Thanks, it worked.
But, unfortunately, the territory on the hills turns out to be corrupted.. Probably, there are too many details on my Oceania, and there is still not enough memory.
Friends, please report here if they patch RA2 on CNCNET and solve this problem. QUICK_EDIT
MMM is corrupted
Something wrong with territory on heigh 8. When I scaled the map to 256x256 the area was not damaged, however, it becomes damaged when you raise a lot of territory to level 8. In this case, all the territory that is not grass in the game changes the height level.
And sometimes error happens when moving units
Map with 256x256 terrain works fine with height 8. Attaching the tiles copied from the MMM map to the working map. With 9300 lines in IsomapPack5 after better compression, you don't have much room for further details. Can ask the CnCNet people to apply the patch to support larger maps.
That MMM map has other issues like preview/previewpack section headers are missing, content is present after digest section, etc.
Thanks for taking the time to fix this issue, however the map you posted is still broken. I would even say that it is even more corrupted.
I also tried to understand the problem, and found out that the more territory is raised, the more spoiled territory is obtained.
By lowering the level of part of the territory, I got a normal territory at level 8, however, the territory remained corrupted at level 12.
That is, the territory begins to degrade from top to bottom. And the more spoiled territory, the more territory is raised. QUICK_EDIT
Another problem has surfaced. The game throws an error when a unit crosses certain coordinates. Some diagonal line at the bottom left of the map. Approximately where the line passed, beyond which there were no details on the territory before the map was compressed through the map renderer. QUICK_EDIT
Just checked. I leveled the terrain on the left edge on the shared map and I was able to move the units from bottom-left to top-left and then to top-right and in reverse too. No problem, no crash. AI is also able to move units to bottom-left corner with a waypoint placed there. Terrain needs correction if it crashes on your end.
I suppose what you are calling as corruption is at the edge where you expanded and where one cell is at height 8 and next cell at 4 or 0. I haven't seen this problem with proper terrain and using compressing of the tiles pack.
Best would be to apply the patch to game exe, then even the compression methods won't be needed as those can't compress beyond a point and you won't be limited with map details. QUICK_EDIT
fa2sp is crashing when i try and use the ambient lighting controls, trigger action 72. _________________ visit my moddb profile for .shp downloads and stuff QUICK_EDIT
Nope, still does it. I should mention that I swapped palettes around, so all the other old art uses "Palette=lib" while the new Liberty doesn't, so that tag is not related to the problem.
The only thing unique at all about it is that it is using Theater= not the NewTheater= filenames.
Using Theater=yes means you have to use theater based file names like liberty.tem, liberty.sno, etc (did you create all the necessary files for the game/FA2?)
Structures that use Theater= are also considered by the game to be terrain objects like trees & rocks, which allows infantry to walk through them.
I dont understand why you would change a building from NewTheater to Theater? It's extra work & would introduce weird pathfinding o.0 _________________
Mig: Please, it's the Statue of Liberty, and it shows in normal FA2, your concerns aren't valid.
E1: It's not .shp it's .tem/.sno/.urb and like I say the commonality seems to be with the Kremlin wall is that it ignores the theater art. Again I bring this up because FA2 didn't do it before SP modifications, as you can see in the screenshots. I also tested on snow and temperate maps to be sure it wasn't constrained to any particular theater.
Also remember I reported how FA2 ignores my snow art (only the snow art) in cases where the files are direct overrides of RA2 assets with the same names, yet works fine if I use a different name with Image=. For the purposes of seeing the shit when map editing, I did end up changing the names.
So I'm tempted to think SP is trying to be "smart" and add limitations or re-classify things where there is no such need... the same way the CNC Map Renderer chooses the wrong palette for my Wall=yes terrain objects.
Buildings are unit*.pal unless otherwise specified.
Has nothing to do with filenames.
PS. To clarify, the Kremlin wall exists as both building and overlay, if it is removed from the buildings list, it would appropriately then become iso*.pal as any other overlay, but the building declaration takes precedence. This is true even though you place it from the overlays list on a map.
PPS. I have actually removed several other wall overlays from the buildings list and updated them to use iso*.pal since they serve no purpose being buildings if I can't place them in game... the Kremlin wall really does need the full range unit*.pal to look good however. _________________ QUICK_EDIT
That I couldn't tell you specifically, except that both RA2 and SE unit*.pal would show the walls correctly, the problem is that FA2 is choosing the iso*.pal for it... it is also Theater=yes like the Liberty.
I don't think you'd see any bad code, rather it's misapplying palette even though it is a BuildingTypes. My guess is once again the fact that it is no longer NewTheater=yes is throwing it off... I did that to retain the name while overriding the art in all cases.
I don't see any overlay palette manipulation code in FA2sp.
FA2 has its own set of bugs. Check your SHP files, if those have 0 radar color, it is skipped by FA2, so have above 0 values there, if file reading is issue. QUICK_EDIT
I have another booger you can probably fix. This seems to be a case where overlays that are either tiberium or rocks have their offsets fixed, however other overlays still use the wrong offsets...
Mix files loading order is made to work similar to the game in this update. With this change, problems like some artwork not visible in FA2 when it is visible in-game or snow theater showing other theater art etc. are expected to be resolved. QUICK_EDIT
Showing IDs in brackets were present from the very first of my releases of FA2sp. It is enabled when setting [ExtConfigs] -> BrowserRedraw=yes in FAData.ini. Otherwise FA2's original sidebar is used. When enabled, which techno is binned under which side/category is configurable by using [Sides] and [ForceSides] sections in FAData.ini. If BrowserRedraw.GuessMode options doesn't give satisfactory result, all techno IDs can be declared under ForceSides to your liking. It is configured to work fine for vanilla game, for mods you have to configure it.
Earlier you mentioned that only in snow theater, some art that was shown did not belong to snow theater. Can you confirm if that is fixed with the latest update? QUICK_EDIT
If BrowserRedraw.GuessMode options doesn't give satisfactory result, all techno IDs can be declared under ForceSides to your liking. It is configured to work fine for vanilla game, for mods you have to configure it.
Another bug when you have time... when you change lighting mode in the menu and then load a new map, it screws up the display for all the choices in the new map.
That GuessMode checks prereq/owner which isn't entirely reliable. That is why mods should use ForceSides to declare techno ID and bin those. By default -1 value is used to dump undeclared into Others category. If you want to force place some techno in Others, can declare -1 for it. You can add more categories also in Sides section and use its index to bin the technos. Enabling FA2sp's sidebar gives flexibility but needs few minutes of effort per mod.
Lighting in menu is experimental, check lighting and return it to No Lighting. QUICK_EDIT
Well my point was that it seems to guess just fine for 3 of the 4 technotypes, so what's different?
NCMIN is in the other list despite being the new FreeUnit attached to the Allied refinery, so I could see that being tricky to guess without being buildable, but that would be fine.... what makes the Rhino and Halftrack especially confusing?
Also given that virtually all civilan units have Prerequisite=NAWEAP I don't see how this is a vanilla vs mod issue.
PS. I should add that basically all my player units have Owner= houses listed only for their particular side, with a few exceptions being all houses as they are a neutrally buildable unit with captured techs and such. _________________ QUICK_EDIT
Guess means it could fail, modders could use different variations from vanilla game.
I removed prereq based guess from FSP for FinalSun (though I wanted to remove guess mode completely) and then put all technos in ForceSides (took about 10 minutes) for FinalSun package. QUICK_EDIT
Well again, I'm looking at it like a logic problem, it's doing something correctly for all the other TechnoTypes, but it's either making some assumption or doing something differently for VehicleTypes, that I fully expect is fixable...
The prerequisites are set correctly, so if that's what it was based on, it should work, and it does appear to. The only confusion I could see is that FA2sp is assuming the generic prerequisite section values instead of reading them. I have clone/aux factories that use the FACTORY and TECH distinctly different to vanilla. That's where I would look first.
Of course, like I said, even in vanilla, all the civilian assets use NAWEAP and thus would appear to be Soviet units by that alone, and indeed all the civilian units are in the Soviet folder.... but you said it was designed to work with vanilla, so I don't understand how those two can be true at the same time. _________________ QUICK_EDIT
First, technos declared in ForceSide are considered as with known sides, then buildings are checked for AIBaseplanningSide. The remaining go through guess. As per the code there is no difference in treating infantry/aircraft/vehicles. Even for vanilla game, guess doesn't work correctly, so there are technos in ForceSides. The more you declare in ForceSides, the less guess is used. For mods, it is one time effort of few minutes. QUICK_EDIT
I look at that browsercontrol code but it hides how the generic prerequisites are loaded.... and I can't find the code for it.
PS. when I asked Secsome to fix that snow art bug on Github you just fixed, he closed the issue saying the next major release will have a whole new file loading engine, whenever that will be released. And poking around, the early biulds of that next release are going to be YR-only apparently. _________________ QUICK_EDIT
It is Secsome's work that I took from his develop branch of FA2sp with revamped mix loading. I did several changes to it and made it for RA2 as well, that is what you have as current update. QUICK_EDIT
Ok so previous versions never complained about overlapping buildings when it was an invisible lightpost, but this one does. Is that a recent update by Secsome trying to be smart or did you maybe bugger something during your rework?
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