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Red Counter Strike Infantry news - 1
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Supreme Banshee

Also Known As: banshee_revora (Steam)
Joined: 15 Aug 2002
Location: Brazil

PostPosted: Sat Sep 10, 2022 5:26 am    Post subject:  Red Counter Strike Infantry news - 1
Subject description: Read this news post before a Tanya operative blows it up with a C4!
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Howdy! Red Counter Strike has some interesting recent updates by their staff covering the changes on their infantry. Red Counter Strike is a modification for Red Alert 2: Yuri's Revenge with Ares that brings the vision of the mod\'s author into the game. That means, among other things, more realistic military hardware from the cold war era while maintaining the wacky technology from Red Alert 2, such as the prism, the tesla technology, etc. It also enhances the armor system, thanks to Ares, providing more combat roles for units, increasing the complexity of handling an army, and increasing the need to mix different units in battle. Here is the official announcement from Red Counter Strike:

Good to see you again, Red Counter-Strike mod followers! Today, I will be posting news about infantry and other changes related to them that will take place in Red Counter Strike:

First off, there will no longer be an Engineer as a Tier-1 utility/engineer infantry that captures structures and repairs bridges and buildings. The old engineer had been moved up to Tier-3 instead for a good reason too.

The allied Support G.I. and the soviet Combat Technician are now here to deal with the building capturing role as a Tier-1 utility infantry. They both are armed with Shotguns to deal with infantry threats if they come in too close to both units.

Allied Support G.I.

Soviet Combat Technician

Furthermore, they have peroneal laptop cases to aid in hacking any building's master control terminal and taking control of it without fully exhausting the unit like the original Engineer unit. Remember that one support GI or combat technician can hack and affirms control on one structure at a time. If another structure is hacked, then the control of the previous one is lost. It will take time for the laptops to recharge their batteries until you can send your units to take control of other structures. It is good to keep multiple support GIs or combat techs around because of the two recently mentioned reasons. You can also garrison both units inside garrisonable structures like bunkers, pillboxes, or civilian buildings to keep them from being harmed; if they are killed, the hacking link between the laptop and master control terminal will be lost.

Allied Support GI in control of a Structure:

Allied Support G.I. garrisoned inside a pillbox

The bridge's strengths will be tripled until the engineers arrive at Tier-3 to repair them. Also, there are numerous ways to get around a destroyed bridge, be it by using amphibious transports or utility helicopters available for both sides as a standard. Moreover, both units can be issued to enter each side's IFV for vehicle and building repair duties as they can install the modular turrets that can aid in such tasks in either the LAV-25 piranhas and BRDM-2s or the T-55 tanks.

To counter the aforementioned unit's hacking capabilities, Engineers are now equipped with beacons to either warp-in or paradrop a U-C/EW-AV (Unmanned Combat/Electronic Warfare Aerial Vehicle) drones.

Soviet and Allied engineers with respective drones

Both drones have Attack and/or Electronic Counter Measures mods. You can deploy them to change their configurations. However, they will have to land to do so. Here is a list of both drone's specifications:

On mode-2, the drones can cut the electronic link between the hacker and the building under his control, allowing it to be captured by another support GI or combat tech. Engineers can upgrade your low defenses by either adding extra layers of defenses or updating their weaponry, or even adding new abilities to them, like stealth/cloak detection.

A showcase of the upgraded allied low-tier defenses

Soviet Commissaires are the heart of any infantry lead assaults. They act as military police and political figures as well as field officers if needed. At rank 0, they can increase the rate of fire of all infantry units and some vehicular units by 10% and can call in BRDM-1s. The bonuses of said units are dependent on their rank, to which the higher the rank, the more bonuses commissaries has. Though it is worth noting that his reinforcements ability will cost more credits and take more time to call in as their rank progress.

Commissaires leading a group of conscripts while calling in a BRDM-1 attack vehicle

The allied hero Tanya is no longer referred to as an individual hero per-se. Now TANYA is an operative from the TANYA program. These elite female soldiers are rigorously trained for special operations and to serve as liaisons for HARDLOCK agents. Nearly every TANYA operative is armed with an XM-29 OICW and a beacon to call in an MQ-1 Predator for support, with the former’s usage seemingly obvious and the latter is typically deployed against buildings and vehicles; they are also equipped with latest electronic warfare pods that can be used against the aforementioned shutting down any unit or building. If the commander proved his/her competence, they could requisition another TANYA operator, thus increasing the number present on the battlefield. Also, it is worth noting that all TANYA operators are trained to withstand mentally and psychologically demanding; are also equipped with special masks to counter various viral weaponry and special suits to counter radiation effects or acid poisoning.

A TANYA operative and her MQ-1 predator drone buddy

A group of TANYA operatives

The arch-nemesis of TANYA operatives are VOYEVODA Operatives; they are highly trained soviet snipers part of the soviet union's special operation forces program VOYEVODA that focuses on training Elite female snipers. They ware a ghillie suit so as to blend with the environment. They are armed with the state-of-the-art 8KW laser sniper rifle potent against infantry and light vehicles. Also, they can be deployed to lay on the ground to shoot an overcharged shoot that can penetrate thicker vehicular armor and/or cause more damage, though they cannot sustain said shots for safety purposes.

A group of VOYEVODA Operatives

That is all that I have for you today, folks!

Stay Tuned for more! Red Counter-Strike out !!

You can learn more about Red Counter Strike by visiting the ModDB Profile. That's all, folks! Stay tuned at PPM for more news coverage on Red Counter Strike!

Key Words: #News #RedAlert2 #YurisRevenge #Ares #RedCounterStrike 


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