponry, you should be fine because "strategy" can also be translated into a unit. A chrono tank is just a regular tank until you add that teleporting feature...then it becomes something unique. That unit defines the Allies' strategy of mobility.

Case and point, I think it is boring if all of your "Weapons/Tech-Mascot"s are just tanks with different weapons.

Finally, I find the concept phase of modding the most exciting and wouldn't mind for you to share what else you have come up with.

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Joined: 27 Jul 2011

PostPosted: Tue May 08, 2018 10:26 am    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

Case and point, I think it is boring if all of your "Weapons/Tech-Mascot"s are just tanks with different weapons.

Well in the Real World you can find alot of copies of the same concept but with varying degree of specification and usage.

Imo the unit will not be boring if you can use it. I have created this sheet essentially as Concept/Ideas Tank so I can look back to it if want to take some out it or just add more ideas so I can use them later on in which All the more you brain storm and create. Plus, you never know when you get your "Yooreka !" moments will making a description for your units and even
while I am not on my laptop and doing something else mundane I get to think what can I add and what not. I hope this explains what I am doing a bit more.

I guess this why it is exciting , not to mention I have created another separate document with units intended for country in which I would add their description, here is an example :

                      [ Japan ]

[ A - Vehicles ] :

[ Type 74 'NanaYon (Seven Four)' Medium Tank ] :

Link =

Weapon = 105mm Rifled Gun.

Elite Weapon = 105mm Napalm / Armour Piercing Warhead.

Ability = A.U.R.A (Advanced Utility Reactive Armor) [Elite Status].

Role = Main Battle Tank.

Description = A Tank which was developed and manufactured my Mitsubishi Heavy industries to replace the Type-61. With Technology and components made it is as the same class as the M60A1 and Leopard 1. Once the tank achieves Elite Statues (Sargent Rank) it is authorized to activate its A.U.R.A which increases the tank armor by 25% and decreases speed by 25%. If there are other tanks which are near it they are also ordered to activate the A.U.R.A via the Elite proxy.

Plus, I am Currently figuring out the system that I am moving with and work-frame which complicates stuff  Confused  hence I wanted to make these documents to begin with.

Finally, I find the concept phase of modding the most exciting and wouldn't mind for you to share what else you have come up with.

Will do  Very Happy

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