if you guyz didnt take the 2 hours to read the books dont reply to this cause the books were bad ass and harry potter the movie's are cool as ztype if you dotn like them go stick your hand in a electrical circuit.. QUICK_EDIT
I thought the 1st movie was dumb. Im not saying the book was dumb, because I never read it. The movie seemed childish to me, and it didnt really interest me. I havent seen the newest movie that just came to theaters yet though.
But you know what did interest me? Lord of the Rings! The fellow Ship of the Rings kicked ass! And now from what I saw from the trailer of the Two Towers, I can't wait till it comes out! I think Lord of the Rings RULES over Harry Potter even though their 2 very different movies. _________________ QUICK_EDIT
*sigh* well i loved the books and ive been reading for a good number of years now.....i must say tho gunslinger by Stephen king is still the best book out...
neways i havent seen teh second one YET considering i been hella busy....
also the first movie was aight but movies hardly EVER get all of the books zing wit them...
also LODR is bad ars no other words for it....two towers will kick any movies ass just like Fellowship kicked all movies ass when it came out..{even tho it was like 10 hours *sigh*} QUICK_EDIT
Well, I'll saty what I've told a lot of other people: undead badasses with no flesh that suck your soul out through your mouth and then eat you, and a scene where someone puts flesh cut from a dead, decaying corpse, somebodies' blood, their OWN ARM (Which they cut off then scream really loudly), and a human baby in a pot are not scenes that should be seen by small children. The first book was a little kid's book, because it was written for the author's kids and they were small. When she wrote the second one, they were older, and could handle things like people writing death threats on the wall in the blood of their victims (And, also, evilish voices going around saying "Killllll! I willl kiiilll!! Please let me kiiiiiiiiiiiillllllllll!!"), and the third and fourth ones were written when those kids were between the ages of, probably 13 and 16, so they're really gory and scary. You can't take small children to those movies.
I like LOTR, as well, but I found the books a bit boring (After reading the first two, I didn't feel like finishing the third, but I did), whereas the Harry Potter books are a lot more exciting and interesting.
Anyway, some parents are going to be in for a big surprise next year when the third book is released on video. I'm betting it'll be rated PG-14, but they might screw the ratings up. Nevertheless, naive parents will take their kids to the movies thinking it's just an exaggeration and have to live through a week of the kids not wanting to sleep alone because they're afraid they'll have their souls sucked out and their flesh eaten .
About movies to books, and such, you can't convert a book to anything else. It just doesn't work. With a book to a movie, the movies would be way too long, and you can't put in the other things, like what characters are thinking. Also, some people have different expressions, and it can be hard to tell when someone is looking suspiciously at a person (On screen), but there's no problem in a book.
Books to games are the same way, but for a different reason. Games just don't have the technology to do that, yet. Books, also, have too complicated plots. The only computer game I've ever played that was as good as a book was Neverwinter Nights, and the only movie that lived up to its book counterpart was LOTR and Harry Potter, but even LOTR and HP left out a LOT of important stuff they should have put in. Hell, Tom Bombadil wasn't even IN LOTR... He took up 100 pages! QUICK_EDIT
Whos this Tom guy? Nevermind I asked that, I dont really care... I dont think I have ever read a book from cover to cover... Thats why Literature skills are poor. O wel mi englih scills cume frum teh etnter nit . I havent really found a book that interests me. If im to read a book, it has to start off with action. The actions has to contiune through the whole book, otherwise I will get bored and just, leave off where the action stopped. Your right Kane, theres no way you can fit everythig thats in a book, in a movie. Well actually it is possible, but the movie probably would have to be a 12 to 24 hour movie :p _________________ QUICK_EDIT
To Eternal: Tom had a book written about him? Damn, I gotta read it
Tom Bombadil is one of the single coolest characters in LOTR... Almost as cool as ye' olde' Gandalf, actually. Tom Bombadil rescues the trio from some crazy tree that's trying to eat them, and he lets them stay at his house. He is the only person in middle earth that can resist the call of the Ring. He actually puts it on and holds it in his hand for a while. Even FRODO couldn't do that without going nuts, and in the end, he-- Well, I'll not say that, for the benefit of those who haven't read the books (Trust me, it's a hell of an ending)... Tom was about 100 pages in the book, and he's the only way they got out of the forest.
I think the LOTR movies focused too much on fighting and combat. I mean, they left out all the interesting story, like in that freaky forest and such. They just went straight to the swordfights, but then, the were catering to the general audience, not those of us who read the books...
Since it is this topic, does anyone know anything about the 5th HP book? I thought that was supposed to be out here in N.A. a year ago @.@ QUICK_EDIT
Yea, I just saw it. The first one WAS pretty childish, but once we get into the whole soul-sucking-out parts of the third movie, it's going to take a sharp turn from that QUICK_EDIT
erm i just went to see the 2nd movie and man dobby is da man too bad he not so bright or he coulda really whooped up on mo fo i mean malfo... QUICK_EDIT
Joined: 11 Jan 2003 Location: Floating along the river Stix, just about inside Hades but not quite there.
Posted: Wed Jan 15, 2003 6:05 pm Post subject:
question how did Lord of the Rings get in with Harry "Crap" Potter? _________________ Tiberian Sun Hidden Shadows Mod Leader and Overlord of PPM. Bow down and repent to your master. And go bake me some cookies!
Joined: 11 Jan 2003 Location: Floating along the river Stix, just about inside Hades but not quite there.
Posted: Wed Jan 15, 2003 6:11 pm Post subject:
oh sorry forgot my address:
Fourth stop Knoxville, TN _________________ Tiberian Sun Hidden Shadows Mod Leader and Overlord of PPM. Bow down and repent to your master. And go bake me some cookies!
Joined: 11 Jan 2003 Location: Floating along the river Stix, just about inside Hades but not quite there.
Posted: Tue Feb 11, 2003 2:09 am Post subject:
well this thread came to a quick halt _________________ Tiberian Sun Hidden Shadows Mod Leader and Overlord of PPM. Bow down and repent to your master. And go bake me some cookies!
I'll keep my mouth shut on this subject just because I have a really strong opinon on harry potter which some would not like. _________________
All hail me
Joined: 11 Jan 2003 Location: Floating along the river Stix, just about inside Hades but not quite there.
Posted: Tue Feb 11, 2003 6:31 pm Post subject:
yes spit out the whole bucket of beans, tell for cryin out loud _________________ Tiberian Sun Hidden Shadows Mod Leader and Overlord of PPM. Bow down and repent to your master. And go bake me some cookies!
I find harry potter to be a worthless peice of crap. All of the book's are way below my reading level and not worth the time ot paper they wre wrote on. THe movies blew something big and were even more worthless than the book's. I have even gone to the extent of burning harry potter item's in my house just because it looked at me funny. I also think that anyone who watche's this crap or read's it should be dragged into the middle of the road and shot as garfeild the cat would say.
Now I warned you that I had a very strong offensive opionon on this subject matter. _________________
All hail me
Joined: 11 Jan 2003 Location: Floating along the river Stix, just about inside Hades but not quite there.
Posted: Tue Feb 11, 2003 9:33 pm Post subject:
yeah tell them stupid dolts about Harry potter and his fat ass, how he aint nuthin _________________ Tiberian Sun Hidden Shadows Mod Leader and Overlord of PPM. Bow down and repent to your master. And go bake me some cookies!
Joined: 11 Jan 2003 Location: Floating along the river Stix, just about inside Hades but not quite there.
Posted: Tue Feb 11, 2003 9:44 pm Post subject:
sorry i didn't mean to i was just jokin _________________ Tiberian Sun Hidden Shadows Mod Leader and Overlord of PPM. Bow down and repent to your master. And go bake me some cookies!
The books are below anyone's reading level. They're about average with most Tom Clancy books I've read, and Clancy books are about an average reading level. And, personally, I liked the movies (Not the best movies I'd seen, but they're were good adaptations of the book).
If you ACTUALLY think Harry Potter books are below your reading level, then you must have read the first four pages of the abridged version of the first book, and then stopped reading. QUICK_EDIT
hey.. i guess ill bring this topic back to the top and start some more arguments but ya, i read the first book of harry potter when it came out and i dont know but i didnt really like the whole storyline and plot... if you ask me a book about wizards should be mroe dungeons and dragon like ya know?
and i know a couple here have read part of this series but ill ask anyways, has anyone read the 'redwall' series? personally i love it and i still haven finished all the books (theres like what.. 12 of them :S) hey banshee, remember GWredwall? yep.. guess where he got his name lol, what ever happened tothat kid anyways? another great book wich i guess is already a trilogy is Among the Hidden.. now that was a good sci-fi ish book QUICK_EDIT
The like the dragonlance book's it's great it's publiched by wizards of the coast whom own the rights to dungeon's and dragon's I've read about 12 of the book's but there are still many more I need to read. I think their great it has wizard's elves dragon's, and gnome's wat more could you want plus exciting story line's _________________
All hail me
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