After bulk converting vanilla ra2 temperate, i realized i accidently converted urban lmao:
after fixing some of it, i decided i didn't really like how the conversion turned out. the 80% resizing of those tiles don't look right. So i tried SMxReaver's edited version of mooman's temperate. And.. its cool, but i also don't like it:
The terrain just doesn't look right when scaled down 80%. not fan of the cliffs neither. It looks really great in ra2, but not resized my way. And i'm not gonna edit each tile to add better texture, too much work.
Im not deleting it, but im not gonna work on them unless someone wants it in his mod, i'll support and help.
So i found out that Mooman65's temperate itself, does look LOTS better then these 2 shown above. The texture doesn't blend with an 80% resize as these last two. Instead it keeps a nice texture. i just dont have a picture yet, stay tuned.
I'm also planning to create a tutorial on how i bulk converted terrain.