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Unofficial Big Bang Patch 1.04 (0.4) has been released!
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Supreme Banshee

Also Known As: banshee_revora (Steam)
Joined: 15 Aug 2002
Location: Brazil

PostPosted: Wed Nov 10, 2021 5:39 am    Post subject:  Unofficial Big Bang Patch 1.04 (0.4) has been released!
Subject description: Kane lives in Wrath! Kane lives in Wrath! --- Wait, this is not the correct quote!
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Egozi44 has recently released patch 0.4 for Unofficial Big Bang Patch, which is a balance mod for Command & Conquer 3: Kane's Wrath. You heard it right, Kane's Wrath expansion, the one that has no official mod SDK. Here are the release notes featuring the additions of this version:

Unofficial Big Bang Patch 1.04 (0.4) is out!

I originally planned to release this as a hotfix version in less than a month after the release of 0.3 but things happened (things some of you might be happy about).

This version is mostly about improving the existing stuff the mod already has and fixing some bugs and balances issues some of you addressed to me for a long time now, but as result, it has less focus on adding new units to the mixer though I did was able to somehow squeezed in few new stuff.

New version previews:

The full changelog can be seen above if you're interested, but if you want some light version here's a quick summed up list of what you can expect in the new version:

QoL changes:

Some bugs and crashes were fixed;
My first few weeks of working on 0.4 were mostly about pinpointing what caused the AI to CTD the game which took a lot of time to test, and as result, the AI functionality with two support powers and garrisons squads in epic units were tuned down a bit.

New functionality to some units:

Units such as the Assault Rider and the Cyborg Commando now have new stuff,
For example, Assault Rider will now switch to electricity bolts under the Ion Storm's effect

while the Cyborg Commando now has a chance to survive death by losing its body parts and becoming a disabled crawler like it originally could in TT, but instead of being some unless hijacker it now can suicide in enemy's units while dealing 6000 grenades damage!

Improved visuals:

The main menu was changed to fit the Big Bang's spirit (you can see the stuff I've tried before the final result here),

Some visuals and effects were improved,

Some units now have their own debris models,

And some old models and their animations were edited a bit by your truly to make them look a bit better than what they were in their original states such as the MARV, Steel troopers, Zone troopers, and Cyborg commando

New units:

Reaper 17 now got their own commando, the Exterminator Wink

And while it may be kinda sophisticated to say that, some of you can count the Cybernetic Husk the Cyborg Commando spawns as a unit by its own

Some more edits to the camp:

In the last mission, you now start with the Cyborg Commando at your disposal, and some bugs that were in the original game were fixed.

And last but not least it's really recommended for you to use the 4GB patcher Medstar has made or the mod will most likely ganna crash in your face while you're in-game, and also be sure to try his launcher fixer if you're one of the poor souls who got the game via Origin.

If you have any issues running the mod first see this guide and if it didn't help you can open a thread in the mod's forums or report in our official discord server,
And if you feel like it, you can peek on the mod official site just cause it exists.

Also if you having fun and take the mod in high regard, a small review will always be appreciated.

That's all commanders, now have fun Smile.

So, that's it. Head to their ModDB Profile to download the latest version of this mod and use it together with the 4GB patcher to make sure you will be able to run it with no problems. And have fun!

Key Words: #News #Release #TiberiumWars #KanesWrath #UnofficialBigBangPatch 

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