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Galach Alphabet on Rénventer la Dune!
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Supreme Banshee

Also Known As: banshee_revora (Steam)
Joined: 15 Aug 2002
Location: Brazil

PostPosted: Thu Feb 03, 2022 9:28 pm    Post subject:  Galach Alphabet on Rénventer la Dune!
Subject description: Ensuring a good Dune encryption that Google Translator will not handle!
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Hello ladies and gentlemen! Unoreggio, the leader of Réinventer la Dune, has been busy recently working on the Galach alphabet that will be featured on this mod and shared its progress report with us. For those who are not aware, Réinventer la Dune is a total conversion for Command & Conquer 3: Tiberium Wars that brings the Dune universe into it. He who controls the spice controls the universe. Here are the official words about it:

Often happens that you watch a movie or serial about deep space, or play a game on the same topic, and you notice an interesting fact - alien civilizations from another galaxy write for unknown reason in quite our earthly Latin alphabet. Moreover, in some low-budget series they are not just in Latin, also in our very earthly English. How aliens can know him? And why they suddenly, being millions of light years from our earth, decide to use it at all? Was seen in Hollywood movies?

Few people think about it, but if the action does not take place in our reality, then the artefacts of our reality, like the alphabet, cannot appear there in any way. No, of course, the inhabitants of other worlds certainly have their own script, but who said that it should resemble ours?

And when you watch the aforementioned low-budget series, and there on an alien starship there is a completely otherplanetian inscription, such as “MSS-1802”, and even a clarification that this is a “Cruiser” or “Destroyer” ... yes, there is no doubt that this starship is very otherplanetian.

As for Dune, this world, of course, has its origin from our earthly, but this is a distant future, when there are no longer any modern countries, nationalities, languages ??and religions. Writing over many millennia must also either change significantly, or even be invented new. And it is very good that somebody not forget about it. If you remember, in the game “Emperor: Battle for Dune” in the initial menu of the game in the background you can see unfamiliar symbols running. And if you watched the 2021 movie, then there were inscriptions in an unfamiliar language on the tombstone and on the control panel of the ornithopter. Unfortunately, for some reason, some people miss this moment, and for unknown reason they push the usual terrestrial Latin alphabet into the Dune universe.

To make my Dune look authentic as possible, I make a whole alphabet for the Galach language. But it will not be an incoherent set of characters, as in "Emperor", but a completely meaningful text. Here is a comparsion of the new alphabet to Cyrillic and Latin so that you can also read it:



This alphabet is not serious linguistic research. I made it for my mod, just for styling. You can use it for your projects if you want.

If anyone knows how to make fonts for Windows, I would be very grateful.

Styling example:

You can learn more about Réinventer la Dune by visiting the ModDB Profile. And that's all regarding Réinventer la Dune for now. Stay tuned at PPM for more news about Réinventer la Dune!

Key Words: #News #TiberiumWars #ReinventerLaDune 


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