Update 2.6 is here and comes with it the long awaited naval expansion! Ship warfare is now available as well as many visual improvements, maps, and campaign chapter 3 making the game more polished that ever!
Campaign - Chapter 3
The next chapter of the second tiberium war story is complete. Follow the story revealing the identity of the assassin, the voyage into naval warfare, and the realizing of Kane's diabolical plans!

Naval Warfare
Now available will be the construction of the shipyard as well as three ships available for each faction. The Skiff, Hammerhead, and Triton is available for GDI and the Striker, Cyclone, and Nemesis for Nod.

Though Naval combat is now available it was never intended for original Tiberian Sun. I tackled this challenge and have been able to make it nearly bug free but there are a few issues that I was unable to remedy. Here are some known issues that exist that as far as I know are not fixable:
- Carryall bugs out when trying to lift naval ships (so don't do it)
- Jumpjet soldiers will only fire upon naval ships if they are near land
- Water pathing is not perfect and some complex maneuvers around shores and cliffs with ships will not work. (happens sometimes)
- Shipyard shares construction que with war factory
Overall they are minor issues but if I find a way to counter them I will.
Extreme Terrain Expansion
The Tiberian Sun Extreme Terrain Expansion has also made it’s way in the game and the new campaign missions have made use of it. You will see much more detailed city environments with new buildings, roads, and canals. Sadly no skirmish maps make use of it yet but there will be in the future! I would also like to thank the developers of the terrain expansion, it was a ton of work to make this asset pack and making available to the public is spectacular!

Weapon Effects
I've made several changes to weapon such as fire effects are much more visually satisfying but the largest improvement is bullet fire. I've completely overhauled all bullet fire from light infantry to heavy turret fire and now bullet ricochet will reflect the surface they are hitting including sparks and light. I've also improved the veteran upgraded weapons of the Phoenix and Artillery to make them much more satisfying.

Major Changes:
- Campaign (Chapter 3) Released
- GDI Shipyard now available
- Nod Shipyard now available
- Skiff (New Unit)
- Hammerhead (New Unit)
- Triton (New Unit)
- Striker (New Unit)
- Cyclone (New Unit)
- Nemesis (New Unit)
- All bullet fire has been overhauled including visuals and particle effects
- New multi player maps and improved originals for use with naval combat
- Improved atmosphere lighting options
- Fire animation color palette has been improved (the first of many)
Minor changes:
- (Campaign 7) Destroying land mines will not be required to complete mission
- (Campaign 10) will no longer display - Trigger Activated -
- Multiplayer lighting option changed to atmosphere and more choices available
- Ion cannon has smaller blast radius but has shorter cooldown
- GDI color palette modified to be more blue that purple
- Marine weapon sound changed to be less annoying
- Raider does more damage versus everything
- Artillery Voice changed and veteran weapon improved
- Phoenix veteran weapon improved
- Missile speed and accuracy improved
- Khetana regenerates quicker while standing in Tiberium
- Obelisk of light charge audio improved
- City lamp sizes reduced 20% to be more realistic
- Dual lamps for cities were added
- (Map) Atlantis expanded to allow for naval combat
- (Map) Mirage expanded to allow for naval combat
- (Map) Shoreline expanded to allow for naval combat
- (Map) Treasure Isle (3 Player) added
- (Map) Snowland (6 Player) added
- (Map) Avalanche is improved
- Flametank icon Improved
- Jumpjet icon Improved
- Raider icon Improved
- Droppod upgrade icon Improved
- Ion Reactor icon Improved
- Viper icon Improved
That is all for this update and I'd like to thank you for supporting this project over the years as I've been passionately working on it.
- Ever_Valiant