I created an updated map editor.
So, as most people know, the map editor has some issues. The special waypoints in TD are wrong due to some misguided dev putting in 8 multiplayer waypoints, and there are a bunch of random errors and usability issues.
In September 2020, Rampastring
took it upon himself to fix some of the most glaring issues, however, he soon stopped working on it, and on top of his fixes, his version also introduced a few serious problems.
I've finally decided to continue this project, and have added a bunch of my own fixes on top of what Rampa built.
So, without further ado, I present the C&C Remastered map editor, v1.4.0.0:
Full list of my added changes:
Fixed Overlay height overflow bug in Rampa's new UI.
Fixed tiles list duplicating every time the "Map" tool window is opened in Rampa's version.
Split off internal Overlay type "decoration", used for pavements and civilian buildings.
Added CONC and ROAD pavement. They have no graphics, but at least now they are accepted by the editor and not discarded as errors.
Sorted all items in the lists (except map tiles) by key, which is usually a lot more straightforward.
Split off specific separate list for techno types (units/infantry/aircraft/...) usable in teamtypes.
Removed the Aircraft from the placeable units in TD.
Removed irrelevant orders from the unit missions list (Selling, Missile, etc.)
Fixed case sensitivity related crashes in TD teamtypes.
Triggers without a Teamtype will now automatically get "None" filled in as Teamtype, fixing the malfunctioning of their repeat status. (seems I forgot this on the list on Github)
Added Ctrl-N, Ctrl+O, Ctrl+S etc shortcuts for the File menu.
Fixed double indicator on map tile selection window.
Fixed smudge reading in TD to allow 5 crater stages.
Added tool window to adjust crater stage.
Fixed Terrain objects not saving their trigger. Note that only "Attacked" triggers work on them.
Red Alert "Spied by..." trigger event now shows the House to select.
Added "Add" buttons in triggers and teamtypes dialogs.
Fixed tab order in triggers and teamtypes dialogs.
Fixed crash in "already exists" messages for triggers and teams.
Randomised tiberium on save, like the original WW editor does. (This is purely cosmetic; the game randomises it on map load anyway)
[EXPERIMENTAL] Added ability to place bibs. They won't show their full size in the editor at the moment, though, but they appear in-game as the full thing.