Got an issue with Mission 9's triggers. First instance of multiple crashes was when the Ion Storm begins when you try to hit the Nod outpost with bombers. After Enabling the Compatibility Fixes and loading a backup save file, I managed to squeeze past that crash-trap.
But then another repeated crash problem occurred when the rogue GDI unit attacks the Globotech Research Facility. I haven't been able to overcome this one. I attempted different rendering methods like TS-Draw, C&C-Draw, DDrawCompat and Dxwind...gave up trying other options after that lol. And also activated Backbuffer in Video Memory. No dice.
I suspect that I might have to start the mission from the very start, but I'm afraid of hitting the trigger-crash at the Ion-Storm segment again.
For Mission 10, I crashed multiple times when Loading a Save I made at the very start - but it was a Save file that had carried over from my Windows 7 Machine. I had a Hard-drive failure you see, but managed to rescue some of my files, including my Twisted Insurrection Folder and Save Files within. I was unable to Restart Mission 10 and begin a new save file, as it was an insta-crash from then on.
Also, back when I had my Win7 HD, I encountered consistent crashes on NOD mission "Compulsions" (the one where you need to Enter Kane's Temple). It was the Western GDI base. Whenever my units entered that base, it would Crash almost 30 seconds to a Minute in. And this was on my Windows 7 setup...dunno if I could replicate this error on my Win10 setup.
Anyways, I would greatly appreciate it if you guys could look into it, TI Team! All the best