*Graphics & Cameo by Kerbiter
Skimmer MLRS
Affiliation: Talon Ops
Weapons: High-Explosive Rockets
Role: Heavy Anti-Armor/Anti-Air Fire Support
Cost: 1500
Speed: Fast
Armor: Medium Plating
Hitpoints: 200
Movement: Amphibious
Requirements: Armor Facility or Naval Port & Tech Bureau
Additional Info:
- Replaces the Archer MLRS for the Talon Ops
- Can be produced in both Armor Facility & Naval Port
The Skimmer MLRS replaces the Archer for the Talon Ops arsenal. Upgraded to be able to move across land and sea the Skimmer offers additional anti-armor bombardment from both land and sea. The modifications made also allows the Skimmer to be available for production in both Armor Facilities,Naval Ports and the Naval Outposts fielded by the Talons Ops.