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Command And Conquer - World War
Moderators: Generals Moderators, Global Moderators, OpenRA Moderators, Red Alert 2 Moderators, Tiberian Sun Moderators
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Joined: 05 Oct 2022

PostPosted: Wed Oct 05, 2022 8:14 pm    Post subject:  Command And Conquer - World War
Subject description: Mod concept
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This is my concept for an CnC mod set in alternate universe where WW2 happened, but with many twists...

Synopsis: in 19th Century the ruins of a civilization called Antediluvian, are found all around the world starting a race between European powers, United States and even Japan to retrieve the incredible artifacts found inside them; that lead to an unprecedented technological development that quickly caught the attention of national military industrial complexes whom exploit the Great War to test them on the battlefield. Almost 2 decades later Germany and its allies deeds bring the world to a new Great War and the experience obtained by the application of Antediluvian technology, will reach a new peak of death and destruction.

Aesthetic: A mix of early-mid Cold War with retro futuristic elements.

Factions: there are two main factions Axis and Allies, each one divided into nations with their own units and meta, though the type of units are more or less the same with their own unique gimmicks

United States of America
Meta: Jack-of-all-trades and advance weapons
Unique units and gimmicks: Assault Helicopters, guided missile turrets, MBT with electro-thermal chemical guns that gave a longer range and more damage, miners teleport back to refineries once they are filled.
Super weapon: Matter Teletransfert (Chronospere)
Hero: JB, a commando that essential works like Tanya but heavily armed.

British Empire
Meta: Stealth
Unique units and Gimmicks: SAS (commandos with better stealth), Conqueror MBT (works like Mirage Tank)
Super weapon: London Fog (make units within AoE totally invisible)
Hero: Captain P. (an SAS with special Stealth field, armed with silenced Gun and explosives)

French Republic
Meta: Strong on Defense
Unique units and Gimmicks: soldier can increase defense like GI and Guardians, Vehicles can dig a hole to increase defense against ground units fire, Engineers can be used to dig trenches for soldiers Super weapon: Carcassone Device (French Iron Curtain)
Hero: Chateaux (an engineer that can place energy barriers)

Soviet Union
Meta: Mass Assault
Unique units and Gimmicks: infantry and vehicle are the cheapest, Conscript are spawned in squads of 5 men, Miners have larger transport capacity.
Super weapon: Baba Yaga (a holographic projector that generate a whole fake army that can be used as diversion or make believe to the enemy to have a larger army)
Hero: Shadow Witch (a female Sniper than can generate an holographic image of herself to trick enemy)

German Reich
Meta: Firepower
Unique units and Gimmicks: have access to Heavy Tank (similar to Maus but with two 120 mm guns) and Tank Hunter, Stormfaust (Rocket Launcher) units can use powerful High Explosive rockets to inflict more damage against lightly defended units, turrets have both a cannon and MGs, V1 platform truck
Super weapon: V-Storm (German Scud storm)
Hero: Major Sturmheim (a commando armed with an MG and a modified Rocket Launcher)

Kingdom of Italy
Meta: High Mobility
Unique units and Gimmicks: APC carrying 2 soldier and 2 rocket soldiers are spawned by Barracks, Arditi bike raiders (commandos on bikes armed with an SMG and a grenade launcher to damage building and vehicles), Folgore paratroopers (flying soldiers with jetpacks)
Super Weapon: Raggio della Morte - Death Ray (a device that slow down units within its AoE)
Hero: Mario and Gigi (Arditi bike raider, but use a very fast sidecar flying bike armed with an automatic grenade launcher)

Japan Empire
Meta: Amphibious Assault and Naval power
Unique units and Gimmicks: miners, transport vehicles and MBT are amphibious, Naval Dockyards produce units quicker, Frogman (amphibious commandos).
Super Weapon: (coming soon)
Hero: The Silent One (a Shinobi that work both as an assassin and scout unit)


Cold War: Nazi Germany have built a secret base in Antarctica to unleash weapon of mass destruction, will USA be able to destroy it? Introduce cold-climate theme maps new Allied and Axis Campaign respectively focused on destroy and defend Antarctic base.

Scorched Earth: Australia is on the brink of invasion; while China is on the brink of falling to the cause of its misfortunes 2 new nations: ANZAC (hybrid units) and Chinese Empire (incendiary weapons), also new maps

The Old Shadow: WW2 is over and all nation involved come out weakened. A movement called International Front For Africa and Asia Liberation (IFFALL), or International Front in short, exploit the situation to start a bloody struggle to end colonial oppression, but its real purposes are beyond politics and self-determination... A new campaign for British Empire, French Republic and ANZAC set in Africa and Asia.

The New Order: set in an Axis victory scenario, where the remnants of Soviet Union try to reunite Russia to expel German oppressor from its territories.

The Red Alert: Tension between Soviet Union and Allies reach the no-return point, who will win? A campaign inspired by Red Alert 1 with new 3 new nations: Spain Commune (tactical flexibility), Ukraine Soviet Republic (artillery) and Czechoslovakia Soviet Republic (tanks)

Sand Storm: the International Front wars did not spare Middle East. The old tensions no longer matter. Campaign and new factions Israel (long range attacks) and Levant Coalition (DPS)

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Joined: 09 Mar 2008
Location: Osaka (JP)/Hong Kong/Germany

PostPosted: Wed Oct 05, 2022 8:41 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

For our mod, we had such similar ideas to yours. We are still chipping away of having a synthesis of Evil Nazi Axis Reich Europe genociding everyone and everything that isn't WASP, and Good Peaceful Social Nudist Europe being overrun by "immigrants" (GLA), which seem to be the two dominant motifs about Europe these days. Like you, we thought keeping them separate as separate countries/(sub)factions would work, but it just doesn't mesh well. Maybe you'll manage it.

Mao Zedong wrote:

Our mission, unfinished, may take a thousand years.  

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Joined: 05 Oct 2022

PostPosted: Wed Oct 05, 2022 9:37 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

Millennium wrote:
For our mod, we had such similar ideas to yours. We are still chipping away of having a synthesis of Evil Nazi Axis Reich Europe genociding everyone and everything that isn't WASP, and Good Peaceful Social Nudist Europe being overrun by "immigrants" (GLA), which seem to be the two dominant motifs about Europe these days. Like you, we thought keeping them separate as separate countries/(sub)factions would work, but it just doesn't mesh well. Maybe you'll manage it.

In my mod idea the Antediluvian artifacts are the fuel behind some of the events including the GLA-like faction that is interested in them for a third party.

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Joined: 05 Oct 2022

PostPosted: Mon Oct 10, 2022 9:35 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

Millennium wrote:
Like you, we thought keeping them separate as separate countries/(sub)factions would work, but it just doesn't mesh well. Maybe you'll manage it.

I don't understand what you mean with this.

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Cyborg Engineer

Joined: 06 Jun 2016

PostPosted: Fri Oct 14, 2022 1:56 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

So is this going to be an actual mod? I can tell you right now it sounds very ambitious.

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Defense Minister

Joined: 09 Feb 2015

PostPosted: Sat Oct 15, 2022 8:20 am    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

From what I've seen, the modders who pre-plan too much get discouraged quickly when they don't see enough progress to their mountain of work. It's one of those cases where smaller achievable goals are better, and once achieved the next phase can start towards new goals, whether that's new factions or new technologies. Planning isn't modding, even if it takes time....

What I don't see very often is mods laying out unit tiers, they are so busy trying to create a story that they skip past the core elements of gameplay. Like it would be a lot easier to flesh out a tech tree if you know what classes of vehicles each faction will have, what gaps they will have, and placeholders for specialty units. Those decisions are a lot easier if you focus on faction characteristics, which are easily translated to physical traits, like a tanky faction, or a mobile faction, or a ranged faction preference.

I honestly expect nothing from what I've read.


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