v 1.30 Change Log
New Units
-------Mostly original concepts and models, new sounds and voices, new special effects-------
- New Allied T3 Gunship: Prometheus Multigunship
-cost 2400
-Purpose: Advanced anti-surface / Light Unit Multigunner adaptation
-Arsenal: Proton missile silos x6; weapon adapting system
-When loaded with a light allied vehicle, the front-lower hull can borrow its arsenal, like the IFV with infantry.

- New Allied T3 Anti Bombardment ship: Amphitrite Cruiser
-cost 2600
-Purpose: Experimental Anti-Surface / Anti-Air / Anti-Projectile;
-Arsenal: Proton Splitter (divides into up to 3 branches of collider particle weapon upon primal impact); Quick firing particle cannon x 4; Sub-level sonic emitter;
-Special Ability: Chrono Velocity, reaches staggering speed;
-Carries a drone, Triton interceptor, circling the cruiser for anti-projectile;

- New GRF T2.5 Gunship: Pronoia Gunship
-cost 1900
-Purpose: Advanced anti-armor / Toggling Anti-Air
-Arsenal: Sonic cannons x2; Mini laser emitter;
-Medium Gunship toggling between AG and AA mode;

- Remade GRF Epic unit: Chione
-Weather control device is highlighted in the latest design.

- New Soviet T1.5 Infantry: Hover Cycle
-cost 800
-Purpose: Light amphibious assault, anti-surface
-A more advanced replacement of the mortar cycle. Fires the machine guns and mortar together, with special warhead to be s tesla shell.

- New Soviet T3 Anti Bombardment ship / sub: Ironclad
-cost 2800
-Purpose: Experimental Anti-Surface / Anti-Air / Anti-Projectile;
-Arsenal: Torpedo launchers x4 in the front hull; Tesla Coilgun prototype x6 for anti-naval combat.; Side-mounted Tesla stingers x 6 (AA); Ironfield;
-Special Ability: turns off all guns for submerging mode, no need to surface to fire torpedo.
-The most technologically advanced of the red navy, with Ironfield to nullify ballistic projectiles with high efficiency; toggling between sub and ship mode;

- New Empire T3 Transformer Anti Bombardment ship: Shokaku Heavy Cruiser / Shokaku Arial Cruiser
-cost 3200
-Purpose: Advanced Anti-Surface / Anti-Air / Anti-Projectile
-Arsenal: Emperor’s Spitting Device; Pulser torpedoes x2; Photon missile pods x2; Micro waveforce interceptors x2;
-Special Ability: Takes off, transforming to flight mode;
-"Soaring Crane", Following the success of the revolutionary AI-assisted giga-fortress prototype, this version simplified transforming mechanism while boosted mobility; besides the ultra-heavy energy weapon powered by the core generator, the cruiser installs even more traditional weapons;
- Remade Empire T3 Bombardment ship: Shin Shogun Battleship
-cost 3200
-Another battery in the front hull, making it 1.5 times of the bombardment firepower now, and 2 rapid kinetic guns for light air and surface defense.
- Nano reaction drone is now concealed in the rear chamber, released only when there is airborne target.
- Special ability is also modified. Now it will not have sail in straight line to crush enemy vessels but instead activate the shield for 8 secs and roam free, but it loses the ability to damage structures.
- Elite and Heroic units will have even more health and firepower (About 25% every stage), and the buffs stack in the next phase;
- Adding 1 advanced AI for each faction, (more personalities will come later): Direct Impact, Heavy Battalion, Artillery Division; featuring 400% income, epic and experimental units, multiple factories and rapid T3 tech climb;
- Original AIs will also spam more types of units;

-Visuals and sounds:
- New visual fx: all missiles firing will have more realistic trails; I am done with that flame arrow-like effect; all of giga-fortress’s weapons will have new effects, especially in heroic states, where the color tone will be lavender blue.

- New sound fx: Replace the ringing, annoying sound effect of Growler’s ball lightning.
- Chione and Kirov Bastion will descend from high altitude instead of rising from airbase upon production complete.
- Engineer-Multigunner APEV will now be able to repair structure;
- Apocalypse tank’s front tracks will now roll normally;
- All the language mistakes in description box (Except for some unknown reason that the prerequisite of Nano-Reaction Clouds won't display).
-Buff & Nerf
- ?Future Tank will skip the charging stage if not encountering any hostiles for over 5 secs, also with slower rate of fire but the same DPS; the cost will decrease from 3000 to 2800;
- ?Turbulence LCS will have about 15% weaker armor, but fire laser and launch Osprey at the same time; Shield range increases to 300
- ?Apocalypse Tank will have 1.25 times of overall firepower and cost will increase from 2200 to 2400;
- ?Reaper will now gain initial auto heal, 225% boost in anti-air firepower;
- ?Floating Disc will have 1.25 times of Armor but the cost will increase from 2000 to 2200;
- ?Queen Oni will have 0.8 times of anti-air firepower and cost will increase from 2300 to 2500;
- ??Giga-Fortress: god’s breath laser will sweep the ground for much shorter linear range but larger areas for each explosion node and can fire while moving, with 50% damage amount per area; add a psionic depressor in sky mode that radiates psionic energy to slowly harm all types of units surrounding it; firepower increased about 30% in naval mode; turning speed increase 100%. These enhancements are made considering giga-fortress’s stricter production prerequisite than its counterpart.
Download Link
Download Red Alert 3: Rejuvenation V1.30 - Mod DB
Note: The file name remains the same (as V1.0) for you to replace them easily.
Coming Next...
All advanced AIs for the next update:
Direct Impact
Talon's Grip
Lateral Disintegration
Heavy Battalion
Iron Sky
Concussion Inducer
Artillery Division
Mecha Storm
Maritime Swarm