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European Chronicles: The New Year Resolution
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Supreme Banshee

Also Known As: banshee_revora (Steam)
Joined: 15 Aug 2002
Location: Brazil

PostPosted: Sat Jan 01, 2022 5:21 am    Post subject:  European Chronicles: The New Year Resolution
Subject description: Our new year direction will be more assertive with an improved Galian Command Center!
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Hello! GLATechGeneral, the leader of European Chronicles, has recently posted some of the progress done with European Chronicles. For those who are not acquainted with it, European Chronicles is a total conversion mod for Generals: Zero Hour based on Valkyria Chronicles. In the year 1935 E.C., the continent of Europa is dominated by two superpowers: The Autocratic East Europan Imperial Alliance in the east and a commonwealth of loosely allied democracies known as the Atlantic Federation in the west. The economies of both powers depend on a precious multipurpose mineral called Ragnite. Its growing scarcity resulted in the Empire declaring war on the Federation, sparking the Second Europan War. Here is what you need to know about the progress on European Chronicles:

Happy New Year, Everyone! It's me GLATechGeneral, the sole creator of this mod, basically, I am handling all the needs including 3D Models, 2D Artist, Coding, and many other things. Of course, this won't be easy without the help from ZH modding community.

First and foremost, I need to apologize. I knew that back then I said I will release the mod this year. Turns out not everything could go according to plan. Besides this mod development, I need to work on my job so it's lately has been pretty hard to keep a steady pace on development.

The things holding back the development are the lack of coding and resources. I spot a lot of Bugs on recent tests, also I found models and textures got really bad when they're being put in the game, I basically need to remake a lot of things. Thus, I decided to postpone the release and polish this mod a bit for the better. Like the Gallian Command Center for example.

This would mean some things that were not planned on the Beta release would be added, including the Special Valkyria Units, Infantry Heroes, and many more.

As for now, besides developing the new units models and custom animation, I am also revamping the old models. Sometimes it's giving better details on the model or remaking the texture. I will give it my best effort.

Happy New Year Everyone!


You can find more information about European Chronicles by visiting their ModDB Profile. And that's all for now!

Key Words: #News #Generals #ZeroHour #EuropeanChronicles 


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