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Derphammer: Heroes of the Empire
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Supreme Banshee

Also Known As: banshee_revora (Steam)
Joined: 15 Aug 2002
Location: Brazil

PostPosted: Fri Oct 14, 2022 11:44 am    Post subject:  Derphammer: Heroes of the Empire
Subject description: Come fly with me! Let's fly, let's fly away!
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Welcome back, commander! Timnaka, the leader of DerpHammer, has recently posted some of the progress done with DerpHammer. DerpHammer is a modification for 0.a.d (Pyrogenesis Engine) that is inspired on the iconic Warhammer Fantasy, featuring factions, units and characters from it. Here is what was shared about it:

Each faction gets its own roster of 8 unique Heroes, powerful named characters that lead the armies into battle. Each Hero comes with a set of abilities and traits to make them distinct from another. Additionally, certain Heroes can become even stronger by unlocking their Mounts!
While many Heroes are meant to be direct parallels to existing Warhammer characters, some are original additions of mine, usually based on historical or mythological figures that fit the faction aesthetic.

(Note: Ability effects may change as development continues; Some abilities that affect specific enemy types may not be of much use for the moment as their targets aren't in the game yet)

Emperor Karolus Magnus IX, The Prince of Kaiserstadt

The current leader of the Empire and latest wielder of the DerpHammer, Karolus Magnus has worked hard to bring the weakened nation back to its full strength and beyond. Mounted ontop his two-headed griffon, he bravely leads the forces of man against the horrors that threaten them.

Traits and Abilities

  • Leader of Men: Human units accross the map deal additional damage

  • Silver Seal: Nearby units gain Magic armor

  • Anti-Large: Deals additional damage to large units

  • Causes Fear: Enemy units deal less damage (requires Griffon Mount)

  • Flight: Able to cross every terrain (requires Griffon Mount)

Mount Progression: Horse -> Demigriff -> Griffon

TODDY, Baron of Wolfland

Toddy leads the imperial province of Wolfland. Brash and reckless, his many tall tales of slaying terrible beasts have made him popular among many soldiers. Most famous of these stories is his ongoing rivalry with the dreaded beastman Kaz'mahr who cost Toddy an eye long ago.

Traits and Abilities

  • Inspiring Presence: Nearby units deal additional damage

  • Cardio beats Chaos!: Nearby units move faster

  • He took my F*#KING Eye!!!: Beastman units deal less damage

  • Anti-Large: Deals additional damage to large units

  • Anti-Infantry: Deals additional damage to infantry units

  • Beastslayer: Deals additional damage to beasts and beastman units

Mount Progression: Horse -> Demigriff

Julius Sigismund II, The Warrior Pope

The zealous leader of the Church of Siggy, Sigismund leads an eternal crusade against the various dark forces within the Empire's lands. No demon, vampire or necromancer may escape his wrath as he banishes them from this earthly plane.

Traits and Abilities

  • Inspiring Presence: Nearby units deal additional damage

  • Holy Presence: Undead and demonic units slowly lose health (also affects own units and allies)

  • Regeneration: Slowly regains health over time

  • Flaming Attacks: Deals additional damage to flammable units

  • Exorcist: Deals additional damage to undead, demons and wizards

  • Horn of Siggy: Enemy units deal less damage (requires War Altar Mount)

Mount Progression: Horse -> War Altar

Otto von Bulwark, The Iron General

Emperor Karolus' most trusted general, Otto is a brilliant tactician and has brought victory to many battlefields. It is thanks to him that Karolus was able to rally the many militias of the imperial provinces into one standing army.

Traits and Abilities

  • Inspiring Presence: Nearby units deal additional damage

  • Iron Drill: Nearby artillery gains increased accuracy and firing speed

  • Causes Fear: Enemy units deal less damage (requires Steam Tank Mount)

Mount Progression: Horse -> Mechanical Steed -> Steam Tank

Johanna Faust, The Dark Maiden

The daughter of Faust, a legendary wizard who met his doom after a making a deal with the demon Mephisto. Johanna has continued her father's research and accrued much mistrust for it. Nevertheless, her magical expertise makes her invaluable on the battlefield.

Traits and Abilities

  • Wizard: (coming whenever I implement a proper Magic System)

  • Causes Fear: Enemy units deal less damage

  • Dark Mistress: Undead and demonic units deal less damage

  • Flight: Able to cross every terrain (requires Pegasus Mount)

Mount Progression: Horse -> Pegasus

Van Hellsing, Vampire Hunter

Among the many witchhunters employed by the Church of Siggy, none are more famous then the legendary Van Hellsing. Skilled in the ways to fight the undead and armed with a repeater stake rifle, this mortal man strikes fear even in the otherwise silent hearts of vampires!

Traits and Abilities

  • Hellsing's Hunters: Nearby ranged units deal additional damage against undead unead

  • Garlic Necklace: Vampiric units deal less damage

  • Exorcist: Deals additional damage to undead, demons and wizards

Manfred Richter, The Red Baron

Many generals of the Empire ride mighty griffons into battle, but none do it the way that Baron Richter does. With a pair of repeater guns strapped to his mount's harness, he rains down a hail of lead upon his enemies, be they on the ground or in the air.

Traits and Abilities

  • Inspiring Presence: Nearby units deal additional damage

  • Causes Fear: Enemy units deal less damage

  • Flight: Able to cross every terrain

  • Anti-Air: Deals additional damage to flying units

Glurax, The Great Imperial Dragon

The Imperial Zoo houses many curiosities, among them the great fire dragon Glurax. Harnessing some kind of fondness for the race of man, he enjoys the care provided by the zookeepers and in return helps the Empire fight its battles every now and then.

Traits and Abilities

  • Flaming Attacks: Deals additional damage to flammable units

  • Causes Fear: Enemy units deal less damage

  • Flight: Able to cross every terrain

And that concludes the Heroes of the Empire!
Once again, the individual abilities may still be tweaked as I continue working on the mod.
Next up will be a detailed look at the Heroes of the Dwarfs.

See you then!

For further information about DerpHammer, visit its ModDB Profile. And that's all for now!

Key Words: #News #Pyrogenesis #DerpHammer 


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