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Mobius Map Editor is now available for download!
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Supreme Banshee

Also Known As: banshee_revora (Steam)
Joined: 15 Aug 2002
Location: Brazil

PostPosted: Tue Nov 15, 2022 1:07 am    Post subject:  Mobius Map Editor is now available for download!
Subject description: One huge, vast, large, and mega vision.......... and one purpose!
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Howdy! Nyerguds has published a new version of his CnCTDRAMapEditor, now renamed to Mobius Map Editor, called Mobius Map Editor For those unfamiliar with it, Mobius Map Editor is the original map editor from the Command & Conquer Remastered Edition, made by Electronic Arts/Petroglyph Studios, with Nyerguds fixes and improvements. It can be used to create maps for the remastered games and the original 1990s Tiberian Dawn and Red Alert 1 games. Here are the updates from Mobius Map Editor

Along with a name change, this version adds multithreading for heavy operations, support for TD mega maps and Sole Survivor maps, further improvements to the undo/redo function, a trigger analysis system for Red Alert, a statistics view function, and an image exporter.

All changes:

  • When your mouse cursor is inside the map bounds, and you press [Ctrl] in Map mode to enable bounds editing mode, your cursor will now immediately change to the Move cursor without requiring any mouse movement.

  • The status bar at the bottom will now explicitly mention the sub-position of the infantry under the mouse cursor.

  • When loading a map, if a map's file name identifies it as a classic single-player mission, this will no longer mark the mission as "modified" by the loading process. This will make it simpler to open classic maps for reference without getting a save prompt on close. Do note that lots of classic maps contain errors in triggers being linked to wrong objects, and the automatic fixes for that will still mark the map as modified.

  • Fixed issues with the editor window getting focused simply by moving the mouse over it. The main window can steal focus from the tool window but not from other applications.

  • In Waypoints and Cell Triggers editing mode, the PageUp, PageDown, Home, and End keys will now let you go through the dropdown items list. PageUp and PageDown will act as normal arrow keys.

  • In Waypoints editing mode, pressing [Shift] and a key will select special waypoints: [F]lare, [H]ome, [R]einforce, [S]pecial.

  • The shortcut keys to select the different editing modes (normally Q, W, E, R, T, Y, A, S, D, F, G) now work on keyboard position, meaning they will also work in the same logical way on AZERTY keyboards.

  • Fixed bug where the checked states of the Houses in the Map Settings would reset when changing the "Single-Player" checkbox.

  • The [Aftermath] section is no longer ignored in the map settings' Rules editor so that Aftermath detail settings can be added. The actual "NewUnitsEnabled" setting in this is ignored, though; toggling the expansion units can only be done in the Basic settings.

  • Undo/Redo tracking will now also undo the map's modified status.

  • Added support for the C&C95 v1.06 briefing line split format.

  • Added Tiberian Dawn Megamap support. (Sole Survivor map type)

  • Made the editor store its DLL mess in a subfolder as the retail version does.

  • Sole Survivor is now supported as a separate game type in the editor. Its waypoints include four special crate spawning hotspots. These maps don't support owned objects (infantry, units, structures) by default, though this can be re-enabled using the "NoOwnedObjectsInSole" setting in "CnCTDRAMapEditor.exe.config". Crates are always disabled, however, and cannot be enabled.

  • Changed waypoints to actual map objects, indicated using the green beacon graphic that was already used as an icon for the Waypoints editing mode. They can be disabled in the View menu.

  • Waypoint labels are now drawn at the bottom of the cell in the same style as the building rebuild priority labels. They can be disabled in the View menu, but like the building labels, they will not be drawn if Waypoints are not enabled.

  • Multiplayer starting points are now shown as colored flags. For TD, Nod's metallic blue will be used for the 7th flag (P6). For SS, which has classic color order configured, metallic gray is the 4th flag (TM3), and the new bright blue is the 7th (TM6). For both TD and SS, the 8th flag has its value hardcoded as purple from RA.

  • Waypoints now show a preview in placement mode.

  • On Sole Survivor maps, there is a special "Football goal areas" indicator that shows how much area around the flag needs to be left open to be paved with concrete in Football mode. These can be disabled under "View" -> "Indicators".

  • The game name of the opened map type is now shown in the title bar.

  • Changed the editor name in the title to "Mobius Map Editor".

  • Red Alert maps are now specifically detected in the presence of the "[MapPack]" section. If this is not present, and there is no .bin file, it loads as TD map without map templates.

  • Restricted Red Alert trigger and team type names to the same lengths as Tiberian Dawn; 4 for triggers, 8 for Teamtypes.

  • Pressing [Enter] in Waypoints mode will now jump to the selected waypoint.

  • Fixed a bug in the overlap detection system that made it always give "" for the overlapped cell on Terrain objects.

  • Split mods up into ModsToLoadTD, ModsToLoadRA, and ModsToLoadSS. Entries in the list no longer require the game folder prefix.

  • The Civilian buildings V12 and V13 (haystacks) are now also available in TD Winter theater.

  • The trigger "Any: Cap=Win,Des=Lose" is now also seen as a flag to autodetect classic single-play scenarios.

  • On Tiberian Dawn maps, the editor will now fall back to Temperate graphics when not finding the Winter graphics for the Haystack buildings/overlays. This happens the same way in the game since the original igloos that were supposed to be there were sadly not remastered.

  • Fixed a situation where triggers were selectable on unbuilt buildings.

  • Improved the look of the trigger info icon on Terrain object properties and in the Celltriggers window. This was already done on other objects.

  • Added a dialog for the image export where the user can select the specific layers and set the scale factor. There is a tool to set the dimensions in pixels, but the internally used metric is the scale factor, so the final size will not always match that input.

  • Middle mouse and space no longer make the cursor change on the map tile preview panel.

  • Added multithreading to all heavy processing functions. This means the window will no longer freeze up while loading or saving maps but will instead have all functions disabled while showing a little box that shows what it is doing.

  • In Celltrigger mode, if a selected trigger is already linked to objects, the trigger labels on these objects will be indicated in yellow.

  • Changed references to the "ConcretePavementTD" mod in "CnCTDRAMapEditor.exe.config" to its new name; "GraphicsFixesTD".

  • Changed tool clamping logic to only need a minimum size to remain inside the window rather than the entire tool. This minimum can be set in the setting "MinimumClampSize" in "CnCTDRAMapEditor.exe.config".

  • Steam publish dialog now has buttons to copy the map name and briefing from the mission easily.

  • Steam publish dialog description now properly supports multiline.

  • Steam publish dialog will now properly restore the location of a previously-used custom-generated thumbnail.

  • In addition to the Remaster's one "Text=" line briefing, the editor now writes the classic style briefings into maps too, as "1=", "2=", etc. lines split at human-readable length This classic-style briefing can be disabled with the setting "WriteClassicBriefing" in "CnCTDRAMapEditor.exe.config".

  • Directions for vehicles are now limited to 8, as they are in the actual game.

  • Re-enabling a building's "prebuilt" status on TD maps will now set the House to the classic opposing House rather than always defaulting to the first item in the list.

  • Added "Tools" -> "Statistics" menu to house the "Power Balance" and "Silo Storage" tools, and added a "Map Objects" tool giving an overview of used objects.

  • Renaming triggers and team types will now correctly apply the renames to all things linking to them.

  • Fixed a bug on RA triggers where Event 2 was not hidden if the first opened trigger was one that should hide it.

  • Added the ability to clone triggers and team types.

  • For Red Alert speech and sound triggers, the original filenames are now shown alongside the description.

  • For Red Alert text triggers, the text ID is now shown in front of the text.

  • Trigger and team type editing actions are now added to the undo/redo history. They will give a warning with a message box when undoing or redoing.

  • Fixed the fact the maximum number of triggers was set to 200 for Red Alert instead of 80.

  • Red Alert globals are now limited to 0 to 29 since that is how they are defined in the game code.

  • The editor now specifically checks for the presence of the [Basic] and [Map] sections to see whether a file is indeed a C&C map.

  • Added checks on triggers containing Events or Actions that don't have their required House/Teamtype/Trigger filled in.

  • The automatic clearing of the obsolete clear terrain in RA1 will no longer mark the map as modified.

  • Red Alert solo mission detection now correctly takes into account win and lose triggers set to non-player houses.

  • Added new indicator for "Map symmetry".

  • Fixed bug in reporting on which cell objects are overlapping.

  • When clearing a trigger from a unit or building, the error screen will now report the cell of the affected object.

  • Unit and structure reading now happen before terrain and overlay, so in the event of overlap, the units or structures will be preserved.

You can find more information about Mobius Map Editor by visiting the Official Website. Mobius Map Editor is available for download Here. And that's all regarding Mobius Map Editor for now. Stay tuned at PPM for more news about Mobius Map Editor!

Key Words: #News #Release #CommandAndConquerRemastered #RedAlertRemastered #CnCRemasteredCollection #TiberianDawn #RedAlert1 #CnCTDRAMapEditor.exe #MobiusMapEditor 


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