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Réinventer la Dune: Alfabet Correction
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Supreme Banshee

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PostPosted: Sun Mar 06, 2022 8:42 am    Post subject:  Réinventer la Dune: Alfabet Correction
Subject description: The best way to learn the proper language to used the spice to control the universe!
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Hello everyone! Unoreggio, the leader of Réinventer la Dune, has recently shared some progress regarding the alphabet used in this project with the public. For those who are not acquainted with it, Réinventer la Dune is a total conversion for Command & Conquer 3: Tiberium Wars that brings the Dune universe into it. He who controls the spice controls the universe. Here are the official words about it:

Before I alreday introduced alfabet what I will use for styling. Some of that letters looks good in middle of word, but not so good if use them in front, as capital. So I added some new or change looking of them.

1. Imperial I.
Letter "I" in previous version looks "empty" if place it in front of word. But in Dune universe words like Imperium, Imperia, Imperator, Imperial, or name Irulan started exactly from this sound. So need to add more monumental looking letter to place t in front of that words.

This letter also can be used in middle of words as "Long I" (like "ee" in English, "ie" in German, "?" in classic Latin, ...)

2. Kapital K.
Standart "K" also looks "empty" in front of words. But from this sound started Caladan, Kaitain, Corrino. So there is capital form of this letter. But, compare to Imperial I, this is not another letter, this is same letter, just different font styling.

3. Grand G.
This sound also using in some proper names (Giedi, Gesserit, ...), so need to make capital style. Same as Kapital K - not another letter, just different font.

4. Nominal N.
Another styling to make it not looks so empty.

Grammatical Explaining.

1. Double letters.
In Dune Universe using double letters in some proper names (HarkoNNen, aRRakis, GeSSerit, RaBBan, ShaDDam, CoRRino, ...). To write it shorter, you can place "double moon" in top of that letter. So, if you see letter with "double moon", you will know, this letter need pronounce like double.

2. Yoting / Joting.
If you want to write vowel with [j] sound in front, no need to write 2 letters too, just add "segmented line" in top. If you want sound like "Ya" in English, or "Ja" in German, just write "A" with "segmented line".

Corrected font example:

You can find more information about Réinventer la Dune by visiting the ModDB Profile. And this is all we can offer for today regarding Réinventer la Dune!

Key Words: #News #TiberiumWars #ReinventerLaDune 


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